


Like plums, apples, and cherries, pears are a member of the rose family. They are a tree grown fruit, usually from cooler climates.

500 Questions

What is a sentence for pear?

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The squirrels are always taking pears off my pear tree.

How long does it take for a pear to brown?

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Yes, it's called redox. The skin was protecting the vulnerable insides of the pear and the exposure to oxygen has basically caused the flesh to pick up spare oxygen molecules and degrade like metal does when it rusts. A little lemon juice or some other acid after cutting will prevent this from happening and get you longer time.

How much fiber do one pear have?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average pear contains 4.2g of dietary fibre...To get nutritional information on Pears check out the related link and take a look at the table on the right hand side of the page.

What season do pears grown in?

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Pears, like apples, start in Spring, grow during Summer, and are ready to pick in the very first part of Autumn.

So the answer is, Spring, Summer, and Fall (Autumn).

Should you pick pears before or after first frost?

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Before if you want to store them. After if you're using them right away or for cider. Usually apples will still store well after a few light frosts, but a hard one will make them rot and mush faster.

How long does canned pears last?

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Yes and i dont give

How many pears are in a peck of pears?

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According to an old Ball Canning Guide, a peck of pears equals between 12 to 14 pears. Hope this helps.

How much do pears cost?

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Asked by Wiki User

Burntridge nursery in Onalaska ,Washington sells European pears for USD$ 16.00 And Asian Pears for USD$18.00 plus shipping . I live local so i pick mine up either at the Nursery or at the Olymipa farmers market . do an internet search for butntridge

How does a whole pear get inside of a brandy bottle?

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Bottles are suspended over the pear buds (upside down) before they get too big (the buds not the bottle), and the pear grows in the bottle. I have been very successful in doing that for the last ten years or so.

What is a common pear?

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I think that the binomial name is Pyrus pyrifolia but this is for pear trees in China, Japan, and Korea .

Can you eat pears on Bradford pear trees?

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Yes, you can eat them!! Just make sure there not too mushy or too small, they taste better avoiding those objections. By the way, I own a farm with lots of fruits and veggies so feel free to ask me any further questions that you might have.

Do pears have pits?

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Asked by Wiki User

9 seeds Depends. It can vary. Usually five. Usually ten. A pear has five inner chambers at the center of the fruit, each usually containing two seeds. But the number of seeds can vary, and a pear could have anywhere from one to fifteen seeds.

Where do pears grow?

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Pears grow on pear trees.

The exact place on the tree is a little unusual; a pear tree has a large number of short spurs growing straight out from a branch, or even the trunk. Although they look like enormous thorns, the fruiting spurs are harmless; each spur bears one pear.

The geographical distribution of pears is enormous; in the USA they will grow anywhere from USDA zone 3 to zone 12. All they need is an ample suply of water, and some sun in summer.

Pears grow on pear trees. They are not a picky plant and will grow in most conditions. Pear trees should not be planted in climates where temperatures drop beneath -15f and should be in soil which drains well.

Is a unripe pear as sweet as a ripe pear?

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Though ripeness doesn't affect a fruit's calorie count, it does affect the amount of sugar it contains. The more ripe a fruit is, the more concentrated its sugars become. The bottom line is; snacking on super-sweet fruit raises your insulin levels -- which will cause you to be hungry again more quickly. Even worse, high insulin levels cause your body to go into fat-storage mode.

Can rabbits eat Asian pears?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many rabbits do like pear, and it's a good treat for them, BUT:

  • The seeds are toxic -- don't let the rabbit eat them
  • Don't let the rabbit overeat fruit, it can lead to many different sicknesses -- a bite or two every few days should be fine for a healthy rabbit

See the related question below about a good rabbit diet.

How are pears made?

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they get an apple stretch it out and spray paint it green after it drys they get it and sell it to the market

How can you get a pear laptop?

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You cannot get a pear laptop. Though the pear laptop has been seen on popular TV programs, it is imitating Apple, but the program would get sued for using Apple on the program, so they slappped a pear skin on apple products so Apple couldn't sue the program. They are not available anywhere. Even if you could get a pear laptop, it is just a stage prop; it will not do anything.

What does pear shaped mean?

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It means the generally accepted shape of a pear.

As an idiom in speech it means something going wrong

How many calories in fresh pear juice?

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It can vary based on how large or small the pear is, but roughly 60 to 80 calories.

Where can you get pear phones?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a PearPhone G8, (Pear-shaped version) :

1. Go on iCarly wiki/or Victorious wiki.

2. Look up Pear Company on seach page.

3. Scroll down to picture of PearPhone.

4. Trace over/or print out PearPhone.

5. Cut out picture/trace and trace onto cardbord/or posterbord foam (the best is posterbord foam, if you can afford it).

6. Trace PearPhone cutout on another peice of paper, so you have your back, draw a black dot on the top-left of back of PearPhone, this is for the camera.

7. Draw a Pear logo on back of phone, color the back any color you would like, but you must front must be black unless it is the blue PearPhone.

8. Draw a screen and display. and a home button.

9. WITH A PARENTS PERMISSION!!!!!, use an X-acto knife to cut out the foam middle, leave a rectangular bump at the top left of it and cut out a space on the left for the volume rockers.

10. Glue all 3 parts together with a glue stick.

11. Enjoy, you have a PearPhone!