


Invented by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895, X-ray imaging is used in hospitals to detect fractures to bone, as well as abnormalities to soft tissues.

500 Questions

What is the wavelength of gamma ray electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 2.73 X 10 to the 20 HZ?

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The wavelength of gamma ray electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 2.73 × 10^20 Hz is approximately 1.10 × 10^-12 meters.

What does not belong in the electromagnetic spectrum x-ray or sound or infrared ray or radio wave?

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Sound does not belong in the electromagnetic spectrum as it is a mechanical wave that requires a medium (such as air, water, or solid materials) to propagate, unlike x-rays, infrared rays, and radio waves which are forms of electromagnetic radiation that can travel through a vacuum.

What is determined of an element experimentally by X-ray diffraction of a crystal of the element?

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The crystal structure of the element can be determined experimentally through X-ray diffraction. This technique involves shining X-rays on a crystal, with the resulting diffraction patterns revealing the atomic arrangement within the crystal lattice. By analyzing these diffraction patterns, scientists can determine the spacing between atoms and the crystal structure of the element.

Why x-ray have preferred a shorter shovel?

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X-rays have shorter wavelengths that are better suited to interacting with smaller atomic structures and providing detailed images of tissues and bones. A shorter wavelength allows for higher resolution and clearer images, making them ideal for medical imaging applications.

Is the X-ray machine at the airport checking the physical or chemical properties of the substances in your luggage?

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The X-ray machine at the airport is primarily used to check the physical properties of the substances in your luggage, such as density and shape. It does not analyze the chemical properties of the substances.

What is the use of x ray machines in medicine?

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X-ray machines are used in medicine to produce detailed images of the inside of the body, such as bones, organs, and tissues. These images can help healthcare professionals diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, injuries, and diseases. X-rays are a valuable tool in medical imaging for their ability to reveal internal structures without invasive procedures.

Why anode rays also known as canal rays?

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Anode rays are also known as canal rays because they were discovered to be positively charged particles produced in a cathode tube when the cathode rays strike a gas at low pressure. The particles travel in the opposite direction of cathode rays and move towards the anode or positive electrode, hence the name "anode rays."

What are black areas on a hip x-ray?

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Black areas on a hip x-ray typically represent areas where X-rays can easily pass through, indicating less dense structures like air or cartilage. These areas show up as black due to their low absorption of X-ray radiation, allowing clearer visualization of denser bones and tissues surrounding them.

Which one of the following types of electromagnetic radiation causes certain substances to fluoresce ultraviolet rays infrared waves x rays or cosmic rays?

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Exposure to radiation in the ultraviolet region is the most common way of causing fluorescence, but not the only way. Exposure to enough radiation for one electron to absorb two photons can cause fluorescence.

Sunscreen is used to protect the skin from exposure to which type of solar radiation Visible X-rays Infrared Ultraviolet Microwaves?

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Sunscreen is used to protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation is classified into UVA, UVB, and UVC radiation, with UVA and UVB being the most relevant for skin damage.

X-rays damage DNA in organisms Rosalind Franklin died of cancer at an early age How might her work with X-ray diffraction have led to her death?

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Rosalind Franklin's work with X-ray diffraction involved exposure to high levels of radiation, which can damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer. This prolonged exposure to X-rays likely contributed to her development of cancer at an early age.

Why do some x-ray crystallographic protein structures omit some amino acids?

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Some amino acids may be omitted from X-ray crystallographic protein structures due to high flexibility or disorder in those regions, making them difficult to resolve and model accurately. Additionally, if the electron density for certain amino acids is weak or ambiguous, they may be omitted to avoid introducing errors or inaccuracies in the final structure.

Do magnetic fields affect X Rays?

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No, magnetic fields do not affect X-rays. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, while magnetic fields affect charged particles. Therefore, magnetic fields do not interact with X-rays in the same way they do with charged particles.

How would you compare and contrast X-ray bursts and gamma ray bursts?

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X-ray bursts are sudden increases in X-ray emission from compact objects like neutron stars, while gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic explosions in the universe, thought to originate from black hole formations or neutron star mergers. Both events release high-energy radiation, but gamma-ray bursts are significantly more powerful and can originate from more catastrophic astrophysical events.

Is there a maximum of X-rays that a person can have?

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There is no specific maximum number of X-rays that a person can have, as it varies depending on the type of X-ray and the individual's health condition. However, radiation exposure should be minimized to reduce potential health risks associated with cumulative exposure. Doctors typically consider the benefits of having an X-ray versus the risks of radiation exposure before ordering the procedure.

What kind of a ray are mri?

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MRI uses short bursts of radio, at frequencies of a few tens to a few hundreds of Megahertz.

Exactly the same radiation that comes out of an ordinary TV transmitter, but in short bleeps,

and without any sound or picture modulation on it.

Does the earths atmosphere block Gamma rays X-rays and most UV light?

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Yes, the Earth's atmosphere blocks most of the gamma rays and x-rays from reaching the surface. However, some UV light does penetrate the atmosphere and reach the surface of the Earth. The ozone layer absorbs a significant amount of harmful UV radiation, which is important for protecting life on Earth.

From X ray diffraction data what was determined about DNA?

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X-ray diffraction data of DNA revealed its double helical structure, with specific measurements indicating a helical repeat distance of around 3.4 angstroms and a complete turn every 10 base pairs. This data was crucial in understanding the molecular structure of DNA and its role in genetic information storage and replication.

Is an X-ray an alpha ray or beta ray or gamma ray?

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An X-ray is a type of electromagnetic radiation, not a type of alpha, beta, or gamma radiation. Alpha, beta, and gamma rays are types of ionizing radiation emitted by certain radioactive materials. X-rays are typically produced by machines such as X-ray tubes or accelerators.

If you went for x-rays and the results came back that you have a lump on your lung what does that mean?

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Finding a lump on your lung from an X-ray could suggest the presence of a mass or tumor. Further tests, such as a CT scan or biopsy, may be needed to determine the nature of the lump and whether it is cancerous or benign. It is important to follow up with a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Why don't x-rays reach the surface?

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X-rays do reach the Earth's surface, but most of them are absorbed and scattered by the Earth's atmosphere before reaching the ground. This is because the atmosphere acts as a shield, protecting the surface from the harmful effects of high-energy radiation.

Would it make sense to place an X-ray or gamma ray telescope on a mountain top?

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Yes, placing an X-ray or gamma ray telescope on a mountain top can reduce atmospheric interference and provide clearer observations due to the thinner atmosphere at higher altitudes. This can improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the telescope in detecting these high-energy emissions from space.

Why are gamma rays and X-rays harmful to students?

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Gamma rays and X-rays are harmful to students because they are forms of ionizing radiation that can penetrate the body, damaging cells and DNA. This can increase the risk of cancer and other health problems, depending on the level of exposure. It is important for students to limit their exposure to these types of radiation to protect their health.

What makes X-ray's nickname so ironic?

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X-ray's nickname is ironic because X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate solid objects, yet X-ray in the story has poor eyesight and needs glasses to see. This contrast between the powerful nature of X-rays and the character's visual impairment creates an ironic twist.

Why did German scientist Wilhelm Roentgem name the invisible rays he discovered X -rays?

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Wilhelm Roentgen named the invisible rays he discovered "X-rays" because "X" is a mathematical symbol representing an unknown quantity. Since the nature of these rays was not yet fully understood at the time of their discovery, he chose to refer to them using the symbol "X" to denote their mysterious properties.