

The End of the World (apocalypse)

The end of the world is a term that refers to the final events in the history of this world. It is also referred to as “end of all life” or the “end of time.”

500 Questions

Is 2012 when the world is ending?

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For all of you that is wondering, i am saying NO. for 1, i not sure if the Maya said it two, but the same thing was going to happen in the year 2000 but were still here aren't we. so my answer to you is NO. But really why would you even believe that it would end. Now if you believe in god, he would not let this happen to us. And just because some really old people said it would, doesn't mean it will!

Is the world going to end in 12 days?

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to be precise no. people say the world is going to end in 2012 december

the 21

What does Quran say about when the world will end?

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the Muslim believe that date of the end of the world will be unknown to anyone. The night and day will become indistinguishable and the mountains and everything on the planet will die and everyone on that day will be screaming and will scurry like moths


Muslims do not know when the world is going to come to an end but they know exactly how it will happen. The Quraan says that the day when a war breaks out between Muslims and non-Muslims the rocks and trees will speak them if some one is hiding behind them. they will say : " there is a Jewish/Hindu/Buddhist/athiest behind this rock, kill him. ''

they also believe the sun will rise from the west and Dajjal ( a really evil anti-christ , with a patch over his eye ) will come and say that he is god, but get this non-believer will be written on his forehead. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How many times have Jehovah witness' predicted the end of the world?

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Over ten. Specific dates where given in 1875, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, and 1975. Of course prior to the 1930's they were known as Bible Students. So technically Jehovah's Witnesses only did in 1941 and 1975. However JW's do accept the Bible Students as being the same organization. The reverse is not true however. In addition they have made predictions relating to a 'this generation'. While not giving a specific date, they have hinted at the mid nineties and more recently they extended that by a few years.

The Jehovah's Witness have published several "predictions" concerning Armageddon.

** 1914 Jehovah's Witnesses predicted that this year would be the end of the human affairs and the beginning of God's rulership on earth. All Jehovah's Witnesses at the time would have had to believe likewise because that is what was printed in the Watchtower publications. ( See 'The Time is at Hand 1907 pages 76-78)

** 1925 Judge Rutherford (2nd President of the Watchtower Society) said that "Millions [living at the time] would never die". The sweeping statement was later ( ie. after 1925) acknowledged by the Jehovah's Witnesses as based on an inaccurate understanding of bible prophecy and corrected.

1925 Jehovah's Witnesses believed was the time for Abraham etc to be resurrected on earth.

A number of other dates are worthy of note ...

**1874 & 1878 The Jehovah's Witness (along with other religious groups) speculated as to the significance of these years. Theses speculations were in retrospect (made AFTER the dates sited) so are not strictly speaking predictions.

**1975 The Watchtower announced that this year marked the end of 6,000 years of human history but none of their literature ever stated categorically that this year would mark the "end of the world"rather it was stated that this was a"possibility". Instead it was very strongly implied. See the links below re 1975.

**The Generation of 1914. Jehovah's Witnesses said for about 50 years that Armageddon would come within the lifetime of people that saw the year 1914. This was stated as being 'Jesus's own words. In 1995 this was changed as that generation had all but ceased to exist. The latest prediction is that Armageddon will come within the lifetime of the generation of people that saw the generation of people that saw the year 1914. See link about generation teaching below.

Is World War 3 plausible?

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World war 3 is almost impossible to but yes it's possible to win World war 3. There are only couple of ways to win this war, destroy the nukes and prevent the war from happening.

Note: Nukes are very powerful so do not let them hit the ground.

When is it predicted the world will end?

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Most people don't even think about the world coming to an end at all, let alone on a specific year. However for those who do, Mayan calenders pointed out the specific date of December 2012 as the year that something big was going to happen. Earth is long overdue for a: 1) Meteor /asteroid impact 2) Humungus earthquake (eg San Andreas fault in California)

3) Explosion of Yellowstone Supervolcano 4) Comeback of Rick Astley Also in the year 2012 scientists expect the Earth's and the Sun's magnetic fields will be in sync at the peak of Solar Cycle 24. Mioara Mandea , a scientist at the 'German Research Centre for Geosciences' in Potsdam, said the changes "may suggest the possibility of an upcoming reversal of the geomagnetic field". The resultant huge climatic reversals would cause such things as Equatorial regions to become Polar, fertile areas to become deserts, and destroy electricity grids because of their vulnerability to the greatly-increased magnetic radiation in much the same way as would an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) from nuclear-missile detonations. (Needless to say there is little publicity on this because there is nothing anyone can do about it.) Many would see this as the end of the world, but God said the end of the world would be sudden and by fire:- Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole inhabited earth as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

2Pe 3:10-13 ISV But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will disappear with a roaring sound, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done on it will be exposed. (v.11) Since everything will be destroyed in this way, think of the kind of holy and godly people you ought to be (v.12) as you look forward to and hasten the coming of the day of God, by which the heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved and the elements will melt with fire. (v.13) But in keeping with his promise, we are looking forward to new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home.

