

Premature Birth

Infants born before 37 weeks of gestation are considered premature. Most "premies" spend time in the hospital after birth to assure full development and health.

416 Questions

What is the percentage of premature births in America?

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In the United States, the percentage of premature births is around 10%. This means that approximately 1 out of every 10 babies is born prematurely, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Premature birth can lead to various health complications for the baby.

What happens to a Christian baby when it is born?

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In Christian beliefs, a baby is considered innocent and does not bear responsibility for any sin. It is typically welcomed into the faith community through ceremonies such as baptism, to receive blessings and protection as they grow in their faith.

What does it mean to incubate a patient?

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Is it possible you mean "to intubate"? To intubate means to insert a tube into a hollow organ or body passage way, frequently used to refer to a breathing tube to keep an airway open and deliver external oxygen.

Usually, the only patients who receive incubation are newborns who need medical and nursing support after delivery. These babies are often born prematurely, have under-developed lungs, cannot regulate their body temperature on their own because they are premature, and need hi-tech nursing interventions. An incubator provides and regulates oxygen and temperature to allow a preemie infant to stabilize while medical interventions (such as drugs to mature the lungs and giving fluids) help the infant's body time to strengthen and be capable of life outside an incubator.

What is the weight range for premature infants?

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The weight range of preemie clothes depends on the brand and sometimes the website. In some cases the weight can range to 7 to 8 pounds at the highest. Others can go to 17 to 18 pounds at the highest.

Can you self induce a miscarriage at week 15?

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It saddens me to know that someone would not only post such a question, but obviously consider this. Childbirth is a blessing, not a curse nor a burden, you have a life growing inside you, a small child that is developing and is grown a great deal in 32 weeks (approx. 6 months).

Although I consider myself usually pro-choice, at this stage of pregnancy it is a bit late to be considering an abortion, which is basically what you are speaking of since you stated self induced miscarriage. This life inside of you has no defense of their own, they rely solely on the Mother for nourishment and protection.

Have we as a society become so cold as to disregard a small life such as a 6 month old fetus, for our own personal reasons. This child did not ask to be created, did not have control over this situation or anything that happens in it's life or prelife (if you will).

Though there may be reasons that are understandable as to why you can not raise a child, or situations out of the Mother's control that caused this unwanted or unexpected pregnancy that an abortion may be considered, it is an option done with in the first one to two months of pregnancy, not after 6 months.

At this state in pregnancy, please consider adoption. Regardless of the situation, there are hundreds if not thousands of good people in this world that would give anything to have a child but can not, therefore adoption is there only option. Instead of trying to find ways to end this child's life before it begins, consider options of giving this child a better life, after birth by allowing this child, this wonderful blessing on the world, a chance to be born and be adopted by someone that will love them, care for them, and let them be a part of their life.

You never know, this child that is unborn could be the next president of the United States, this child could turn out to be the next Einstein or Alfred Nobel. This child could turn out to be the next Ella Fitzgerald or Billie Holliday, however, no one will ever know if this child's life is ended before it has a chance to begin.

How long can a baby survive if its born in 30 weeks?

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well that depends if put in intensive care it probably will survive if it has muscular it will lower the chances greatlly to about 70% of surviving and i had problems with my veins so it was a 50% chance of me living but i suvived so if in intensive care the it will all most definitely will survive but if not then probably not

What are three things that could cause a premature birth?

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Three causes of premature birth include

1. Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), where the bag of waters surrounding the baby breaks prematurely for unknown causes or due to infection

2. Medically indicated preterm birth, where the baby must be delivered prematurely due to maternal or fetal complications, such as preeclampsia or hemorrhage in the mother or a compromise in fetal well-being

3. Incompetent cervix, where the cervix opens prematurely

Spontaneous preterm birth, in which there is no known cause, accounts for approximately 40% of all cases of premature delivery.

Can someone have a baby at 24 weeks and the baby survive?

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There is no definite answer. I've heard of babies surviving as early as 14 weeks, however, this is extremely rare, and it depends on individual cases. It's different for everyone. You definitely have the best chances after at LEAST 25 weeks, though. You have an excellent chance after 36 weeks.

What are the signs of premature labor after amniocentesis?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Unusual abdominal pain and/or cramping may indicate the onset of premature labor. Mild cramping for the first day or two following the procedure is normal.

Can a baby survive if it is born at 31 weeks?

