

Pool & Swimming Equipment

Swimming equipment can include things such as swim suits, practice equipment, and pool accessories.

239 Questions

What are some ways that swimmers can die?

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Drowning,diving,if you can not swim very well,or if you can get into a shark accident on the beach

What time does Walgreen's open in the mornings?

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Walgreens typically open at 8 am, although some locations have a 24-hour pharmacy or 24-hour store.

Is there a recommended distance to keep around pool equipment when putting a trellis around it and can it go over the top?

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What you want to allow for is for the equipment to be serviced allowing plenty of room for the service tech or whoever to get to each piece of equipment easily. A way to look at it is the longer it takes a tech to get to and be able to maneuver around the equipment and trellis etc the quicker he will be able to finish. Time is money. So if it would have taken a tech 40 min. to do a job or trouble shoot normally and it now takes 1.5 hrs to do the same job --- you are going to be billed for his time.

Both the pump motor and the pool heater need air circulation. The heater required a great deal of air circulation or ventilation in order to run or burn correctly. If you have a heater that is stackless then you need x amount of space on all four sides and top of the heater. That space is both regulated by the manufacturer and city codes to be of a specific measurement with NO deviation. A stack top heater also requires similar spacing on all sides with the exception of the stack. It has it's own requirements. The heater cannot be placed on any combustible material and the requirement for spacing of combustible material around and above the heater also have specific requirements. You cannot arbitrarily build an enclosure ( any type)around the equipment or heater. One requirement - as a service tech - would be to have enough head room in order to stand up while doing certain jobs. Bending over while doing a job that required standing takes longer to do translates to be more costly to you. If your enclosure is confining in that it blocks air circulation you then have to provide for that circulation another way. The heater requires so many square inches of ventilation space both at the top of the enclosure and the bottom and at opposing sides of the enclosure. The heater cannot be placed in a manner that it vents within four feet of an opening to the house. I E : bedroom window, door etc.

A manual should have come with your heater if not contact your heater's manufacturer on the internet and they will gladly mail one at no charge.

The pool filter if it is a verticle D. E. tank will require room enough to remove the filter grid assembly from the top of the tank. You should not have to separate the tank from the pool plumbing to perform service on a filter.

Hope this is helpful.


How do you tell by looking at above ground pool pumps verses inground pool pumps if they will work for my inground pool?

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They will most likely work, they just have to have the same specifications.

What is the meaning of fins in swimming equipment?

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Fins/Flippers are foot wear, worn by swimmers in training sometimes. They are rubber tight shoes with a long flipper to help give you more of a drive when kicking. These help when you are trying to concentrate on your arm work as you do not need to think about your kick not being strong enough to keep you moving

What is a 'sport wall' in a swimming pool?

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A sport wall is a temporary wall or boom that is placed in the swimming pool to shorten the length of the pool to make it regulation length for a swimming competition. Some 50m pools hold 'short course' competition and the regulation length is 25m so the pool needs a wall to measure this length in order for the competition to be official.

What is reason to do march past in school?

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There are a number of reasons why you may want to organize a march past a school. This could be done to celebrate homecoming, or as a show of support before a big game, or even after a game that was won.

In major swimming competitions the lane ropes are colour coded. What is the order of the colours?

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In a competition pool, the lanes are single color for the first and last 5 meters of a pool.

How can you hide pool equipment?

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Most seem to be hidden by a short wall. It can be built from whatever materials suit your taste. Some use plants

and please allow room to service the equipment from above and to the sides. If it is a total enclosure allow room to stand up in the equipment area and if there is a pool heater you have to allow for adequate venting from the sides and out the top. So that means, adding a stack to a stackless heater, providing venting as prescribed by the mfgr. on at least two sides of the shed, one being at the top of one wall and one being at the bottom of the opposite wall for cross ventilation - 400 BTU heater = 400 sq in vent. of the prescribed mesh opening. The stack has to meet industry, state and mfg. standards. The stack must not vent to within 4' of a building opening. Please follow all code requirements with regard to heater enclosures.

What are the benefits of long distance swimming?

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As well as great exercise,you can build stamina and endurance for both long and short events

Why is your Hayward C4025 Filter building air pressure?

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We cannot answer this, please look at the packaging for troubleshooting.

What causes water to flow out of the pool filter backwash when pump is on and not on backflush?

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Replace the spider gasket inside the filter valve. This is simple to do and should be done every couple of years, especially if you have an in-line chlorinator or if you add chlorine through your skimmer. Make sure you grease the gasket with silicon before you install it.

To keep this from happening, make sure you have a check valve installed between the filter and the chlorinator or use a floater to chlorinate your pool.

How do you clear up an AG pool that has blue-gray cloudy water that feels almost slick?

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my 21 ft ag pool was blue and cloudy. The cause was leaves and pine needles at the bottom. Once I got them out - i shocked it again (3 gallons) and that helped

How much does new pool equipment cost?

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The cost of new pool equipment depends mostly on the piece of equipment and the brand bought. Smaller pieces of equipment, like a net, can run a few dollars, while the larger ones can cost hundreds.