


A calendar is a system of organizing days for commercial, social, religious or administrative purposes. This is done by giving names to periods of time, usually days, weeks, months and years. Periods in a calendar are typically synchronized with the cycle of the sun or the moon.

500 Questions

Can people in the 21st century use alchemy?

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Alchemy, as traditionally practiced in the Middle Ages, is not commonly used in the 21st century due to advancements in modern science. However, some people may still be interested in alchemy as a historical or philosophical pursuit.

What day is the ninetieth day in this year?

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The ninetieth day of the year falls on March 31st.

What day of the week was Marie Curie born on?

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Marie Curie was born on a Thursday.

Name the leap years since 1930 to this date?

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Leap years are any year number evenly divisible by four, with two exceptions.
1. Century years (evenly divisible by 100) are NOT leap years, except
2. Century years that are evenly divisible by 400 ARE leap years.

So from 1930 to present, the leap years were;


You may have noted that these are also the years for the Summer Olympics, and that in the United States, these are the years for Presidential elections.

Who first declared September 17 as constitution day and citizenship day?

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Constitution Day and Citizenship Day was first declared on September 17th by Congress in 1952. This day is observed to honor the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787 and to recognize the rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens.

What civilization created the seven day week?

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The Babylonian civilization is credited with creating the seven-day week, with each day named after a celestial body. This system was later adopted by the Romans and then spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

A century years?

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A century of years is 100(One hundred) years.

'Cent--' from Latin for 'hundred is 'Centum'.

Hence 'cents' in currency

'percent' in business.

An 'C' in Roman Numerals = 100

Will the Large Hadron Collider be operating on December 21 of 2012?

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Yes, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland operated on December 21, 2012, and continues to operate today. No catastrophic events occurred as predicted by some theories surrounding that date.

What day of the week was nov 23 1959?

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November 23, 1959 was a Monday.

What day does fall begin?

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The first day of fall occurs at the autumnal equinox: Monday, September 22, 2008, at 11:44:16 EDT (15:44:16 UCT).

This date is different from the season of fall, which is one of the major divisions of the year based on the change of weather. In temperate and polar regions generally four seasons are recognized while in tropical or subtropical regions seasons are defined by wet, dry, and sometimes cool. These meteorological seasons are reckoned by temperature, with summer being the hottest quarter of the year and winter the coldest quarter of the year. The equinoxes and solstices mark the start of spring/autumn and summer/winter. The divisions are based on the rotation of the earth with respect to the angle of the earth. As the earth goes around the sun, picture it looking down on its orbit from above. summer solstice is when the earth's north pole is pointed most directly towards the sun (longest day) - warming the northern hemisphere. Winter solstice is when the earth's south pole is most directly pointed toward the sun warming the southern hemisphere and leaving the north cold. (shortest day) The equinoxes are the midway points between the solstices with the sun halfway between its northmost and southmost points, so we have equal day and night.

What was the year month day of hurricane Allison?

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Tropical Storm Allison was a tropical storm that devastated south-east Texas in June of the 2001 Atlantic hurricane season. The first storm of the season. Allison lasted unusually long for a June storm, remaining tropical or subtropical for 15 days.

Can essure coils fall out after 5 years?

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Essure coils do not typically fall out after 5 years. These coils are designed to remain in place permanently to provide permanent contraception. If you are experiencing any unusual symptoms or concerns, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider.

What is supposed to happen in December 2012?

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It will be the end of the world-- for everyone who dies that day. The rest of us will rise to a wonderful day Dec 22 2012.

I will be Christmas shopping.

The Mayan calendar ends a long cycle on that specific date. It heralds humanities entry into a new age of mental awareness. It was not meant to be a doomsday warning. Be aware that the various disaster predictions could happen at ANY time anyhow, and are not linked to this date.

Many people believe that the earth's poles will shift on 2012 but how do we know?

The answer to that is we dont know. The Myans created a calander but they could not predict the future.

Hey, Listen.... People who couldn't tell when they were gonna die, how can they predict we will die?

(They Died of diseases)

That's just stupid.
It will get light in the morning, grow dark toward the evening and the date will change at midnight.

And tons of people will get freaked out for no reason because people are saying the world will end to make money

Why it was important for scientists to solve the mystery of the tsunami that struck japan on January 27 1700?

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Understanding the cause of the tsunami that struck Japan on January 27, 1700, was important for scientists because it helped establish the historical record and patterns of seismic activity in the region. By solving this mystery, scientists could better predict and prepare for future tsunamis in the area, ultimately saving lives and reducing the impact of natural disasters.

What day of the week was August 14 1986?

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August 14, 1986 was a Thursday.

How much months is 20 weeks?

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It would be just over two months. There would be 70 days in 10 weeks. Most months are 30 or 31 days. So you would be about 2 months and a week.

Why isnt there 13 months in a year?

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The Gregorian calendar, which is widely used today, is based on a 12-month system that aligns with the solar year. Adding an extra month would require significant modifications to accommodate the length of the solar year, causing disruption in various aspects of life such as holidays, seasons, and traditions. Additionally, historical and cultural practices have helped to reinforce the 12-month calendar system.

What day of the week was 30TH August 1946?

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30th August 1946 was a Friday....i garantee

What is the mineral with the month February?

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The birthstone for February is amethyst, which is a purple variety of quartz. It is believed to promote calmness, balance, and clarity of mind.

What does Inclusive date mean?

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"Inclusive date" refers to a range of dates that includes both the start and end dates. For example, if an event is listed as happening from June 1st to June 5th, the inclusive dates would be June 1st and June 5th.

What does one moon mean in your calendar?

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One moon refers to a complete lunar cycle or month, typically lasting around 29.5 days. It represents the time it takes for the moon to go through all its phases, from new moon to full moon and back to new moon again. In some calendars or cultures, one moon may also signify a specific lunar phase or cycle that holds cultural or symbolic significance.

What days are the shortest in December?

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In December, the shortest days are typically around the winter solstice, which occurs on December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere. This is when the daylight hours are the fewest and the nights are the longest.

Which types of energy will be used throughout the 21st century?

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Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower are expected to play a significant role in the energy mix of the 21st century due to their sustainability and environmental benefits. Additionally, advancements in energy storage technology and energy efficiency measures will also help drive the transition towards cleaner sources of energy.

Show you calendar of year 1984?

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30 31 here is a calendar of 1984

What to expect for weather in Maine in August 2009?

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In August 2009, you can expect mild to warm temperatures in Maine, with average highs ranging from 70-80°F. Rainfall is typically moderate, with occasional showers. August is a pleasant time to visit Maine as it offers comfortable weather for outdoor activities.