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21 weeks is at the very lowest limit of survival, only one or two babies in the world have lived Each additional day adds to the baby's chances. Babies born under 28 weeks and living also have a very high chance of ongoing medical problems and disability.

What is the most reliable indicator of viability in a premature infant?

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Indicators of viability in a premature infant are clear, text boom indicators. Signs of viability depend on how early delivery occurred, if the hospital is equipped for premature infants and how much the baby weighs.

Do premature birth affect brain development?

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Yes, premature birth does effect the growth rate.

When is a baby concedered premature?

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When their gestational age is less than 37 weeks.

If a baby is born premature is it early or is it late?

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Pre = before It is early Pre-mature babies (that are born earlier than normal) are much smaller and weigh less than those who are born on time, or late.

Why are premature babies put in an incubator?

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They are quite loud, the mechanisms to maintain heat (and humidity in more advanced incubators) create a low hum. However they are much quieter than previously. Incubators also allow bright lights in, this can be rectified with incubator covers. They can also be too big for the baby, making him or her feel uncomfortable and 'lost'. This is fixed with soft boundries or nests around the baby so he or she feels like they are still inside their mum.

How do you treat premature ajaculation?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can do Kegels or buy anesthesia and apply it on your penis.



While not so elegant, here are 6 options that will help.

Masturbation: When a man has recently had an ejaculation the next one doesn't come on as fast & takes more effort.

If you want to last longer the other trick may be to use masturbation to learn control. Learn to Masturbate right to the edge of ejaculation and stop before ejaculation. Some men can't seem to feel when the ejaculation is about to happen till it does. Others have; learned where the "EDGE" is & can slow down or stop till the onset of ejaculation passes.

Lube can help! Lube can reduce the sensitivity and that will delay the onset of ejaculation. There are also creams that reduce the sensitivity by numbing the sensation of the sensitive tissue on the penis head. Easily available over the counter at any drug or grocery store, Ora-jell can work. But it would also transfer to the partner & reduce the sensation she enjoys & that may not be a welcome result.

Position: Without a doubt the worst position for pre mature ejaculation is the "Missionary" or man on top. This position adds stimulation to the base of the penis forcing the head into more contact with the vaginal walls. Change positions & see; if that helps.

Squeezing very hard just behind where the Head joins the shaft does tend to retard the onset of ejaculation, but even at that you have to know when to do it & make it early enough to prevent the ejaculation.

Pulling sharply on the scrotum is also supposed to work but can be painful, even when done right.

How premature can a baby be born healthily?

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That is very dependant on both the current health of the baby and the mother. I delivered four healthy babies at 33 +4 weeks, with no long term complication. From memory after 29 weeks there is a 90% survival rate.

How do you keep from having a premature ejaculation?

