

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy

The end result of a mother drinking alcohol during pregnancy and her body naturally transferring the alcohol to the fetus causing complications is referred to as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

500 Questions

What causes a baby to come out deformed?

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Mutations in their chromosomal DNA. Each parent gives chromosomes to the baby, and when they meet sometimes there are doubles of chromosomes, missing chromosomes, or mutated chromosomes which cause abnormalities in the DNA and overall the child.

What are some signs and symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome?

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If a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy, her baby can be born with FAS, a lifelong condition that causes physical and mental disabilities.

FAS is characterized by abnormal facial features, growth deficiencies, and central nervous system (CNS) problems. People with FAS might have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision, hearing, or a combination of these. These problems often lead to difficulties in school and problems getting along with others.

FAS is a permanent condition.

What are some effects of alcohol on the fetus?

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I assume that this question means "What are the harms caused to you and your baby while drinking alcohol while you are pregnant?" The harms to the mother while drinking alcohol while pregnant are not very significant, unless she drinks excessively. The harm to the child however are severe. Even a single beer during pregnancy greatly increases the chances of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), which causes huge amounts of developmental problems in the foetus, and will affect the child for the rest of his or her life. In some countries, drinking while pregnant CAN endanger the mother, as it is seen as being socially and legally unacceptable.

Drinking alcohol when not even a month pregnant?

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Is a no no! You shouldn't drink any alcohol when pregnant especially is such early stages, 1st trimester, some say one small glass of wine is ok in later stages of pregnancy but if you want a healthy and happy baby it isn't worth the risk.

What behavioral problems in children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

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Learning, behavioral, and emotional problems are common in adolescents and adults with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).

Behavior and learning difficulties typical in the early early school years include poor attention span, hyperactivity, poor motor skills, and slow language development.

A common diagnosis that is associated with FAS is attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Learning disabilities or mental retardation may be diagnosed during this time.

During middle school and high school years, the behavioral difficulties and learning difficulties can be significant. Memory problems, poor judgment, difficulties with daily living skills, difficulties with abstract reasoning skills, and poor social skills are often apparent by this time.

How long should you wait to breastfeed your child after drinking wine?

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"Alcohol passes to the baby in small amounts in breast milk. The milk will smell different to the baby and may affect their feeding, sleeping or digestion. The best advice is to avoid drinking shortly before a baby's feed."[29] "Alcohol clears from a mother's milk at the rate of around one unit [8g] every two hours. So try to avoid alcohol before breastfeeding, or plan ahead and express milk if you know you'll be drinking."[30] "There is little research evidence available about the effect that [alcohol in breast milk] has on the baby, although practitioners report that, even at relatively low levels of drinking, it may reduce the amount of milk available and cause irritability, poor feeding and sleep disturbance in the infant. Given these concerns, a prudent approach is advised."[1] * Australia: "Women who are breastfeeding are advised not to exceed the levels of drinking recommended during pregnancy, and may consider not drinking at all."[1] * Iceland: Advise that women abstain from alcohol during breast feeding because no safe consumption level exists. * New Zealand: "The guidelines recommend women do not drink alcohol, smoke, or use non-prescription drugs unless prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as these can all affect the growth and development of the baby."[25] * United Kingdom: "The occasional drink - one to two units [8-16g] no more than once or twice a week - probably won't do any harm. Any more than this isn't good, as it can make the baby so sleepy that it won't take enough milk."[30] Probably not. Should answer your questions.

Can drinking 2 units of alcohol a week affect the 18 week old fetus?

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Drinking small amounts of alcohol have been proven to NOTbe harmful to an unborn baby....Just don't get trashed...

Do alcoholic fathers affect the development of the fetal baby?

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I'm not a professional, but I see no reason why the father's alcohol consumption would have an effect on the baby. Assuming that the only fluid being transferred between the mother and father is semen, I think it's highly unlikely, given that alcohol is not excreted through semen. No. The mother carries the baby and it's what she ingests (eats or drinks) that would decide how healthy the baby is or isn't. If a mother drank alcohol or was using street drugs this would be transferred to the baby. Drugs cause baby's to go through withdrawal like an adult coming off drugs. There is a genetic factor as to whether that baby will be prone to becoming an alcoholic or not if the genes for alcoholism are high in either family (mother/father). However genes can skip one or more generations.

If you had drank once in your 1st trimester without knowing you were pregnant what would it do to the baby?

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I know what you mean here i'm thinking i am pregnant. so as stupid and vile it sounds tomorrow night i will be going out and drinking until i probably black out. Some believe this can definately reduce your chances but having likee a glass of wine won't at all.

Will it harm the baby if the mother gets drunk before she knows she is pregnant?

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I am not a Dr., but I think it unlikely that any long term effect occurred. I was born in 1959, and my mother drank every day during the pregnancy, as did many women in that time period before the effects of fetal alcohol were widely known. I do believe that drinking over the course of the pregnancy might make your child more likely to be an alcoholic, as steady intake of alcohol during pregnancy would create a need. As well, there might be a withdrawal upon birth, so it is better to avoid alcohol during pregnancy other than in small amounts. My wife drank alcohol free beer such as Kaliber, O'Douls Amber and so on during her pregnancy.


I had a very wild night a few days before I realised I was pregnant. My doctor said not to worry; if it had any effect on the fetal development, it probably would have caused a miscarrage. There is an increeced risk of serious birth defects and a slight chance of Fetal Alchol Syndrome....but most people either miscarry in their first trimester, or deliver healthy babies. I'm at 35 weeks now, and all my tests/ultrasounds look positive.


