

Feral Cats

Free roaming felines, feral cats are the 'wild' offspring of domestic cats, and are primarily the result of pet owners' abandonment or failure to spay and neuter their animals, allowing them to breed uncontrolled. Feral cat 'colonies' can be found in alleys, parks, abandoned buildings, and rural areas. They are elusive and do not trust humans.

500 Questions

What is the genus of the puma concolor?

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The genus of the puma, or puma concolor, is Puma.

Why are Scottish Wildcats endangered?

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because so many people want there skin to sell
Transmission of feline infectious diseases plays a large part. Diseases like distemper, upper respiratory infections and feline herpes can be quite debilitating in a wild cat since they do not have the built-up resistance that many domestic cats possess.
Well, wild cats, like lions etc, are endangered bacause people hunt them, and because hier habbitats are being ruined.

What do you do if you find a stranded cat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well first, you would want to check if it has a collar. If the cat does then take it home and search the address on google maps and ask your parent to take you there. If the cat doesn't have a collar, then you might want to take the cat to a local shelter. The owner will most likely look at all of the shelters near and find the cat.

Do cats have navels?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes they have....but not as in the form as humans have.

all mamals are hv the naval.During the gestation period(during the stumach of the mother) by the the help of a naval cord infant is attached with the mothers body in side the uterus. and the naval is that end of nfant which later cut down near the infant side just after the birth of baby.

Why did feral cats become a problem?

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Feral cats are NOT an "invasive species!" Feral cats are just ordinary cats but who were never socialized to human touch and interaction. Their lives on the streets are full of dangers; they need humans who care.

Do feral cats and bobcats cross?

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What are the animal predators in New York State?

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New York Wild Animals:

Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is a prehensile tailed marsupial.

Raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a medium sized nocturnal and omniverpus mammal adaptable to the urban environment as a trash can raider.

Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is a leporidae with a reddish or gray-brown coat and large ears with an ability to listen for danger.

What would happen if the Cougar was extinct?

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Being near the top of the food chain, extinction of the coyote could cause an increase in rodent populations.

However, the adaptable coyote is quite common, and has expanded its range eastward, where it has become a nuisance in many areas.

What is the domestic cat's order?

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no thats not right please help me

What is the animal that is fed upon by a predator?

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Any animal that hunts and eat other animals is a predator, and a carnivore.

Another animal that might eat a predator - if it's already dead - is a Scavenger.

What does feral cat mean?

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Feral cats are wild descendants of domestic cats. A feral cat has never associated with humans.

How did feral cats come to be? When two strays mate in the wild, they give birth to a litter of feral kittens. These kittens have never interacted with humans. Feral kittens can be domesticated if taken in young, but adult feral cats are almost impossible to domesticate.

Answer 1A feral cat is a domestic cat which has been homeless so long that it has adapted to life in the wild. This term also applies to all domestic animals. Answerferal means wild or untamed as in a barn cat.

Actually, deep down, every cat is feral.

How do people control feral cats?

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Check with your local animal shelter and / or animal rescue organizations for any Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs in your area. These programs humanely trap and spay/neuter cats, and then return them to their colonies. (The majority of adult ferals cannot be socialized and thus are not able to be adopted out to people). If you see kittens, try to catch them and bring them to your shelter; the kittens can usually be socialized and adopted out.

Why don't your cats get along with your cat that just got back from the vet?

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You didn't say if your can was neutered or spayed. If it was this could be cause for them not getting along. Toms (not fixed) will actually beat up another male who is neutered. YOU ARE THE MASTER so start acting like it. I use a plastic fly swatter on a table or the floor and mean business! This breaks up any fighting, they know YOU mean business and things will settle down quickly. This works no matter what the problem is. I NEVER hit my pets, just the table or floor with that good old yellow fly swatter. It's magic!

What is a good way to catch a stray cat?

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Asked by Whitechocolate

The longer a cat is wild, the more it's scared of people (usually). Put food out for the cats. They'll gain more and more trust with you if you feed it for a certain amount of time. Try to use a *humane* trigger cage (a cage that snaps shut after an animal enters the cage, no its not a mouse trap). Put food in the trigger cage, and when the cat goes in, it'll be locked in. Then do whatever you want with the cat (if your not going to keep it, take it to a NO-KILL HUMANE SOCIETY). Always be humane.

In Pumas what is the difference between a male and female?

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Male cats of all species are usually larger and heavier than females. "Panther" is a generic term for several big cats, including leopards, jaguars, and pumas.

How can you tell how far along in pregnancy a cat is?

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Week 3: Your pregnant cat's nipples will start to become enlarged and pinkish in color. Her belly will not show any signs of swelling at this point.

Week 4: Her belly will now start to show a slight swelling. The swelling of her nipples will start to be more evident. Her appetite will start to increase.

Week 5: Some cat experts recommend that you consult your vet for a "growth formula" to satisfy your pregnant cat's accelerated appetite.

Week 6: Your cat's pregnancy will become obvious at this point. Cat pregnancy symptoms will now include behavioral changes. The pregnant cat will now start to move around with more care. She'll avoid stretching and twisting actions, and if she usually goes outside, now she'll probably want to stay inside. Her appetite continues to increase through the sixth week.

Week 7: The greatest sign of cat pregnancy is now your cat's behavior. You should see a noticeable change in behavior as she starts to show some signs of excitement. This is also called the "quickening" stage of cat pregnancy as the fetuses start to move. She'll roll and stretch and start to search for a spot to give birth. This is another good reason to keep your pregnant cat inside so that she doesn't make a nest outside.

Day 61: Labor can start as early as 61 days after conception and as late as 70 days.

I've had a pregnant cat before and right now my cat is currently pregnant.

So the above are all very true signs of cat pregnancy.

How many eye lids do cats have?

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Asked by Lrodgers

Three. They have the upper and lower lids, similar to humans. They also have a third membrane that acts as an eyelid, so to speak. The third "eyelid" moves from the outside edge to the inside edge.

Can you domesticate a feral cat?

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You may be able to get it to come eat, but domestication is outside of its nature.

What animal is called a molly?

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A molly is a brightly coloured tropical or subtropical American freshwater cyprinodont fish of the genus Mollienisia.

Why are humans more complicated than amoeba?

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Other than our brain and the complexities that adds to our life, I don't believe we are that much more complex than other mammals.

Do cats have menses?

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If by period you mean when a human menstruates, then no cats do not have periods. Cats and most other mammals come into season, or heat which is a time where the female will be at her most fertile and be ready to mate. Cats go into heat roughly every 3-4 weeks. Cats do not have periods because they don't release an egg until after they mate.

What is a tailess cat?

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There is no particular name for a tailless cat, other than the breed name for those that have no tails. The American Bobtail and the Manx are the most common tailless breeds.