



The practical application of knowledge, especially in a particular area, is called technology. Advances in technology affect every area of our lives. This category is for questions about technology and includes everything from how to remove a scratch from a CD to applications of electronics to what polyester is made from and more.

35,077 Questions

Why is incredibox not working?

Incredibox is not working because the server is currently broken, and will apparently take some time to get fixed

How old you have to be to have a webshow?

well if you have the equipment, parental guidence , and a topic, age doesnt matter in most countries as long as you now how to set up a website and hyperlinks ect.. or just post your vid on youtube :)

Is it wacom bamboo touch is only touch tablet or can use pen to?

It is a capacitive touchpad. It does not include, and would not work with the wacom pen. The pen uses an active sensor, which is not included in the touch model tablet. If you want to touch and use pen, then you need to buy the "pen and touch" model.

What are the financial disadvantages of curiosity?

If you want to know something purely out of curiosity, there is no guarantee that any financial profit will result from what you may learn, although it is also true that pure curiosity can lead, quite accidentally, to very valuable discoveries as well. For example, recently, scientists in Europe have confirmed the existence of the Higgs boson. One can argue that knowledge of fundamental physics has often turned out to have practical applications, yet knowledge is also sought for its own sake, out of curiosity. Scientists, fundamentally, want to understand the universe better. It cost billions of dollars to build the equipment needed to learn about the Higgs boson, yet not one cent of profit has resulted from this knowledge, so far, and quite possibly it will never have any financially profitable application. Then again, we do not really know where scientific research will take us in the future. Perhaps some day Higgs bosons will turn out to have very useful technological applications. We really cannot predict that.

How do you draw your own avatar on GGG?

you go to your profile and then go to avatar then there will be a sentence at the top that say feeling creative create a avatar and you click it and create your own avatar i have on my name is tayloristhebest101

What are the five causes of technological progress?

1. Scientific Research

2. Innovation

3. Scale of the Market

4. Education & Experience

5. Natural Resource Use

How much of a modern car is recyclable?

Well you have most of it that could be recycled could recycle everything in it. Metal, plastic, lights, and everything else.

When was there a big breakthrough in technology?

Perhaps the industrial revolution in the early 1800s.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of requirements analysis?

Advantage: You know what you need and hopefully can get.

Disadvantage: It takes time and effort, you may not think of everything and omit something important that you need but did not think of and might not get.

Is it possible to get a jarvis theme on your android?

Yes, it is. Go to the Google Play Store for the Android version. The link can be found in the related links section below.

How many portals are in mindcraft?

it depends on if you have any mods and what version

you are on currently there are 2 nether and end as of 1.1

Why might entrepeneurs be particularly good at putting technology to innovative use?

Entrepreneurs are by definition innovators and risk takers. They are most likely to look at a new technology and think of ways that it can be used or applied to make a new business or relaunch or improve an existing business. Often someone who creates a technology does so to solve a specific need or problem. Entrepreneurs are likely to find new applications for the technology.

What is the function of a circulation pump?

In my heating system the circulation pump pushes hot water around the pipes in my house to all ate radiators.

Different systems will have different functions but generally to "circulate a liquid".

What is the function of hydrant key?

Opens the water valve so the water flows.

What network related activity did England Queen Elizabeth II perform in 1976?

I remember reading in a fact book that The Queen of England sent first her email. on March 26 1976 from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (RSRE) in Malvern as a part of a demonstration of networking technology.

How do you test a John Deere alternator to see if it is putting out a charge while still mounted?

Your 12 volt battery should be about 12.5 volts without the engine running. Test and verify it is. Now with the engine running test again, Voltage should now be around 13 to 14 volts. If not, then your battery or alternator are bad. To check a battery try charging it with a battery charger.

Which Is Better Acer Tablet PC Or Hp Laptop With Beats Audio?

It depends on the hardware of the PC this is what you should check between them

Ram/Hard Drive/Memory

Graphics Card


Although my Preferences between the two at the moment i would chose HP because they have a easy to understand system recovery in case of anything Bad Happens.

if you need any help for the spec between them them both send them to me and ill let you know witch one is better.

What are some advantages of mousetrap?

Kills or traps a mouse so -

No mouse droppings

No chewed up things

How do you trace landline no with address?

Not 100% sure if I am understanding your question properly but when a land like call is traced, they are simply accessing the debug info. it is normally restricted for internal use by the phone company, but a tech worker can access that info if they wanted.

A caller ID spoofer will not change internal routing info so a call can still be traced.

PS also wanted to add that a call can be traced instantly and can also be traced after the fact (it is not like how it is in movies).

If you want to trace a call and a reverse number lookup doesn't work then the only other option is to either get someone at a phone company to access the debug data and trace the call, or send you the data (though I am not sure if they are allowed to do that with non law enforcement).

PS if you are being harassed, it is unlikely that the phone company workers or the police will be of any help as they do nothing with those phone scam calls that use spoofed caller ID info.

What is the function of optocoupler?

An optocoupler provides galvanic isolation between the sending and the receiving side of an information stream. The signal crosses the galvanic isolation by being transmitted by a light emitting diode (or a similar mechanism), and is received by a light-sensitive device such as a photo diode or resistor.

Common uses of opto couplers include the trigger system of triacs and thyristors, electronic devices dealing with high voltage and current. In those systems, the opto coupler protects the sensitive control logic and equipment that manages the trigger signals from the high power load path.

Other common uses of opto couplers are in computing, where devices need connecting to enable exchange of data and where galvanic isolation is desired to keep both sides decoupled.

Fibre optic data cables are also very similar to an opto coupler. A typical opto coupler has a thin galvanic isolation barrier (a think layer of glass or similar plastic material) between the light transmitting and light receiving sides. A fibre optics "cable" works much in the same way, except the isolating (but light-conducting) barrier is a very long fibre of glass (or a similar material).

What can be done to fix a pantech breakout when it wont charge or turn on?

It depends on what caused the device to not power on.

The battery could be damaged. Replace the battery.

The charging unit could be damaged. Replace the charging unit or find the damaged component and replace it.

The charging connector could be damaged. Replace the circuit board or find the damaged component and replace it.

The power button could be damaged. Replace the circuit board or find the damaged component and replace it.

Something could have fried the circuit board. Replace the circuit board or find the damaged component and replace it.