

Shrub Care

In the modern world of compacted soils and polluted environments, shrubs respond well to responsible cultivation practices. For example, they are more likely to maintain proper form and growth with proper planting, pruning, spraying and watering. Contributors typically want to know about a shrub's planting depth and width, potential pests and stresses, pruning and watering schedules, and treatment options.

500 Questions

What eats blue bushes?

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What is a node in a rose bush?

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A node on any plant is where the leaf bud grows from the stem.

How do you prune a snowball bush?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Once the shrubs reach the desired height you trim them to maintain there shape and size. Remember that you are dealing with a slow growing shrub and if you get to aggresive with the trimming it will take some time for the shrub to heal if it can at all. I would trim them twice per year spring and fall and remove no more than 1"- 2" at a time.

When to prune red bud trees?

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Asked by Wiki User

after flowers have fallen off.

Do you cut back hydrangeas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Only to contain them within the space available. The only pruning needed otherwise is to cut off the previous years flowers in the early spring.r

In the spring do you cut down ornamental grasses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, ornamental grasses should be cut or clipped to the ground in late winter/early spring, just before they begin putting on their new growth. Waiting until later to cut them will not inhibit their new growth. Cutting back old growth will clip the new growth leaving straight edges on the new growth blades.

They can be pruned back in fall, too. Waiting for late winter/early spring allows the birds and other wildlife to eat the seeds from the plumes and ornamental grasses are attractive garden plants for winter interest.

How far back can you cut shrubs?

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Asked by Wiki User

broomm srubs

Can you grow daphne in a flower pot versus the ground?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can, but it will be very important to find some way to keep the pot cool. Daphne require a cool root run, which is sometimes hard to manage with containers. Try placing other pots closely around the pot the Daphne is growing in, so that they keep the pot shaded. Also, be sure that your pot has superb drainage - porous potting soil, lots of drainage holes, raised off the ground by something that allows water to run through freely. Daphnes die quickly of root rot if their soil isn't exceptionally well-drained.

Can you grow roses from rose hips?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can technically grow roses from seed but the probability of getting a good result is fairly low.They are often fairly weak and non-descript.Commercially- new varieties are usually propagated vegetatively or from an exceptionally vigorous or unusual seedling produced from thousands of seedlings.But it's always fun to have a try-if you select seedlings for vigour and eliminate any that show negative characteristics you never know if you will produce one of the world's most amazing roses or just something lovely just for you to enjoy.

When to trim burburry bush?

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Asked by Wiki User

You trim a barberry bush after it flowers.

When is the best time to transplant a burning bush?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best time to transplant a burning bush is usually during the rainy season. When a burning bush is transplanted during the rainy season, it is able to grow into a mature tree.

What trees like acidic soil?

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Poison ivy

When do you prune an azalia bush?

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When is a good time to cut back azalea bush? No matter what time of the year my husband trims back the azalea bush it does not produce large number of flowers.

When do you plant rose of Sharon bush?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tips, care, and planting times on the Rose of Sharon.

Please see related link below.

If you mean move from one place in the garden to another ..... at winter's end up to the point just before it puts out new spring leaves. (After the new leaves emerge, it's too late: these cannot be transplanted without loss). If you mean planting from a container-grown situation .... just about anytime you can get a shovel in the ground.

How do you care for the Amaryllis so it flowers again?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the spring when it becomes warm enough to put it outside. Leave the Amaryllis bulb in the pot and "plant" the pot with the bulb in the ground outside in a shady location all summer

When and how do you trim a plumeria bush or tree?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trim in in the spring before the leaves come out.

Can you use muriatic acid on garden bushes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Novices should not use muriatic acid for gardening. It is harmful to persons and harmful to the environment, and is recommended only for professional use.

Can you trim your cedar bush in the summer?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you cant because the leaves under neath will burn.

When do you trim a smoke bush?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably during the summer

What is the best way to trim toenails?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nail clippers is the best way to shorten a toenail. Nail files work as well.

If you mean to remove an ENTIRE toenail, this should not be done under any circumstances unless there is an infection beneath the nail, or any other medical problems. If this is the case, then contact a doctor. You may need surgery.

DO NOT try to remove the nail yourself. This is very dangerous, not to mention painful.

Consult a doctor, surgeon, or any other medical assistant for help with this. Best of luck.

When is the best time to prune a flowering shrub?

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Asked by Juliemennes

Depending on where you live the best time is in the fall when trees are starting to go dormant.

The previous answer is wrong. Weeping cherries bloom profusely unless you prune it in the fall. You should prune it (and all spring blooming trees) in the spring after the blooming is finished.

When do you prune a viburnum?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heading, pinching and trimming describe how to prune mohawk viburnum. The deciduous shrub in question (Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Mohawk') likes pinching off new shoots along branch sides, if the arborist, gardener, naturalist or steward seeks a certain type of growth habit. It survives heading back to a healthy branch in the case of a dangerous, dead or diseased limb; removing basal suckers; thinning interiors for improved air and light circulation; and trimming wilted flowers, as long as healthy budded areas are not damaged or destroyed.