



Autism is a developmental disorder that manifests itself in the first years of life. Characteristics of this disorder include impaired social interaction, repetitive behavior and delayed language development. Ask questions about disorders in the autism spectrum here.

500 Questions

Do you capitalise the word Autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, when referring to autism as an identity you capitalize - for example Autistic person, Autistic child, Autistic community. In general you don't capitalize autism, for example when talking about autism as a condition or autistic resources.

How did my child develop autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The exact cause of autism is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetic predisposition, prenatal factors, and early brain development are thought to play a role in the development of autism. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a personalized understanding of your child's condition.

Why do people with autism hate loud noises?

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Asked by Alyssamcintosh908

People with autism often have sensory sensitivities that make them more sensitive to loud noises. This sensitivity can cause them to feel overwhelmed, anxious, or in pain when exposed to loud sounds, leading them to dislike or avoid them.

What are some things that annoy people with autism?

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Asked by Alyssamcintosh908

Some common things that may annoy people with autism include loud noises, strong smells, unexpected changes in routines, crowded or overwhelming environments, and difficulties with social interactions or communication. Each individual with autism may have their own unique triggers for annoyance.

Why do autistic people hate certain clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some autistic individuals may have sensory sensitivities that make certain clothing textures, materials, tags, or seams feel uncomfortable or even painful on their skin. The sensory processing differences in autism can lead to a heightened awareness of certain stimuli like clothing, making them more prone to feeling discomfort or distress. This can vary greatly between individuals, as sensory issues can be unique to each person with autism.

Why autistic people avoid eye contact?

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Asked by Alyssamcintosh908

Autistic individuals may find eye contact overwhelming due to sensory processing differences, making it uncomfortable or distracting for them. They may also have difficulty interpreting social cues from eye contact and prefer to focus on other forms of communication to better understand interactions with others. Additionally, avoiding eye contact can help reduce anxiety and allow them to better regulate their emotions in social situations.

Children with autism display what by rocking hand flipping or spinning objects or self?

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Asked by Wiki User

Children with autism may display stimming behaviors such as rocking, hand flipping, or spinning objects or themselves. These repetitive motions can help them regulate sensory input or cope with stress and anxiety. It's important for caregivers to understand that stimming is a common behavior in individuals with autism and can serve a purpose for them.

What is a socially handicapped child?

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A socially handicapped child is typically one who has difficulty interacting with others, forming relationships, or understanding social cues. This can impact their ability to engage in social situations and make friends, leading to challenges in communication and social integration. It is important for these children to receive support and guidance to help them develop social skills and navigate social interactions effectively.

Is rocking back and forth a sign of Autism?

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Rocking back and forth can be a behavior associated with autism, but it is not exclusive to autism. It can also be seen in other conditions such as sensory processing disorders or anxiety. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

What are some things that people with autism see or feel differently than normal people?

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People with autism may experience sensory sensitivities, such as being more sensitive to light, sound, touch, or certain textures. They may also have difficulty understanding and processing social cues and nonverbal communication, leading to challenges in social interactions. Additionally, individuals with autism may have strong interests in specific topics and demonstrate repetitive behaviors.

Can a person develop autism at the age of 14 from something traumatic?

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No, autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that is typically present from early childhood. Trauma can exacerbate symptoms in individuals already diagnosed with autism, but it does not cause someone to develop autism later in life.

Do doctors run certain tests to find out if someone is autistic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, doctors typically use behavioral assessments and interviews with the individual and their family to diagnose autism spectrum disorder. They may also order certain tests, such as genetic testing or brain imaging, to rule out other possible causes or to better understand an individual's specific strengths and challenges.

What are the 3 different symptoms people who suffer from autism have?

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Symptoms of autism can vary, but common signs include challenges with social interactions, repetitive behaviors, and difficulty with communication. These symptoms can manifest differently in each individual with autism.

What is the Theoritical framework of autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theoretical framework of autism typically involves a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors leading to atypical brain development and differences in social communication and behavior. The "intense world theory" suggests that individuals with autism experience the world as overwhelming due to heightened sensory perception. The "theory of mind" suggests challenges in understanding others' perspectives and emotions contribute to difficulties in social interaction.

How is Rett syndrome classified in the DSM-IV?

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Asked by Wiki User

In DSM-IV, Rett syndrome was classified as a pervasive developmental disorder, which is characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills, social interactions, and repetitive behaviors. It was subcategorized under the broader diagnostic category of autism spectrum disorders.

If none of your family has autism how did you get it?

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Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that can have a variety of genetic and environmental factors contributing to its development. It is not always necessary for other family members to have autism for someone to be diagnosed with it. It can arise from a combination of genetic predispositions and other factors, and each individual's experience with autism can be unique.

Can adults develop autism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is typically diagnosed in childhood. However, it is possible for some adults to receive a diagnosis of autism later in life if their symptoms were not recognized earlier. This could be due to a variety of factors, including masking or coping strategies that may have hidden their symptoms.

Would an autistic person who is interested in parts of objects become obsessed with a kaleidoscope?

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It is possible for an autistic person who is interested in parts of objects to become obsessed with a kaleidoscope due to its visual complexity and repetitive patterns. The kaleidoscope's motion, colors, and shapes may captivate their attention and provide a sensory-rich experience that aligns with their specific interests or sensitivities.

Does every person with autism have an eidetic memory?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not every person with autism has an eidetic memory. Eidetic memory, or photographic memory, is a rare ability that some individuals may have regardless of whether they have autism or not. Autism is a spectrum condition with a wide range of abilities and characteristics beyond memory.

Why are people with Asperger's Syndrome so good at certain tasks?

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People with Asperger's Syndrome often have strengths in areas such as attention to detail, pattern recognition, and logical thinking. These strengths may be attributed to their unique way of processing information and ability to focus intensely on specific subjects of interest.

Is it normal for boy to steal girls bras?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, stealing someone else's belongings is not normal or acceptable behavior, regardless of gender. It is a violation of personal boundaries and can be considered a form of harassment. If you are experiencing this type of behavior, it is important to speak up and seek support from a trusted adult or authority figure.

Is rocking back and forth normal or does it signify that you have a psychological problem if it progresses into your adulthood?

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Asked by Windstorm

Rocking back and forth can be a self-soothing behavior and is not always a sign of a psychological problem. However, if it is excessive, interfering with daily functioning, or causing distress, it may indicate a need to seek professional help. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation and guidance.

Disorder that makes you do things over and over again?

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). People with OCD may feel compelled to repeat actions or rituals to alleviate anxiety and distress, even if they understand that the behaviors are excessive or unnecessary. Treatment typically includes therapy, medication, or a combination of both to help manage symptoms.

Why do some normal people or people without autism rock also?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rocking is a self-soothing behavior that can help individuals regulate their emotions and reduce stress or anxiety. It is not exclusive to individuals with autism and can be seen in people without autism who may also find comfort in this repetitive movement.

What Percentage of Autistic People wear diapers?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific percentage of autistic people who wear diapers as it can vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. Some autistic individuals may wear diapers due to sensory issues or difficulties with toileting independence, while others may not require them at all. It is best to approach each person's needs on a case-by-case basis.