

Planet Uranus

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun and the third largest planet in the solar system. It is the only planet in the solar system that spins sideways. It was the first planet discovered using the telescope.

500 Questions

What day did Uranus become a planet?

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Uranus was officially discovered as a planet on March 13, 1781, by astronomer William Herschel.

What are the chances that life exists on uranus?

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The harsh conditions on Uranus, such as extreme cold temperatures and high levels of methane gas, make it unlikely for any form of life as we know it to exist there. However, it is not impossible for life to exist in some form deep within its icy atmosphere or subsurface ocean, though this is currently purely speculative.

Why does one side of Uranus get 42 years of light while the other gets 42 years of darkness?

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Uranus has a unique tilt on its axis that causes its poles to point directly towards or away from the Sun, leading to extreme seasons. When one hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, it receives 42 years of continuous sunlight, while the other hemisphere experiences 42 years of darkness due to the lack of sunlight reaching it.

Who is Gaea and Uranus?

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Gaea is the Greek goddess of the Earth and is also known as Mother Earth. Uranus is the Greek god of the sky and is also known as the father of the Titans. Gaea and Uranus are often depicted as the primordial deities who gave birth to the first generation of gods and goddesses in Greek mythology.

How long does it take Uranus to rotate around the sun one time?

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For the planet Uranus to travel around the Sun, it takes 84.02 Earth years (sidereal years). If you lived on Uranus, you would call this one year.

This is 30,687.15 Earth days or about 42,732 Uranus days.

What is the maximum surface temperature of Uranus?

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Scientists have observed that we do not know the highest temperature on uranus. for all we know there is no restrooms on the planet so we have no further information for you at this moment hope you found this helpful.

What would you wear on Uranus?

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There currently is no space suit that could overcome the high gravity of Uranus.

Why is Oberon angry with Titania?

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Oberon is angry with Titania in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" because she refuses to give up an Indian changeling boy that he desires. This causes a rift between them and leads to their use of magic and trickery against each other.

What percent of earth's gravity does Uranus have?

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OK, your question was "What percent of Earth's gravity does Uranus have?" We [the website] could just give you the clear answer that you wanted. But we're gonna do better than that. How about we give you the percentages of Earth's surface gravity for the surface gravityofall theplanets, and not just for Uranus. This answer is extended for a better quality answer. Here you go. Hope this helps:

Mercury: 38%

Venus: 91%

Earth: 100%

Mars: 38%

Jupiter: 254%

Saturn: 108%

Uranus: 91%

Neptune: 119%

Youwill findanswers for the "gas giant" planets, such as Uranus, vary a bitfrom other sources because it's hard to give an exact answer in those cases.

How was Rhode Island different from most of the other colonies?

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Rhode Island stood out from other colonies by its early commitment to religious freedom, which was enshrined in its Charter of 1663. Additionally, Rhode Island had a more decentralized government structure and a tradition of independence, including being the last of the original 13 colonies to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

What is an example jovian planet?

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An example of a Jovian planet is Jupiter. Jovian planets are large, gaseous planets residing in the outer regions of our solar system. They typically have thick atmospheres and lack solid surfaces.

Why do so many people mispronounce Uranus?

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Many people mispronounce "Uranus" because of the potential for misunderstandings with its phonetic resemblance to a slang term. To mitigate this, some scientific communities opt for the pronunciation "YOOR-uh-nuhs," while others use "YUR-uh-nuhs" to align with the original Greek pronunciation.

Who is the Son of Gaea and Uranus?

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The son of Gaea and Uranus is Cronus in Greek mythology. Cronus is known for later overthrowing his father Uranus and ruling as the leader of the Titans before being overthrown by his own son Zeus.

What are the names of the six titans of Uranus and gaea?

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The six Titans were Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus.

Which planet called green planet?

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There is no planet officially designated as the "green planet." However, some fictional works refer to Earth as the "green planet" due to its abundance of plant life.

What is the side of Uranus?

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Uranus has a diameter of about 50,724 kilometers and a radius of about 25,362 kilometers.

What are the names of Uranus moon names and why they were named that?

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Uranus has 27 known moons, with the main ones being named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. For example, moons like Titania and Oberon are named after characters from Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The tradition of naming Uranus' moons after literary characters was established to honor the rich literary heritage of these writers.

What are some problems and soutions to sending humans to Uranus?

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no human life is accesible on uranus because of the methan gas even if u were wearing protective suits

What are questions and answers about Uranus and Neptune?

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  1. What are the unique features of Uranus and Neptune? Both Uranus and Neptune are known as ice giants and have a predominantly hydrogen and helium composition. They both have icy cores and thick atmospheres composed of hydrogen, helium, and methane.

  2. What are the rings of Uranus and Neptune made of? The rings of Uranus are primarily composed of dark organic particles and dust. Neptune's rings are made up of primarily icy particles, with some containing traces of carbon-based compounds.

  3. Do Uranus and Neptune have moons? Yes, both Uranus and Neptune have moons. Uranus has 27 known moons, while Neptune has 14 confirmed moons, with Triton being the largest and most well-known moon of Neptune.

  4. What is the weather like on Uranus and Neptune? The weather on Uranus and Neptune is characterized by powerful winds, extreme cold temperatures, and turbulent storms. Neptune is known for its Great Dark Spot, similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, which is a massive storm system in its atmosphere.

Is there a song about Uranus?

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I have it on Jumping At Shadows album - a Fleetwood Mac related group called Burninng Sunflower Blues Band - circa 1969

sounds like a song suitable for a Brad Pitt - Oceans movie

James mullaney

yes there is actually it is on a song website

just type in songs about Uranus on Google and you are there

Is Uranus a small or big planet?

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Uranus is considered a big planet. It is the seventh planet from the Sun and has a diameter of about 50,724 kilometers (31,518 miles), making it the third-largest planet in our solar system.

Who was the first tto discover Uranus?

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Uranus was first discovered by the German-born British astronomer Sir William Herschel on March 13, 1781. He initially mistook it for a comet but later realized its true nature as a planet.

Length of a Uranus day and year?

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The rotation period of Uranus is about 17.24 Earth hours.

Its year (orbital period around the Sun) is about 84.3 Earth years, due to its great distance from the Sun.

The "solar day" is mostly irrelevant since there is no solid surface to receive sunlight. However, Uranus is spinning "on its side" and points each pole toward the Sun during its orbit. This means that the period of sunlight varies immensely for locations near the poles, cycling from a few seconds every 17 hours to more than 42 Earth years long. This is an extreme version of the six months of day and night experienced at Earth's poles.

What are closest planets to Uranus?

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They are, in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

The order of all the planets is as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Pluto is no longer counted as a planet, it is instead considered a dwarf planet, as in 2006 one of Saturn's moons was discovered to be larger than Pluto.

I THINK it was one of SATURN'S moons, anyway...

Um, sorry for so much information. You're probably thinking

Sheesh, I only asked what planets are closer to the Sun than Uranus, not every single detail of astronomy!