


Parkour, or freerunning, is the athletic activity of running in an urban area, including negotiating obstacles. The large jumps, rolls and change or heights make for an exciting challenge.

114 Questions

How many people have died while doing parkour?

There is no official statistic on the number of people who have died while doing parkour. Accidents can occur during parkour due to the high-risk nature of the activity, but the actual number of fatalities is not readily available.

What percent of people actually know what Parkour is?

how many people participate in parkour worldwide?


Is parkour illegal?

Parkour is not illegal. However, there may be legal implications for freerunners (freerunning is a form of Parkour, an urban sport of acrobatics and dance, rather than running from place to place) if they practice their sport without permission on private property or are found to be loitering in a public place. It is also illegal (and unethical) to use Parkour to flee from police, but this is no different than evasion without Parkour.

Who created parkour?

A french man by the name of David Belle is commonly attributed as the original traucer (a person that performs parkour). David Belle himself would say that parkour is not invented, but is a natural and primitive ability within everyone.

Where can you get parkour shoes?

You can buy Parkour shoes of Internet stores such as Ebay, or at Parkour workshops.

What are the physics of parkour?

In Parkour, GRAVITY is a challenge, or an obstacle to be overcome.

It would have been easy to wall-run without gravity, and chances of getting hurt is also less.

It would have been easy to do an Anti-Gravity KONG VAULT.

What is better for parkour adidas climacool or Reebok reeflex?

Either one you prefer the most; shoes are not that big of an importance in parkour; properly learning and doing the movements is.

How many calories will 45 mins of parkour burn?

depending on your weight you will burn more or less calories, but a male weighing about 150pounds should burn around 600-800 calories.

What are the most common injuries of parkour?

It all depends really, but I am assuming the most common injury would be just falling on whatever body part.

How to learn to do a side-flip without a trampoline for a beginner?

first you lean backwards, and swing your arms back.

then you bend backwards and try and touch the floor, and flipping your legs over. do this slowly at first. once you can master the easy process, you can do it really fast. easy strategies- 1. lean back

2. bend your legs

3. push backwards

Where can someone view extreme parkour videos?

An extreme video can be one that features extreme stunts or sports action. One can find extreme videos online on sites such as Dailymotion and YouTube.

Is parkour dangerous?

I've done park our since I've been 17 I am 21 now... Since I've started I've gotten two herniated back disks a shattered talus a broken wrist and my fare share of cuts and bruises. This last fall I had which has shattered my talus may keep me off sports the rest of my life. In the end Parkour has it's dangers if you do decide to do it acknowledge your limits go about it patiently with time and know you do have limits.

Is parkour and free runnning similar?

Parkour(which is what I do) involves running in a (relatively) straight line and not doing most of the aesthetics that freerunning involves. Parkour is really for getting from a to b as quickly and efficiently as possible. It was first made for a more efficient way to escape someone but has now turned into a sport. Freerunning doesn't have a designated path set and involves a lot of aesthetics (flips etc.) and is more of a way to show off. Of course parkour is kinda that way to. Hope that helps.


Listen to the guy above. But basically parkour is getting there as fast as possibale in a straight line (not having to go around thing but just straight over them instead). Whilst freerunning is where you do more trick (flips ect.) to show off abit more.

How long does it take to become any good at parkour?

Depends on how much you practice, like anything else.

A month of training can get you far, but the more advanced stuff shouldn't be learned until the basics are a part of your natural movement

Why do people do free running?

The only sport equipment needed to go jogging is a pair of good trainers - making jogging a very cheap form of free exercise. Jogging raises the heart rate and gets the circulation and the lungs working, though it is best to jog away from traffic pollution if at all possible. It is also additive to some people, who will jog in all weathers, and to a strict routine. Therefore, while it is not to everyone's taste, some people like to jog - simple!

Where did parkour start?

Parkour originated from a group of teenagers that lived in France that wanted to get there bodies into shape and get good focus ad what not. I know this cause im a freerunner also the teenagers group was calles the comakozi you can youtube it.

i heard david belle invented it.

WRONG! The Group was called Yamakasi, and it was started by David belle and Sebastien Foucan, it was transferred to a sport by Sebastien Foucan, and became more popular as he pushed for it's discovery, it was started as French Military training by Georges Hebert, who studied African tribes and how they moved fluidly around their surroundings. He called it the Natural Method, a way to perfect movement, and didnt become a "sport" untile Sebastien Foucan and David Belle created Yamakasi.

What is a person who does parkour called?

Traceur for male, and traceuse for females.

What are some good parkour shoes?

Each type of shoe will offer certain benefits; softer landings, more ankle support, etc. However, there is no "best" shoe for parkour; parkour is about the movements, and if you can properly do the movements; shoes are not that big of an importance.

What is the best way to learn to parkour?

Try Gymnastics training and weightlifting. While Gymnastics probably doesn't sound like it has any place in the action-packed world of Parkour, it really helps when you're navigating above, by, and through physical objects. Weightlifting is good practice too, considering that you will be doing a lot of climbing if you want to be very good at it the art of Parkour. Unlike gymnastics though, parkour is done wearing tanktops, loose fitting jeans, and sneakers, instead of a tight one-piece that looks like footed pajamas. Parkour is where you're navigating around, through, and above physical objects, whether it's a jungle or London rooftops. For practice, go to a vacant playground with a playset and practice jumping through holes, over rails, and try to swing your arms and land on your toes when jumping long distances. Remember though, start out slow. Nobody ever jumps six feet over a rail on their first parkour run. Message me for more Parkour questions. Live it. Love it. Jump it.

Where can you learn to do Parkour?

anywhere depending on your level, a compressed area with a lot of obstacles, walls, rails close together can allow you to build fluid movement.

there is also many things in your local park, for conditioning and drills.

Does paul corkery also known as Ez owner of Urban Free Flow have a daughter?

"No, she died in a car crash in 2010."

Yes he does but there was no car crash in 2010! She's 12 years old and still alive.

Why did free running start in London?

free running start in urban they started free running because they where inspired by Urban's free runners as you can see there are alot of free runners in London there are 500 and more free runners.

It wasn't. It was started in Reims, France but the inventor (Georges Hebert) used ideas and movements from martial arts and other forms of athletic movement, and claims that the sport has "always been here, it's just nobody knew what to call it." He says that even Neanderthals practiced it as they went about their daily lives!

What is the art of parkour mean?

Parkour is the art that is performed by the human himself.parkour s often described as being a type of are due to is beauty