


TV Shows and Series

Television shows are segments of contents aired on televisions. They can be a one-off broadcast, or a part of a recurring television series. TV series are intended to be aired in several episodes.

500 Questions

What happened to van the ax man from papac logging?

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Asked by Wiki User

search and rescue chopper found him in the woods. he had lost his way from the track

In cheers tv show there is a world map-where did it come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The antique map in the background of several seasons of Cheers appears to be a reproduction of Claes Janszoon Visscher's c.1617 world map.

You can even buy a print of it - see related link below.

I understand they have one of the originals at the Austrian National Library. It is an extremely rare map, but frequently reproduced.

Do Army Wives pleasure themselves?

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Asked by Thedarkone67

Army wives are known cheaters, right up there with (females) nurses!

What is multifactorial polygenic threshold theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Multifactorial polygenic threshold theory proposes that complex traits are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. It suggests that multiple genes contribute to the expression of a trait, and a certain threshold of genetic and environmental factors must be reached to manifest the phenotype. This theory is often used to explain the inheritance of complex traits such as height, intelligence, and susceptibility to diseases.

Who is the biggest teletubbie?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tinky Winky is the tallest and biggest Teletubbie, standing at almost 7 feet tall.

What year did mtn start?

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Asked by Wiki User

MTN (Mobile Telecommunications Network) Group is a South African multinational mobile telecommunications company, and it was founded in 1994. It was established by South African businessman Phuthuma Nhleko, along with other partners. MTN has since grown to become one of the largest mobile network operators in Africa and the Middle East, with operations in multiple countries across these regions.

Where can you find all the episodes of choona hai aasman?

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Asked by Aminah73

I am not getting Chhoona hai Aasmaan all episodes.

Where can i find all the episodes.

is there any site

What does it mean when your shy crush becomes more talkative toward you and makes comments to her parents about how cute some guys on TV are when you are around?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could mean that your shy crush feels more comfortable and open around you, which is why they are more talkative and expressing their thoughts when you are present. Making comments about other guys may be a way of testing your reaction or trying to gauge your feelings towards them. It could also be a sign that they are trying to make conversation and show interest in things they think you might find interesting.

Is Derren Brown thick?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Derren Brown is not considered "thick." He is a highly intelligent and skilled mentalist, illusionist, and performer known for his ability to manipulate and influence people's thoughts and behaviors.

Does Derren Brown Hypnotise?

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Asked by Wiki User

Derren Brown does not use traditional hypnosis in his performances. Instead, he uses a combination of psychology, suggestion, misdirection, and showmanship to create the illusion of mind control and mentalism.

What led to emergence of more defined social ranking?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to determine who does what. In other words, to establish the division of labor in a society.

Which show had the largest final episode US audience A MASH 1983 finale highest single broadcast in US history B 2005 Everybody Loves Raymond finale C 1993 Cheers finale?

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Asked by Wiki User

A. The MASH 1983 finale had the largest final episode US audience of the three options, making it the highest single broadcast in US history with over 105 million viewers.

How does the media influence crime?

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Asked by Wiki User

The media can influence crime by shaping public attitudes and perceptions towards certain crimes or groups, sensationalizing crime stories which can lead to copycat crimes, and by influencing the criminal justice system through biased reporting or framing of criminal events. Additionally, media coverage can impact the public's fear of crime and influence criminal behavior in some cases.

Does a family have to be all together?

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Asked by chloe lu

Does the family has to stay together

The idea of family staying together varies greatly depending on cultural, social, and individual beliefs. In some cultures or situations, there may be strong emphasis on family unity, while in others, independence and individual pursuits are valued more. Ultimately, it depends on what works best for each family and its members.

How much do the cast of lets make a deal make?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jonathan magnum salary

How many episodes are there in one piece?

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Asked by Ian Matthew Atangan

The series currently consists of 1100 Episodes (ongoing), 5 OVAs, 13 TV specials and 15 movies. This episode list covers the original episode list for the series. Episodes 1-206 were made and broadcast in 4:3 fullscreen, while Episodes 207 onward were made and broadcast in 16:9 widescreen.

Vod vs live streaming?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best procedure to Build Video Calling Into Your App Know Your Costs and Investment

Whether or not you need to develop your video call blueprint with next to no preparation or heading a SDK, the general costs will shift subject to which highlights you will target. To keep it key and spotlight your endeavors on the video calling part of your application, you may really save two or three expenses on application improvement. In any case, to orchestrate different highlights, for example, text visit, pack calls, screen sharing, and different parts, expenses might increment essentially.

Where is gold in old TVs?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is little gold in old tvs but i think u can find the gold in the sound part.

What are the release dates for R-L- Stine's The Haunting Hour - 2010?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Haunting Hour aired from October 29, 2010, to October 29, 2014.

What is the name of Hercule Poirot's sidekick?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Agatha Christie's novels and short stories, Hercule Poirot is aided or accompanied during his investigations by a number of characters. These characters include: Captain Arthur Hastings, Colonel Race, Monsieur Bouc and Ariadne Oliver.

How much money does Stan lee have?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of his passing in 2018, Stan Lee's net worth was estimated to be around $50-70 million, largely due to his work in creating popular comic book characters like Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the Avengers.