



The Renaissance was a period in which Europe underwent a rebirth in regards to classical art, literature, and architecture. The movement originated in Italy during the 14th century before spreading throughout Europe.

500 Questions

Why was the renaissance submarine helpful?

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The Renaissance submarine, developed by Leonardo da Vinci, was helpful because it laid the groundwork for future advancements in underwater transportation and exploration. While it was not widely used during the Renaissance, its design principles inspired later innovations in submarine technology.

How did the Crusades and the Renaissance encourage the age of exploration?

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The Crusades exposed Europeans to new lands, goods, and ideas, sparking interest in exploration. The Renaissance facilitated a revival of learning, which spurred advancements in technology, navigation, and cartography, providing the tools needed for overseas expeditions. Together, these events fueled the age of exploration by expanding knowledge, resources, and motivations for travel beyond known boundaries.

How did the renaissance and reformation affect age the discovery?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Renaissance and Reformation influenced the Age of Discovery by promoting intellectual curiosity, scientific inquiry, and religious reforms. The spirit of humanism from the Renaissance encouraged exploration and discovery, while the Reformation challenged established authority, leading to voyages of discovery funded by new nations seeking wealth and power. This convergence of cultural, religious, and technological changes fueled the Age of Discovery.

Why was secular learning discouraged before the renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Secular learning was discouraged before the Renaissance due to the dominance of the Catholic Church, which viewed the pursuit of knowledge outside of religious teachings as a threat to its authority. The church promoted a strict focus on theology and philosophy based on religious doctrines, limiting the exploration of other areas of knowledge. This mindset began to shift during the Renaissance as humanism and the revival of classical learning encouraged a broader focus on secular subjects.

Why was the Renaissance important for exploration?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Renaissance fostered a spirit of curiosity and discovery, which fueled exploration by inspiring individuals to seek out new lands and cultures. Advancements in science, technology, and navigation during the Renaissance also enabled explorers to travel greater distances and make important discoveries. Additionally, the increased wealth and power of European nations during this time provided the resources and motivation to support exploration efforts.

What was Americas technology during the Renaissance?

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During the Renaissance, America was not as technologically advanced as Europe. Indigenous civilizations, such as the Aztec, Inca, and Maya, had developed sophisticated systems of agriculture, architecture, and astronomy. However, they did not have the same level of technological advancements in areas like metallurgy, machinery, and navigation that were being developed in Europe.

Why was the renaissance more secular?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Renaissance was more secular due to a shift towards humanism and a renewed focus on individual potential and achievement. This led to a questioning of traditional religious beliefs and an emphasis on human experience and knowledge. Additionally, the revival of classical Greek and Roman ideas during this period contributed to a more worldly outlook that valued the here and now over spiritual concerns.

Why was the skeleton able to product during the renaissance?

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During the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in human anatomy and the study of the human body. This led to advancements in scientific knowledge and understanding of how the body works, including the skeletal system. Artists and scientists worked together to accurately depict the human form, leading to more anatomically correct representations of skeletons in art and science.

How did the Renaissance scholar's differ from those of medieval scholar's?

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Asked by Wiki User

Renaissance scholars focused on humanism, individualism, and a revival of classical learning and culture, while medieval scholars were more centered on theology, scholasticism, and religious teachings. Renaissance scholars were more interested in the arts, literature, and science, while medieval scholars focused on deciphering and interpreting religious texts and doctrines.

What two cultures did renaissance scholars study?

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Renaissance scholars studied both the ancient Greek and Roman cultures, as well as the Arabic and Islamic cultures. They were interested in these civilizations for their advancements in areas like art, literature, science, and philosophy.

Why was the submarine so important during the renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Submarines were not important during the Renaissance, as they were not developed until much later. The Renaissance period, roughly from the 14th to 17th century, was more focused on advancements in arts, culture, and science rather than naval technology. Submarines became significant much later, in the 19th and 20th centuries, when they offered new capabilities in maritime warfare, exploration, and research.

Which development during the Renaissance helped MOST to cause the Protestant Reformation?

