


Vomiting is the body's natural way of emitting things in the digestive system. The most common causes of vomiting are gastroenteritis, the stomach flu, food poisoning, overeating, food allergies and over-consumption of alcohol. Vomit is usually made up of partly digested food particles and digestive juices, and exits the body through the mouth.

500 Questions

What is a vomit inducing medicine called?

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Ipecac will induce vomiting.

Ipecac is one common means of inducing vomiting. More specifically... Ipecac is an emetic, a medication used to induce vomiting

What cause human vomit yellow?

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I'm not sure about cats, but the orange/brownish colour of human vomit is caused by your stomach lining and stomach acid being brough up with everything else. I presume the same applies to cats!

What species is weird to vomit?

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What are the causes of vomit blood during pregnancy?

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If you have been throwing up alot you may have just irritated the esophagus.

Can a girl vomit?

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well she can be belimick whitch is serouse or she can also be pregnant.

What is it called when you get the urge to vomit?

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Nausea. or being nauseous, is the name for feeling an urge to vomit.

What causes a person to choke on vomit?

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Normally when vomiting the material is expelled from the body, but sometimes, material remains in the mouth or throat preventing the person from breathing. This normally ony happens if the person is unconcious or otherwise uanble to move at the time.

What does it mean if you vomit blood?

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If it has progressivly worsened then, it means that there is a bleed in the upper esophageal passage or stomach. This is a problem and should go to a doctor. If it happened just once and it was very trace then it could be swallowing blood from a nosebleed.

If you take the pill and throw up blood does that mean that you are pregnant?

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That's not a good sign, I would to go a doctor to make sure everythings okay, and not anything wrong with any other part of your body. That's not something to fool around with so If your really throwing up blood go to the Emergency Room.

What causes a year old baby to cough and vomit continuously for over 24 hours?

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There are many causes of cough and depending on clinical examination some investigations may be required to make a definite diagnosis. But severe cough leading to vomiting should make one suspect whooping cough.

What mixtures make people vomit?

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salt and water that's will do the trick

How do you get a vomit smell out of a microsuede couch?

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My son was sick and had the same problem, we cleaned it with Resolve cleaner and then when it was dry we sprinkled baking soda on the smelly area waited 20 minutes and vacuumed up we repeated that twice and it worked better then anything else! Good luck :)

Canine yellow vomit?

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Sounds like you need to take it to the vet and quit asking people on the internet.

Do people vomit through their nose?

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People will vomit through their mouth, but when it comes up through the esophagus in a rush it can be pushed up through the nose and therefore it can drip or spurt from your nose. *Another answer* It happened to me once, and caused me to have emetophobia.. its ruined my life and I havent vomited in 6 years..

How do you fake vomit?

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Well, first eat somehting, anything like chicken, rice, meatballs, but dont eat candy. Chew it in your mouth but don't swallow it. Then drink some water but don't swallow it either. Then act as if you want to vomit and run to a toilet and spit out the things in your mouth. Everything should look like real vomit. However this is only useful if you don't want to go to school and want to fool your parents.

What causes vomiting and diarrhoea?

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Expired food.

What does it mean if you vomit after smoking weed?

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Overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system by nicotinic receptor stimulation by nicotine, acting as an acetylcholine analogue.

The same pathway causes people to feel dizzy, increase heart rate and respiration rate and sometimes feel cold or shaky.

Is it bad for pregnant women to hold in their vomit?

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You may be experiencing what's called "stress urinary incontinence," (SUI) involuntary urination caused by pressure on the bladder. This can happen when you vomit, sneeze, cough, laugh, lift heavy objects, or exercise, especially if your bladder is full. Women who are significantly overweight, diabetic, older, or have had past pregnancies, especially if they had vaginal delivery with forceps, are more at risk. Women are more likely to develop this symptom later in pregnancy, because the expanding uterus and growing fetus already put significant pressure on the bladder.

SUI is usually caused by one of two things: either the muscles of the pelvic floor (which supports the bladder) have lost tone, or the urinary sphincters (the valves in the urethra that hold back urine) are weak.

Symptoms often resolve within a few months after delivery, particularly if you do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles around the vagina, anus and urethra (see link in Related Links for instructions). Kegel exercises are safe in pregnancy.

Meanwhile, you may want to wear a sanitary pad to catch minor leakage.

Always discuss unusual or troubling symptoms with your doctor.

Are there pills that make you vomit?

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Syrup of Ipecac will make you puke your guts out, but if you're planning to use this as a method of losing weight you should consider the following. Regurgitation (throwing up) causes enormous strain on the body, specifically the heart. People who do it regularly often suffer heart attacks and some die. Additionally throwing up causes your teeth to rot because of all the stomach acid that comes up and past the teeth. It gives you bad breath too. Yes, eventually you will lose weight, along with all your energy and your health. If you want to be skinny you can do it that way but you won't do it long before you land in the hospital...or worse. SEE A DOCTOR!!!

If you vomit what will be the colour if you get pregnant?

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The color of your vomit will be determined by what you eat, and isn't influenced by pregnancy.

What happens if you eat vomit?

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If you eat vomit you will vomit yourself but it won't do any harm to your body! It won't taste as great as the first time you ate the food

Can hay fever make you vomit?

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If someone has a food allergy, there are different symptoms and vomiting is one symptom. If you experience vomiting shortly after eating a suspected food allergen, then it is probably caused by a food allergy. You may also have other symptoms including: hives, coughing, sneezing, migraines, rashes, or anaphylactic shock. If you suspect a food allergy, you should see your doctor and discontinue eating the food until you can be tested.

How long after pregnancy do you vomit?

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Everybody reacts differently to pregnancy. But with all four of my children, I got over being nauseated usually by the 3rd or 4th month.