


Aspartame is an artificial sugar substitute. It was originally sold under the brand name of Nutra-Sweet.

500 Questions

How is aspartame manufactured?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are mainly six steps,

  • L-phe.L-asp condensation reaction
  • Esterification raction
  • Neutralization reaction
  • Hydrolyzation reaction
  • Centrifugation separation
  • Dying pelleting and abrasion

Does lite beer contain aspartame?

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the answer I am getting is yes there is in some. But all breweries, with the exception of a few, do not disclose that information on their websites, nor do they advertise it. I do think it is a violation of federal law to not put the Phenylketonurics warning on something that contains phenylalanine as it can be harmful or fatal to Phenylketonurics. So I guess look at the side of the bottle and if you see the familiar warning about phenylalanine then dont drink it. ASPARTAME KILLS!!!!

Does Jolly Ranchers have aspartame?

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no,they are gluten free

Where did the world enviromental conference on aspartame take place?

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Nowhere, there was no world environmental conference on aspartame. This appears to be related to the internet rumor regarding Nancy Markle, a pseudonym for an unidentified emailer. It appears to primarily have been misquoted from a presentation made by anti-aspartame activist Betty Martini who spoke at the "World Environmental Conference" at Elizabeth City State University in Elizabeth City, North Carolina in November of 1995.

The claims made in that presentation have been largely debunked by both the Senior Medical Advisor for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Dr. David Squillacote, MD, and the American Diabetes Association.

The internet is currently so clogged with the proliferation of this particular Conspiracy Theory, that further research online will yield little other than rampant speculation and little fact.

Do McDonald's cokes contain aspartame?

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As of 2017, aspartame was the artificial sweetener used in Diet Coke.

What is the difference between sucrose and aspartame?

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These are both artificial sweeteners. Aspartame is used in soft drinks and sugar-free gum, while saccharin is used mostly in lollies and drinks and is what is usually in the little sweetener packets at cafes.

They are both many times sweeter than normal white sugar and there is always a lot of controversy about them being bad for your health - ie cancer causing.

Are there any carbonated beverages that do not contain aspartame?

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Yes. In 2005 Coca-Cola made a soda with Splenda instead of aspartame. It also has zero calories.

How much aspartame is in a stick of gum?

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Not enough to count in calories, unless you are eating a whole box a day. Maybe 10 in the whole box, but here's the thing. Some diabetics, incliding me, get a blood sugar spike from aspartame and other artificial sweetners, just as I would from sugar . If that is a concern for you, do a random check 20-30 min after eating the gum and see for yourself if you have this idiosyncratic reaction.

How many molecules of aspartame are present in 2.50mg of aspartame?

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The chemical formula for aspartame is C14H18N2O5. The molar mass is 294.30 g mol−1. If we have 2.50 mg of aspartame, we have 8.495 x 10^-6 mol of aspartame. There are 6.022 x 10 ^23 molecules in a mole so we have 5.116 x 10 ^18 aspartame molecules. There are 18 H atoms per aspartame molecule so there are 9.028 x 10^19 H atoms present in 2.50 mg of aspartame.

Does aspartame cause multiple sclerosis?

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No other consumable substance on the face of the earth has been studied more than aspartame. Over 30 years and over 200 scientific studies (the REAL kind, with words like "double-blind," "placebo-controlled," and "randomized" in their titles) have proven, re-proven, and reaffirmed, that aspartame is safe.

Researchers have spent a great deal of time reviewing every claim by people who believe that aspartame causes everything from MS (which, by the way, no one knows the cause, and has been documented for over 200 years, LONG before aspartame was even invented) to migraines and bulging eyes. Not a single claim of any cause has panned out under true scientific scrutiny. If you do have "proof" that aspartame causes any sort of disorder, look through your proof and see if there are any scientific studies that were done. Scientific studies use the big words above -- randomized, placebo-controlled, and double-blind. Those tenets of a true scientific study ensure that there is no bias in the group and that the substance is tested against a "placebo," or a control substance. In essence, if there is no appreciable difference between the group which took the tested substance and the group which took a placebo, you can say that the substance did not appreciably contribute to those people developing the symptom in question.

Now, to more of the scientific detail. Aspartame is a compound made of two ingredients: aspartic acid, and phenylalanine. When aspartame is consumed, it is broken down in the body into three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. These three substances are then absorbed by the body and used in natural body processes, the same way your body uses those three substances when they are derived from food. None of the components of aspartame, nor aspartame itself, builds up in the body. The amounts of the three substances derived from aspartame are far smaller than you would get from food as well. For example, if you were to have a glass of tomato juice, you'd get about six times the methanol than you'd get from an aspartame-sweetened drink of roughly the same size. A glass of skim milk would give you six times the phenylalanine and thirteen times the aspartic acid you'd get from an equivalent aspartame-sweetened drink.

In short, hundreds of scientific studies over the past three decades have all resulted in the same outcome, and the same conclusion: aspartame is safe.

How many hydrogen atoms are present in 5.00 mg of aspartame?

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The chemical formula for aspartame is C14H18N2O5. The molar weight is 294.3 grams/mol, so there are .00001699 moles of aspartame. Using Avogadro's number, there are 1.023 E19 molecules, each containing 18 hydrogen atoms. So there are 1.842 E20 atoms of hydrogen.

Is acesulfame potassium and aspartame the same?

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No, Acesulfame K is an artificial sweetener which offers none of the benefits of Vitamin K. The full name for it is "Acesulfame Potassium." The is used to K represents Potassium, to shorten the name.

Some say that this sweetener actually hinders brain development and/or actually causes brain damage. This claim has not been evaluated by the FDA, which some would say is a "convenient" oversight.