


A helicopter is an aircraft which is propelled and lifted in the air by one or more large horizontal rotors. Focke-Wulf Fw 61 was the first operational helicopter manufactured by Focke-Achgelis in 1936.

500 Questions

Why are there so many buttons in a helicopter?

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Helicopters have many buttons to control various functions such as the engine, navigation systems, communication gear, and flight controls. These buttons allow the pilot to efficiently manage and operate the helicopter in different flight conditions. Having multiple buttons also provides redundancy and safety in case of system failures.

What is the biggest American helicopter?

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The largest American helicopter is the Sikorsky CH-53E Super Stallion. It is a heavy-lift helicopter that is used primarily by the United States Marine Corps for transporting troops and equipment.

What is the world record speed attained in a helicopter?

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Lynx - The World's Fastest Helicopter 20 Years On 11/08/2006 The 11th August marks the 20th anniversary of the Westland Lynx helicopter setting a new world helicopter speed record of 249.1 mph (400.87 kph). Although other attempts have been made, 20 years on Lynx retains the title as the world's fastest helicopter.

How many hours to travel 300 miles by helicopter?

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The time it takes to travel 300 miles by helicopter depends on the helicopter's cruising speed and any external factors like wind or weather. Here's how to estimate the travel time:

  1. Find the helicopter's cruising speed:

Cruising speeds for helicopters can vary widely depending on the model and size. Some common ranges are:

Light helicopters: 100-140 mph (160-225 km/h)

Medium helicopters: 140-180 mph (225-290 km/h)

Heavy helicopters: 160-200 mph (257-322 km/h)

Let's assume an average cruising speed of 150 mph for this example.

  1. Calculate the travel time:

Use the formula:

Travel time (hours) = Distance (miles) / Cruising speed (mph)

In this case:

Travel time = 300 miles / 150 mph = 2 hours

Therefore, it would take around 2 hours for a helicopter with a cruising speed of 150 mph to travel 300 miles.

  1. Consider external factors:

Remember, this is just an estimate. Factors like:

Wind: Strong headwinds can significantly slow down the helicopter, while tailwinds can speed it up.

Weather: Severe weather conditions like storms or fog may require diversions or delays.

Fuel stops: Depending on the helicopter's range and the distance, there might be a need for refueling stops, which adds to the travel time.

If you have specific information about the helicopter and the route, you can get a more accurate estimate by considering these factors.

The helicopter was invented in 1939?

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The concept of a helicopter dates back earlier than 1939. While the first practical and successful helicopter, the VS-300, was designed by Igor Sikorsky and flown in 1939, the idea of vertical flight had been explored by various inventors before that.

Here are some key milestones in the development of helicopters:

  1. Conceptual Designs (Late 19th to Early 20th Century):

Various inventors, including Leonardo da Vinci, made conceptual sketches of vertical flight machines. However, it was not until the 20th century that significant progress was made.

  1. First Autogyro (1923):

Juan de la Cierva's autogyro, the precursor to the helicopter, made its first successful flight in 1923. While not a true helicopter, the autogyro demonstrated the viability of rotary-wing aircraft.

  1. Focke-Wulf Fw 61 (1936):

The Focke-Wulf Fw 61, designed by Henrich Focke, was the first fully controllable helicopter to see significant success. It set several world records in 1937 and demonstrated the feasibility of stable rotary-wing flight.

  1. Igor Sikorsky's VS-300 (1939):

Igor Sikorsky's VS-300, flown for the first time in 1939, is often considered the first practical and successful helicopter. It featured a single main rotor and a tail rotor for anti-torque, a configuration still used in many helicopters today.

  1. Mass Production (1940s and Beyond):

The helicopter became more widely used during and after World War II. Sikorsky's R-4 became the first helicopter to enter mass production, and helicopters played vital roles in various military and civilian applications.

So, while the first successful practical helicopter flight occurred in 1939 with Sikorsky's VS-300, the journey toward vertical flight had involved multiple inventors and experimental designs over the preceding decades.

What are some pros and cons of being aircraft mechanic?

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In the Military, it's a great job! (We're the only branch of the service that sends the Officers out "in harms way"HA)

Seriously though, if you want to be an aircraft mechanic, you should seriously consider joining the military, I joined the Air Force in 1965 & later spent 23 years in Germany working for NATO on the AWACS aeroplanes, I don't regret a moment of it.

If you want a real challenge, join the Navy, those guys do the same job as I did, but under much more difficult circumstances.

In civilian life it's unfortunately about getting the most out of you for the least amount of pay & benefits.

But if you love aeroplanes (engines in my case) Go for it!

How much does an airplane pilot make annually?

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50,000 to 100,000 dollars annually.

It is around $50,300. That is how much you would make in a year.