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What is premature ejaculation? Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems, and is most often described as being an inability to delay ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desirable for both partners. The definition of when ejaculation is premature is subjective. While some men have trouble controlling their orgasm upon entry, others consider 5-10 minutes of copulation too little time. How long a man is able to last is not the important factor in diagnosing premature ejaculation. The crucial issue is if a man is satisfied with the length of coitus. Premature ejaculation is a problem which plagues up to 36 million men! As with many sexual dysfunctions, different degrees of premature ejaculation exist. Some men are so severely afflicted that they cannot last long enough to penetrate a woman for intercourse. Some men can easily climax in their pants with the slightest mention of possible sex. Again, what is important is that even if a man cannot last five minutes past the point he wants to, he will fall under the diagnosis of a premature ejaculator. It is important to note that you do not have a premature ejaculation problem unless you FREQUENTLY ejaculate before or shortly after beginning intercourse. Therefore, a one-time episode is not reason to panic or seek medical treatment. There are a great number of misconceptions and myths about premature ejaculation. The following are NOT typically causes of premature ejaculation: Men are too excited to focus on bodily sensation. Some men's first experience with intercourse was in a tense situation where hurrying was beneficial, like in a car, and then learned a bad habit. Being so concerned about performance they didn't pay attention to their own sensations. Guilt about enjoying sex or pleasure of any kind. Worrying about maintaining erections. Unresolved relationship issues. General life stress. When most males ejaculate they tend to quickly lose a usable erection for the simple reason that their discharge has temporarily released a state of elevated sexual tension. The average male in his twenties takes less than three minutes from the time of insertion till he comes. This cheats him of a lot of fun and satisfaction and doubly cheats the unfortunate female he prematurely has an orgasm into. The first thing a male must keep in mind is that good sex is unhurried sex. The longer he spends in foreplay prior to his first orgasm, the stronger and more enjoyable that first orgasm will be. The compacting of blood in the sex organs builds slowly, inflating the tissues and sensitizing the millions of nerve endings in and around the genitals. Think of an orgasm like a balloon: the longer you blow air into it, the bigger it gets and the louder the bang when it pops. Orgasm consists of two stages. One begins when the prostate gland, which encircles the urethra like a tiny donut above the base of the penis, contracts and releases its fluids, along with the contents of the seminal vesicle, into the urethra. To most males this feels like you are going to start a good sneeze, but it's too late to stop. Stage two is similar to the sneeze itself. The pelvic muscle contracts strongly around the bulb, forcing the fluid out under considerable pressure. Orgasm is what a man feels when all this is happening. He has probably learned for himself that it is possible to ejaculate without having an orgasm, but he may not yet realize that he can also have an orgasm without ejaculating. That's exactly what you want to learn to do. How is premature ejaculation caused? It seems logical that our prehistoric male ancestors were all rapid ejaculators. The Homo erectus who could couple quickly with his mate and rapidly reach ejaculation was then free to deal with enemy tribesman and predatory saber-toothed tigers. The slowpoke got clubbed or eaten. Therefore, only rapid ejaculators survived long enough to sire descendants. Thus, if speed of ejaculation were hereditary, we all should have fast ejaculatory reflexes. Obviously, the above theory cannot be proven; however, it does contain an element of truth. It is probably "natural" for healthy males to ejaculate quickly. Lasting longer serves no genetic function that we know of. Lasting is a learned behavior, like learning to dance. It can prolong and intensify pleasure for a man. Also, many women like to experience orgasm - or have been socially conditioned to enjoy orgasm - when the erect penis is inside them. To reach orgasm this way often requires periods of more or less continuous stimulation by the penis. Most men have experienced this problem at some time in their life. Premature ejaculation was once thought to be caused by drugs or certain infections such as urethritis, but popular wisdom suggests it is more psychological in nature. The exact cause of the condition, however, still remains a mystery. In the early 1990's, research indicated that the pelvic muscles, specifically the muscles that surround the erectile bodies in the penis, are in a hyperactive state in men with premature ejaculation. Further, it is known that during the ejaculation process there is increased activity of these same muscle groups. Consequently, it is likely that men who have premature ejaculation have hyperactive muscles that are already on their way toward the threshold to producing ejaculations. Premature ejaculation often occurs during the first experiences with sex, and in this case is most commonly attributed to anxiety. What horse isn�t nervous the first time out of the gate? The majority of men gradually learn to control their orgasm, and have no lasting effect. However, some men will develop a longer-term anxiety toward sex, which can cause a prolonged experience with premature ejaculation. Sexual behavior is also a factor. The longer the period since last ejaculating, the quicker young men typically reach orgasm. Younger men tend to ejaculate more quickly than older men, as experience seems to be associated with ejaculatory control. Some sex therapists feel that whether a man has been circumcised or not makes a difference. The feeling being that those who have not been circumcised might �cum� a bit quicker, while others totally disagree. Men can learn how to prolong their climax whether or not he is circumcised. So if this is a problem for you, now what? Well, the first advice I can offer is to seek help. This is not like asking for directions. =) You could keep circling the block looking for the final destination, but why not tackle the problem as soon as possible?? As with many problems, there are variances in solving them. So what might work for Bob, might not work for Dick or Harry. Methods for Helping The Masters and Johnson Method: The best way to fighting premature ejaculation is learning how to identify and control the sensations leading up to orgasm. The Masters and Johnson method does just that. The Masters and Johnson method requires a great deal of patience and practice, but is very effective. Follow the steps below. You may want to start with masturbation. Begin by bringing yourself to a point relatively close to climax, and stop, allowing yourself to relax before starting again. Each time you do this; bring yourself closer and closer to orgasm until you cannot control it any longer. You may want to practice with the aid of a lubricant. Repeating this procedure a number of times on different occasions will help you learn where your point of climax is. Once you have an idea about your "point of no return" you should be able to direct stimulation from your partner leading up to orgasm. The best way to practice this method is with a caring lover, although you can try to prepare by yourself. With your partner, engage in non-coital stimulation (like masturbation or oral sex) and gradually allow yourself to reach that point just before ejaculation. At that point, signal your partner to stop (often this is done with a light squeeze or sound) and allow yourself to partially lose your erection. Repeat these steps several times to get the hang of it. You should practice these steps for several days before you attempt intercourse. Once you are ready to try