Most people don't give any thought at all to even the possibility of the world ending, but for those who do most believe it is either in 2012 or some time later at some indeterminate time: statistics and therefore proportions are unavailable. No matter what the cause or date, by this time no-one would believe that global warming was caused by human emissions!

Is he world ending December 21 2012?

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No The world will not end for at least another 3-5 Billion Years.

Where in the Bible does it describe the world ending?

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The earliest mention in the Bible of the world coming to an end is in Mark's Gospel, written approximately 70 CE, where it says that some of those alive in the time of Jesus would experience the end of times. Having given the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple as a sign of his imminent return, Mark 13:24-26 continues, "But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory." He concluded by saying that he would return within the lifetimes of some of his own generation: "Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done."

By the 80s of the first century, the time when the next gospel, Matthew's Gospel, was written, the return predicted in Mark's Gospel was becoming unlikely - the generation had already passed - and the author of Matthew had to change the emphasis away from an impending end of the world. While copying as faithfully as possible from Mark, he changed the position of the sentence about "this generation", relative to the destruction of the great buildings, so that it referred to something else altogether. He added, and emphasised, material where Jesus told the disciples that the end is not yet, and that no man knows when the end of the world will occur.

Can the Chinese army beat the us army?

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If the U.S. gets people to go to China and study like China gets people to study the U.S. and if the U.S. people start keeping the children of the world educated and notified by the history mistakes of the past, then yes, ofcourse there is more than a 50% chance that the U.S. will not be defeated by China.

When were the previous predictions of the world ending?

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Someone has predicted the end of the world pretty much every year since the creation of the calendar.







Proof the world will end 2012?

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There is no real proof, although people have predicted that it will end at that time period because of the crisis the world is experiencing right now.People have predicted the end of the world for years. It's a bunch of crap. I will see you all in 2013.

How could World War 2 have ended differently?

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The course of the war could have been drastically changed had Hitler not decided to attack the Soviet Union. Hitler and Stalin signed a non-agression pact and this allowed Germany to focus on fighting in western Europe. Hitler, however, was not satisfied with the war and decided to attack the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was referred to as "Lebensraum" by Hitler, which translates into "living space." Hitler felt that the Slavic people of Eastern Europe were genetically inferior to his Aryan race and that it was the right of the Aryans to occupy and have control over this land. Germany had a chance to win the war but because they attacked the Soviet Union, they now had to fight a war on two fronts, which meant diverting forces from France and sending them to Eastern Europe. It didn't help that the offensive began in the fall, meaning that the German Army was trapped in Russia during their famed brutal winters. It also didn't help that the Germans were not equipped to fight in the snow, as they did not have sub-zero coats, hats or uniforms. Many Germans died from the cold, and starvation during the invasion of Russia.

Will the government do something to end the world?

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the more they use nuclear stuff ,and bio weapons, and also don't stop the oil company's then that would be a yes.

What can you do to prevent the world reaching its end?

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The end of the world, a question asked by many. Honestly, if you can stop the world from ending you will eventually know how. However, I believe that no one can stop the inevitable. Really all that you can do is just live each and every day like it is your last. Honestly I believe the world has already ended and we are experiencing the apocalypse right now, I have thought this for almost 5 years now....and I'm a Christian

Is 2033 the year the world will end?

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No one truly knows when the world will end

AnswerWe can predict, but for now it is unkown. AnswerOnly God knows when the word will end.

Will there be a world war 3 in Britain?

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Well honestly, probably not or at least not JUST there. The next world war will start in at least start in Amageddon, which Britain might fight. Read this sample of a passage:

Armageddon (from Ancient Greek: Ἁρμαγεδών Harmagedōn,[1][2]Late Latin: Armagedōn[3]) will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or symbolic location. The term is also used in a generic sense to refer to any end of the world scenario.