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The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg played a significant role in spreading ideas and information during the Renaissance. This helped to circulate Martin Luther's writings and the ideas of other early reformers, contributing to the spread of Protestantism and the Reformation movement.

What tools did a Renaissance stone mason use?

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Renaissance stone masons used tools such as chisels, mallets, hammers, axes, saws, levels, plumb lines, and trowels to shape and carve stones for building projects. They also used specialized tools like compasses, square rulers, and templates for precise measurements and intricate designs.

Did they use bricks in the renaissance?

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Asked by Kristy7288

Yes, bricks were used in Renaissance architecture as a common building material, particularly in northern Europe where there was a tradition of brick construction. Bricks were used in the construction of buildings such as churches, palaces, and townhouses during this period.

Role of age of renaissance to the age of exploration?

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The Age of Renaissance laid the groundwork for the Age of Exploration by sparking a surge in intellectual curiosity, artistic expression, and technological advancements, especially in areas like cartography and navigation. The Renaissance emphasis on humanism and individualism also contributed to a spirit of exploration and discovery. This cultural and intellectual climate, combined with the economic motives of trade and colonization, propelled European powers into the Age of Exploration.

Which technological advancement was the most important for European exploration?

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The development of navigational tools like the astrolabe and compass were crucial for European exploration, enabling sailors to determine their position at sea. Additionally, advancements in shipbuilding techniques, like the development of the caravel, facilitated longer journeys.

What do ancient rock paintings and carvings reveal about early people?

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Ancient rock paintings and carvings reveal valuable insights into early people's culture, beliefs, daily lives, and interactions with the environment. They provide evidence of hunting practices, social structures, spiritual beliefs, and artistic expressions, offering a glimpse into the way of life of ancient civilizations. Studying these artifacts helps researchers understand the evolution of human societies and the development of early forms of communication and storytelling.

Italian Renaissance author of The Prince?

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Niccolò Machiavelli wrote "The Prince" during the Italian Renaissance. Published in 1532, the book explores political philosophy and serves as a guide on how rulers can gain and maintain power. Machiavelli's work is known for its controversial ideas and his emphasis on the practical aspects of governing.

What languages did people speak in the renaissance era?

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During the Renaissance era, people in Europe commonly spoke languages such as Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, English, and German. Latin was especially prevalent among scholars and the elite class, while vernacular languages like Italian and French were used in everyday communication and literature.

How do you pronounce Renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Either RENN-eh-sance or ren-NEH-sance is correct.

What was the focus of education for the renaissance humanists?

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Renaissance humanists focused on a well-rounded education that included the study of classical texts, languages, history, literature, philosophy, and arts. They believed in the importance of developing critical thinking skills, moral character, and a deep understanding of the world. This emphasis on humanism and the liberal arts helped shape education during the Renaissance period.

What is renaissance education?

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Renaissance education was a humanistic approach to learning that emphasized the study of classical literature, history, and philosophy. It aimed to cultivate well-rounded individuals with a strong focus on critical thinking, creativity, and moral development. Renaissance education played a key role in the cultural and intellectual flourishing of the period.

What transformed the way information was exchanged during the renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg transformed the way information was exchanged during the Renaissance. This technology enabled the mass production of books and other written materials, making information more widely accessible and allowing for the spread of new ideas and knowledge.

How did the English Renaissance affect the education of the people?

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Asked by 7711538

The English Renaissance resulted in an increased emphasis on classical learning and humanist education, which led to the establishment of grammar schools and universities. This shift in educational focus promoted the study of literature, arts, science, and languages, making education more accessible to a wider population beyond the nobility. Overall, the English Renaissance contributed to a more educated and cultured society.

Why was education of the masses became important during the Renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the Renaissance, there was a growing interest in humanism and the idea of individual potential. Educating the masses was seen as a way to spread knowledge, cultivate critical thinking skills, and empower individuals to contribute to society in meaningful ways. This emphasis on education helped fuel advancements in art, science, and culture during this period.