intercourse, lie on your back, and direct your partner to slowly allow you to penetrate. As soon as you feel that you are about to climax, signal to your partner or give a gentle push upward. Relax for a bit, and then begin again. You should soon be able to control your ejaculation and enjoy having sex. Both partners must sit down and outline a careful plan that requires dedication, patience and commitment. It necessarily begins by prohibiting intercourse for an extended period of time -- at least a week, often a month. This is very important to the man because "performance anxiety" is the greatest enemy of performance. If he knows he cannot have intercourse he is able to relax and focus on the exercises. The first stage is called "sensate focus" and involves his concentration on the process of sexual arousal and climax. He should learn to recognize each step in the process, most particularly the moment just before the "point of no return." Ideally, this stage of treatment requires the man's partner to be devoted to his sensations. In order to regain equality, he should in turn spend separate time stimulating and pleasing his mate, without intercourse. Although the method is extremely effective, it could take weeks before you get it just right. Remember, be patient, and try not to put too much pressure on the situation. If you do not get it the first time, shrug it off and remember that you are working towards something that takes time. If you still have trouble, do not hesitate to contact a sex therapist for guidance. 2. The Squeeze Technique: The squeeze technique is really just a variation of the Masters and Johnson method, except that the assisting partner squeezes the tip or base of the penis just before the point of climax to essentially cancel the orgasm. The "squeeze" forces blood out of the penis and reduces the erection. You may want to use the squeeze technique if the Masters and Johnson method alone is not working. This technique progresses from manual stimulation to motionless intercourse to intercourse with both moving. Masters and Johnson reported that 98 percent of couples who learned and used these techniques had success treating premature ejaculation. 3. Stop Start Method: Stop-start involves the partner stimulating the man's penis, except that when the man instructs, the partner stops stimulating the man's penis before ejaculation becomes inevitable. Then as he feels he regains control, he instructs the partner to begin stimulating his penis again. This procedure is repeated three times before allowing the man to ejaculate on the fourth time. The couple repeats this exercise three times a week, until the man has good control, then they progress to stop-start with lubrication, and then intercourse with the woman on top and the man not moving. He again instructs her to stop moving when he senses he is losing control. The couple progresses over subsequent times to the having the man move, then side-by-side intercourse. Instead of stopping and starting, the couple may progress to merely slowing down to enable the man to regain control of his urge to ejaculate. The therapists counseling patients using this stop-start technique report a 90 percent success rate in delaying ejaculation. 4. Other Techniques include the following: Desensitizing creams are products which purport to lessen the sensations felt by men during intercourse so that they can last longer. The limitation that many men feel these creams have is that they make intercourse less pleasurable by decreasing stimulation. Many of these creams are found on condoms. Unfortunately, sometimes these creams may also numb the partner, thus decreasing the partner's sensation. Masturbation is a technique used by many young men to increase their level of control. It is thought that masturbation before sexual activity will lessen the amount of desire a man feels thereby increasing control. This technique is not very effective, however, as level of arousal is only part of what contributes to the condition. Condoms are an effective means of reducing the amount of stimulation experienced during sex. Some men find that a condom helps them prevent premature ejaculation by lowering their arousal. If one condom does not decrease the stimulation enough, then put on one more. Condoms provide excellent protection against STDs and pregnancy, so they are certainly worth a try. Sexual positions can affect a man's ability to control his ejaculation. The typical "missionary" position (on top of your partner) is not the best position while attempting to control ejaculation. Try lying on your back, allowing the partner to control copulation. In this position, you are more relaxed, and can guide your partner easily. Some men report side-lying positions work best for them. Ensuring you have strong, well developed pelvic muscles will allow you better control and make you more aware of what is happening in your nether regions . Pelvic floor muscles are the ones used to stop and start urination. Hold the muscles for three seconds, relax for three seconds, and repeat ten times. You can do this at anytime and in any place. Eventually, you should be able to work your way up to 100 ten-second contractions per day. More on the �male kegels� can be found HERE. Self-injection therapy is often used as the core treatment in premature ejaculation, and may be used together with sexual counseling. This therapy ensures a prolonged erection, regardless of whether the man ejaculates or not, thus providing a sense of control. Sexual tension diminishes, as the pressure to perform is no longer "in the way." Men develop improved self-esteem and confidence, allowing full attention to penile sensation, which is essential in controlling ejaculation. As the man develops control of his body, dependence on medication is reduced and eventually eliminated. For some men it may take a few weeks, and for others it may take a few months. Biofeedback treatment enables a man to become aware of the muscles that control ejaculation and relax them. Monitoring and the use of a rectal plug-like device are used. While men were able to delay ejaculation with this technique, male patients were reluctant to stimulate themselves with something in the rectum. No surprise. Counseling: Although premature ejaculation is a common and frustrating problem, counseling has proved to be a great success in treating the problem. Frequently, marital and relationship issues may be an underlying cause of premature ejaculation. These issues should also be addressed to improve the success of the therapy. Drug Therapy: Recently there have been reports in the urology literature of successful treatment of premature ejaculation through the use of low dose antidepressants including Anafronil, Prozac, and Zoloft. One of the known side effects of these medications when used for depression is significantly delayed ejaculation. In the studies, extremely low doses of the antidepressant medication have prolonged ejaculation by at least 5-10 minutes with very few side effects. Currently these medications are the most popular treatment alternative selected by our patients. The medication is given approximately four hours before intercourse and will result in a significant delay of ejaculation. Few patients have described any side effects with this treatment. On certain occasions, the medication is given on a daily basis. It should be pointed out that these medications have not approved by the FDA for treatment of premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a common problem, so you are not alone out there. Learning to exercise control is not easy, or the world would be filled with skinny nonsmokers. =) If this problem has been going on for some time, it is going to take some effort on your part to reverse the problem. However, many men are truly successful in reversing the problem! Premature ejaculation can be easily countered with patience, effort, and knowledge. Informing yourself is the first step, and once you know about the problem, you are halfway there. Overcoming the mental and physical aspects of this problems are also much easier if both partners are involved, aware of the situation and open to discuss it.