What does a helicopter pilot get paid?

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This really depends on the type of job that the pilot is doing. Helicopter pilots are used for such a wide variety of jobs but the average salary ranges from $45,000 to $90,000. Some jobs may even pay less while others have the potential to pay higher. There are so many different jobs out there for helicopter pilots, it is a hard question to answer without being more specific.

Are helicopter pilots in high demand within the work force in two years?

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Fortunately for aspiring and existing pilots alike, the helicopter industry is on the grow. Over the next several years, it is expected that the majority of experienced pilots currently in the industry will begin to retire as many of them had learned to fly during the Vietnam War. This will open many more doors for those that are entering this competitive job market.

What is more dangerous riding a horse or riding in a helicopter?

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considering that in horseback riding you are sitting on a 1600 pound animal with a mind of its own, im thinking compared to boxing, horseback riding is far more dangerous. im not sure what the statistics are for boxing but in horseback riding, over 100,000 people are mildly to seriously injured a year and over 20 die a year from it. I hope this answers your question :)

But then again, horses don't intentionally try to hurt you. In boxing, the entire point of it is to hurt the competitor.

What Bird flies like a helicopter?

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name of the animal which look a helicopter

Which bird can hover like a helicopter?

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The Hummingbird best meets that criteria, it can even go into reverse, but it can't keep it up forever.

How do you make RC plane propeller?

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makeing propellers takes years of prctace and buckets of skill. i recomend you buy one. thay are no more than $3 for a normal sized ones

When was the first toy helicopter made and by who?

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The first toy helicopters were made between the 12th and 14th centuries, they were made as string-pulled toys for children. The creators of the toys are unknown, mostly because the only thing that supports this theory are manuscripts and paintings from that time.

Where to find a helicopter?

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Toy helicopters can be a fun and exciting toy for all age groups. You can buy a toy helicopter from Radioshack. Alternatively, you can look to ebay and see a larger selection and find the best price.

Where can one play a Helicopter Game online?

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One can play a Helicopter Game online at a number of online flash games websites. For example, on the website addictinggames, there is a game called "Helicopter Games," which is a flight simulator for a helicopter. Other games sites include Miniclip and Learn4Good.

Do you need a licence to fly a helicopter?

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I don't know what country you are in, but in the USA you do not need a licence. It is a good idea to get AMA flight insurance though. It pays for damages to other people and their property. Also, most flying clubs require you to have it.

Can you make a helicopter?

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Now, to be fair, people have made helicopters from scratch, but you should not do it.

How do you fix a toy helicopter if the top rotar won't spin?

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you have to twist the top a couple of times about 3 or 6

How do you make a paper helicopter go slow?

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Take the paper clip off and make it smaller.

How do you stop medrano before he escapes on the helicopter int video game quatum of solace for ps2?

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Stopping Medrano at the end of the QOS game on PS2 is tough and near impossible in 007 difficulty, where I discovered a secret no one's yet published. Normally you face 9 mercs, 3 on each of 3 ramps up to Medrano's chopper. But if you get past the first 3 without killing them, no more mercs appear! While it's super tricky, it's infinitely easier than taking out 9 guys with no time to take cover (in a game where cover is key).

Here's how it's done. First, press the 'roll' button ASAPto roll all the way up the ramp. (Note that Bond is auto-crouched at the beginning. Don't bother standing. Every millisecond counts). The first 2 mercs shoot you to pieces, but don't shoot back. Instead press roll over and over. Stay mostly to the left and you can make it past them (since more bullets miss you rolling vs. running).

The 3rd merc rolls out ahead at the bend into the 2nd ramp and will rifle whip you dead unless you roll to the right of him. This leaves you with a bad angle to make the left-hand turn onto the 2nd ramp. This is the one brief moment when you run, not roll, to make that turn. If you run wide enough of him, merc #3 may miss you.

Here you'll be amazed to see no extra mercs ahead. Quickly resume rolling up the ramp since the 3 behind will still be firing. If you slightly zig-zag your rolls, you can avoid enough lead to reach the 3rd ramp for a free and clear run to the chopper. I achieved this an average of 1 out of 4 times trying vs. the 1 in 15 against 9 mercs.

When you reach the chopper, aim at Medrano's legs. I used the shotgun since it has the widest reticule to light him up with. In 007, 3 blasts in the red take him down. But if you prefer a machinegun, zoom in on his thigh, keep your sights slightly ahead of him, and keep the trigger down. He'll run right into the fire. Good luck, Bond.

How do toy helicopters work?

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look up "how helicopters work", it shows you basically every thing. the only difference is that 1 . its a toy 2. the main blades do not adjust to turn toy helicopters, the motors tail end slows down to turn the toy helicopter allowing only left/right turning