I am a doctor, and I can tell you that both of these answers are incorrect. The fact is, all of the studies show you can never be sure how much is too much. Some women are able to drink through all 9 months and have a perfectly healthy child. Some drink moderate amounts, and end of with a baby who is affected with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which can include not only heart, brain and eye defects but severe mental retardation and behavioral problems. This is why they say " There is no ok amount of alcohol for a pregnant woman". Because we can not predict who will have a problem with a small amount of alcohol and who wont, it is always best to not drink during pregnancy. Additionally, it is not true that if you do the damage early on, you will automatically miscarry. In fact, several women with FAS children only drank until the time they knew they were pregnant, and not any after that. As for making a child an alcoholic, that is likely more associated with what has now been determined to be a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, not because the child was exposed to alcohol in utero. The main point is this..... is a drinking alcohol for 9 months worth dealing with all of the possible medical and behavioral complications for the rest of your child's life?

Can heavy drinking kill your fetus?

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Oh sweetie, can you imagine how many people would have problems if this were the case? I would say you have nothing to worry about. Obviously lots of people drink before they know they are pregnant, as long as soon as you suspect a possible pregnancy you stop drinking, I'm sure your baby will be fine. One thing that could help ease your concerns is a trip to the doctor, just ask him, I'm sure he will tell you your baby is OK. Good luck with the baby, and the rest of your pregnancy!

I concieved wile drunk and my baby is perfectly healthy in my 8th month of pregnancy. However, dont take this as an "okay" to drink throughout the whole pregnancy because that IS very dangerous.

What is foetal alcohol syndrome?

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Fetal Alcohol syndrome (FAS) is caused by a woman drinking too much alcohol during pregnancy. The pregnant woman typically is also malnourished, receives no pre-natal medical care, drinks tobacco and does drugs.

The amount of alcohol necessary to cause FAS is controversial but several important points are worth noting:

• Because it's impossible to "prove a negative," opponents of drinking alcohol in general can always and forever say that "no safe limit on consumption has been proven"

• There appears to be no evidence that drinking in moderation (no more than one drink of beer, wine or distilled spirits) by pregnant women has ever caused Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or otherwise harmed a single baby. The burden of proof lies on those who contend that such drinking is harmful and they have not been able to do so.

• Women who choose to drink in moderation while pregnant can do so with knowledge that their decision is consistent with scientific evidence.

• There is always the possibility that some as yet unidentified harm to a baby might result from light or moderate drinking during pregnancy.

• Given the above possibility, even if remote, the very safest choice for an expectant mother's fetus would be to abstain.

• Women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant should discuss the matter with their own physician or health care provider.

Can a mother with fetal alcohol syndrome pass it onto her baby if she does not drink during her pregnancy?

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If your pregnant you shouldn't have any alchool. You never know what is developing at that time. If you were drinking when your baby is developing a nose, eyes, mouth, brain, any part of the body you could mess it up. things won't develop the way they are supposed to. But i guess it just a roll of the dice...wether or not anything is developing...and no one can tell you what exactally is forming on what day...are you willing to take that chance?

Answer 2: Children whose mothers drank even moderates amount of alcohol during pregnancy can suffer from diasabilities, including behavioral problems and learning deficits. You don't have to be an alcoholic to hurt your baby remarks Professor Ann Streissguth, of the fetal alcohol and drug unit at the University of Washington, "you just have to be drinking enough and pregnant." No minimal dose has ever been established below which there are no risks. The wisest course for women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy may be not to drink any alcohol at all. See Jehovah's Witnesses official website 10/8/05 Awake under Alcohol Misuse and Health.

Can drinking Windex kill you?

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Yes you can die from drinking windex. it had acid's in it that can kill you within 2 minutes.

Can Fetal Alcohol Syndrome be cured?

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No. It is a condition that occurs in newborns as a result of exposure to large amount of alcohol in utero (while still in the womb). It happens when pregnant women drink during their pregnancy.

It is not genetic and you cannot inherit it.

What organ nourishes the fetus?

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The placenta that is attached to the babys belly button. That's how the baby gets most of it's nourishment. Also the amniotic fluid plays a role in it as well.

'Is it better too divorce a bad woman and have split custody or endure misery in a bad marriage until the kids are grown?

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It is better for you to divorce a bad woman and have split custody than being unhappy and putting you and your kids in danger. Your kids will be sad but you need to do it. if she is a really bad woman you shouldn't split the custody if you think she will hurt your kids.

How common is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

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It varies in different cultures. Some (Islamic, for example) have a vanishingly small percentage of drinkers, while others like ours have many millions of casual drinkers, roughly 7-10% of whom abuse alcohol or are full-blown alcoholics.

What is fetal alchohl syndrome?

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A congential medical condition in whinch the body deformation occurs or facial development ability is impaired because the mother drinks

What happens if you drink when pregnant?

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If you are thinking about drinking, then just DON'T but if you have already drank, you and your baby should be fine. I have heard stories of people being 6 and 7 weeks pregnant and having a blast on their 21st birthday before they realized they were pregnant and their babies are fine. Usually a small amount of alcohol consumption at the very beginning of pregnancy is not too big of a deal but binge drinking can have some effects. If you are still pretty worried maybe you should just contact your physician.