Try Kegel excercises and masturbation.

When you masturbate, think of giving the girl an orgasm, not yourself. I had a big issue with premature ejaculation, but after I began having more sexual experiences and having confidence in myself and my sexual performance I began the ability to ejaculate at will. Just go into thinking "man this girl wants me bad and I am going to show her the time of her life." Make it a game rather than something you think about. The less anxiety you create in your head the longer you'll last and the better you will perform.

What are the common causes of premature births?

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Causes of premature birth, multiple gestation, infection,sex, fall,incompetent cervix, placenta previa, abruptio placenta and eclampsia.

What is the prevalence of premature birth or prematurity?

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PROM occurs in about 10% of all pregnancies. Only about 20% of these cases are preterm PROM. Preterm PROM is responsible for about 34% of all premature births.

What is a good way to stop premature ejaculation?

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get an uglierrrr girlfriend is one option (Just kidding) Practice practice practice... the more often you have sex with your partner, the better you will be at it.

Another option is to use condoms as it can help reduce sensation.

Work on other skills such as foreplay and or oral sex so that being premature doesn't matter as much.

Will having a baby at 25 weeks and 5 days put you at a high risk to have another premature birth?

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yes but many pull though, rather rare to lose it so dont worry

It depends on why you had a 25 week baby in the first place. If it was a multiple birth or high risk due to a congenital problem then it isn't necessarily so unless it is another of the same condition. If, for some reason you use drugs or smoke and this contributed to the prematurity then that is a different story. There is no yes or no answer, it just depends.

What is placenta previa in prematurity or premature birth?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The pathology can appear as soon as in the 20th week of pregnancy but is usually seen around the 29th week. it shows as a bleeding without contractions. It can be followed for more bleedings, each growing in volume.

What are the signs of labor at 34 weeks pregnant?

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A woman usually carries a baby for 9 months (or approx 40 weeks). It is not unusually for a baby to be born at 34 weeks, but if you are only 34 weeks gone and you are in labour then you should go to the doctor/hospital immediately, as there could be complications and/or the baby's organs may not have developed enough.

What causes a sepsis on premature babies?

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Newborn baby can get infected in many ways. Infection in mother can be transmitted to the baby. After birth the umbilical cord can be source of infection. Infection of the skin can also invade and cause sepsis. Baby can catch infection from other people. Because the immune system of the newborn is not mature any infection can potentially cause sepsis.