


Percentages, Fractions, and Decimal Values

Percentages are defined as a fraction or portion of a whole. Generally percentages deal with an amount out of one hundred but can be used in sales, economics, and science. If you've walked into any store you're sure to find something marked a certain percent off. Fractions are not whole numbers with a numerator over a denominator. Usually the numerator and denominator are expressed as integers. There are four types of fractions: simple fractions, complex fractions, mixed fractions, and improper fractions. Decimals are also not integers. They are expressed often like 0.34 and are often rounded off since some go for too long. Both decimals and fractions are also used to convert to percentages.

500 Questions

How do you solve 4 is what percent of 50?

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4 is what % of 50 "Is" means equals and "of" is always multiplication "what" is the unknown....we will call that x. So in an equation form: 4 = x% x 50 4/50 = x% .08 = x% so 8 is the answer.

4.81 is 2.5 percent of what number?

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4.81/0.025 = 192.4

Therefore, 4.81 is 2.5 percent of 192.4.

Can you drink isopropyl alcohol?

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You can drink anything, really. YOu can drink gasoline if you want. Although there is probably a great deal of liquids out there you may want to shy away from...

The reason you should never drink isopropyl alcohol (also known as Rubbing Alcohol) is because it affects your optic nerves.

If you drink it, you'll go blind.

What does mixed ethnicity mean?

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It means having ancestors - usually parents - who come from different ethnic backgrounds.

How do you keep your puppy from chewing up lines and cords?

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Most dogs hate the smell of WD-40. Spray some on the cords or anything else you don't want chewed up and they will stay away. It also works in the garden/flower bed, too.

What are the classes of pharmacologically active natural products?

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Pharmacologically active natural products are frequently toxins and antifeedants to discourage predation. The alkaloids are bitter-tasting, the sesquiterpenes where you find feverfew and quinone, the alcohols such as ethanol and lactones are all classes of pharmacologically active naturals.

What is the conceptual relationship of a fraction and decimal?

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What is the difference between a fraction and a decimal? Well it is possible for a fraction changed into a decimal and a decimal changed into a fraction

Very true. Though conceptually 2/5 or 4/10 can raise a slightly different picture in the mind than the equivalent 0.4 . The fraction brings out more strongly that 2 in every 5 are being considered, while 0.4 is just a quantity not quite half way on the way from 1 to 10. The nearest that the decimal system approaches the fractional concept is the use of the "percentage" idea.

What percent of Bahamians are Christian?

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Well, most of them are Christians. Percentage unknown.

You have been eating less than 800 calories the past week and drinking 3 cups of caffeinated tea a day noticed a flutter in your chest when you laugh cough or breathe deeply What could this be?

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You should be very careful. It's possible that you have an electrolyte imbalance and it could be interfering with the normal operation of your heart. You should see your doctor.

Why does he always find something wrong with you?

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When a person lacks self confidence in themselves they can often take it out on others by either blaming them for things that go wrong or picking out their bad points. The news flash for this guy is ... we all have bad points that we need to work on. These qualities in a person are a red flag for an abusive personality and you'll never be happy with them. Always remember that when someone loves you the way you should be loved there is very little you can do wrong short of disrepect, cheating or murder. When you love someone saying mean remarks or picking on that person constantly simply isn't love. This guy is abusive in manner and I suggest you kick him to the curb. If you don't respect yourself and don't put your values up front for all to see then you can expect this sort of thing to continue on in your life. I think you deserve better than that, so move on! Good luck Marcy

Raised by a Narcissistic Mother - does that make me one too?

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No, of course not. I was raised by a narcissistic mother, and I have neither a Narcissitic Personality or any other character or personality disorder. I am not a psychiatrist only a psychology student, but I have first hand experience of what it is like to be raised by a seriously narcissistic individual. I have read a great deal on NPD, some of which I agree with and some I see as just a theory (a theory developed from treating NPD individuals or from the NPD individual themselves - the very nature of narcissism will make this a skewed perspective and should be judged with knowledge of its source). I believe narcissists are born. Through childhood this innate defect is nurtured (not intentionally) by parents, siblings and the wider world. Parents giving the child what they want, siblings being told not to rock the boat etc. - those type of excuses to avoid a serious, uncontrollable tantrum. It's not necessarily about an easier life (though in some cases it may be), it is because this little narcissitic child is uncontrollable, their mood shifts, withdrawing and violent outbursts do not make any sense - it is impossible to know what to do. So, over time the best thing to do is try and placate, to try and meet demands. In a normal child, they would probably become a spoilt brat and perhaps grow into a spoil adult too. With a narcissist, I believe the constant, unintentional reinforcement of their behaviour does nothing to promote how they really should behave. They have no sense of how to behave thorugh empathising with peoples feeings and needs, gauging what's appropriate in certain circumstances - the type of things you gradually learn over time from observation, experience and gradual understanding about feelings, both your own and how others may feel. I believe thay learn what the social norms for given situations - and mimic or act out what they believe is the right response (providing the attention isn't drawn away from them of course!) So, as the result of my little theory, just because your mother is narcissitic, does not by default mean you will be. Yes, at times you may show narcissistic traits - everyone does sometimes. You may also have certain behaviours that you don't quite understand and you are frightened because they remind you of your mother - don't panic, they could be learned behaviours from a bent socialisation from your mother. And never forget, you always have a choice on how to behave. Yes, feelings my be automatic and instinctual - but you and only you control your reactions and behaviour.

How much heat do you lose through your head during cold weather?

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You lose the same amount over any given exposed area of your body. Your head may lose up to ten percent more due to a higher concentration of blood vessels close to the surface and a lower concentration of body fat. These conditions have been found to vary under the conditions of exercise but once perspiration occurs

The common misconception is that one loses around thirty percent of body heat through ones head. The reasons behind this are two-fold.

Firstly, people seldom wear hats or head-coverings until cold conditions becomes fairly acute. However, we seldom run around without clothes in all but both the hottest weather and liberal surroundings. At most points a person will have the majority of their surface area covered with clothes. If it were bitterly cold you would be unlikely to roll up one sleeve, but this would lose a similar amount of heat.

Secondly, your head contains your brain. Your body protects your brain in the same way as any major organ. It withdraws blood from non-essential extremities to concentrate on the core of the body and, of course, your brain.

You feel the cold in these areas last but more often than not the body will have to work harder to protect the head due to clothing on the torso and limbs as well as socks, shoes and underwear.

It is possible that you lose about thirty percent when moderately clothed through your uncovered head, but then it is also possible that your head loses less than any other area when naked due to the insulative properties of your hair.



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What does 0.59 equal in a fraction?

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59/100 - it cant get simplified any further.

What percentage of men are misogynists?

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I would have to say the percentage is low as men generally love woman.

What is ejection fraction forty to forty five percent of left ventricle mean?

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The ejection fraction is a measure of how much blood the heart can pump. The left ejection fraction is how much blood the heart can pump out into the body (as opposed to into the lungs.) 40-50% is a below-normal ejection fraction.

What made people deaf in World War I?

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Soldiers serving in World War 1 frequently lost their hearing due to the almost constant heavy artillery bombarment (shelling) that was going on around them. It was not unusual for a heavy barrage to be laid by several thousand guns of either side for upto seven days prior to an infantry assualt being chanced. The British preparatory barrage in the week before the Somme offensive in 1916 was so intense that the sound of it could be heard over two hundred miles away in London - I Warner

What does a dream of repeating decimals mean?

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It means that you are worried that your life is drifting on aimlessly with no sense of purpose.