The word "Armageddon" appears only once in the Greek New Testament, in Revelation 16:16. The word may come from Hebrew har məgiddô (הר מגידו), meaning "Mountain of Megiddo". "Mount" Megiddo is not actually a mountain, but a tell (a hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot)[4]on which ancient forts were built to guard the Via Maris, an ancient trade route linking Egypt with the northern empires ofSyria, Anatolia and Mesopotamia. Megiddo was the location of various ancient battles, including one in the 15th century BC and one in 609 BC. ModernMegiddo is a town approximately 25 miles (40 km) west-southwest of the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee in the Kishon River area.[5]

According to one premillennial Christian interpretation, the Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the "beast") and Satan the Devil in the Battle of Armageddon. Then Satan will be put into the "bottomless pit" or abyss for 1,000 years, known as the Millennium. After being released from the abyss, Satan will gather Gog and Magog (peoples of two specific nations) from the four corners of the earth. They will encamp surrounding the "holy ones" and the "beloved city" (this refers to Jerusalem). Fire will come down from God, out of heaven and devour Gog and Magog after the Millennium. The Devil, death, hell, and those not found written in the Book of Life are then thrown into Gehenna (the lake of fire burning with brimstone).[6

Will the world ever end and why and how?

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Yes at one point in about 1.5 Billion Years the sun will run out of Nuclear Energy and become a massive red giant and engulf the Solar System, including Earth.

Are we going to have world war 3?

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Yes but this is also scary. If this third World war will happen, no one will survive so I hope that it will never happen. "No one" as in maybe about %99.9 of the population so if this war does happen, which seems possible given all the hostiities in the world currently, we can only prey that man still lives post-apocolyptic and still carries the drive and strength to, unfortunately (or if not VERY fortunately) start again.

Why does everyone say the world ends in 2012?

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because some of the people here doesn't know when it is going to end but the thing is that many scientist say that it was going to end in year 2000 but it didn't, the bible said that in 7 years time God will come to earth and pick those people who followed his path and then he will put them in the right hand of the holy spirit then the rest will die.

Different information:

"Scientists" did not think or say that the world was going to end in 2000. Computer programmers and engineers feared that our computing systems could not handle the numerical change from 19 to 20. But it turned out that computers managed quite well.

Why people says something is going to happen in 2012?

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Well honestly, everyone expects the world to end. In my opinion I don't think it will. I think it is just made up because of what someone once thought. There was another time when the world was supposed to end and everyone was supposed to disappear. It never happened. People once though it was going to end in 2000, we're still here aren't we? Anyway the point is there have been many different dates that the world was supposed to end.

I hope that helped! Thanks.

The date world war 2 ended?

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As a true fact, WW2 oficially ended during the month of May. A definite day is not recorded because many forms were signed in order to announce that war had finally ended!

What was going on in the world in 1862?

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1862 started on a Wednesday. In the United States, the big news all year was about the Civil War, with a number of major battles taking place: one of the bloodiest battles was the Battle of Antietam, which occurred in Maryland in mid-September; more than 22,000 died as Union forces defeated Confederate troops. But elsewhere in the world, the Franco-Mexican war was taking place, with fighting in Mexico, as French troops invaded that country. John Tyler, who had been the tenth president of the United States, died on January eighteenth; Martin Van Buren, who had been the eighth US president, died on July twenty-fourth.

Can people predict the end of the world?

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No there would be nowhere to go in the worlds end.


This question has been asked, I'm sure, time and again. I suspect many who have experienced catastrophic events have wondered if it was worth surviving. consider what the survivors of Pompeii must have felt. Or perhaps those who lived near enough to survive the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa. Think about those who survived the Holocausts of WW1 and WW2 (Turkey and Europe at large, respectively). Let's go way back in history, to about 50,000 years ago, when there were only about 200,000 humans worldwide. The events that led to the near extinction of the human race then must have left many of the survivors wondering if it were worth it. Yet, people did escape what ever it was that was so catastrophic, and kept on going. With nearly 7 billion of us on this planet, it is extremely unlikely that anything will take everyone out. Some will invariably survive.

Will they want to though?

Is the end o the world real?

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Sun will get bigger because of Carbon Dioxide...Our OzoneLayer..Has been broked..So the Carbon Dioxide will go to SPACE!!.....Sun will receive it..Then the Sun will get BIGGER THAN EVER!...Russian Scientists worried about that!..SUN WILL EAT US!