


Camels are common desert animals that were once used, and still often used, to cross deserts with. Because they can go weeks without drinking water, they are easy to take care of. All questions regarding camels are welcome here.

500 Questions

What is the house of camel called?

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camel house is calledType your answer here...

Do camels spit at people?

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Camels may spit as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened or agitated, but it is not a common behavior. It is more common for camels to spit at each other as a way to establish dominance or hierarchy within their group.

Why can the camel withstand high temperature?

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Camels can withstand high temperatures due to their unique physiological adaptations, such as the ability to conserve water and regulate body temperature efficiently. Their thick fur coats help to protect them from the sun's rays, while their specialized nostrils retain moisture in the exhaled air, reducing water loss. Additionally, camels can tolerate dehydration without adverse effects on their health.

Which type of tissue is present in hump of camel?

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The hump of a camel is composed of adipose tissue, which is a type of connective tissue that stores fat for energy reserves. The hump allows camels to survive in environments with limited food resources by providing a source of energy when food is scarce.

How do camels walk in such hot sand?

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Camels have large, padded feet that help distribute their weight and prevent them from sinking into the sand. Their unique walking gait also reduces the pressure on the sand, making it easier for them to move across hot desert terrain. Additionally, camels have a special layer of fur that helps insulate their bodies from the heat of the sand.

Do camels have thick skin?

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Yes, camels have thick skin which helps protect them from their harsh desert environment. Their skin is also highly elastic and wrinkled, enabling them to regulate their body temperature and store fat for long periods without water.

During a long distance run on a hot day an athlete produces large quantity of sweat As a result the kidney change the rate of urine production Why is this change important?

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The change in urine production is important because it helps maintain electrolyte balance by regulating the concentration of ions in the body. Sweating causes loss of fluids and electrolytes, so adjusting urine production helps prevent dehydration and maintain homeostasis.

Where are camel spiders located?

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Camel spiders are typically found in desert regions around the world, including the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of the southwestern United States. They prefer dry, sandy habitats with sparse vegetation.

What is the name of camel's home?

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A camel's home is called a "desert" or "arid region." Camels are adapted to live in these harsh environments due to their ability to store water and withstand high temperatures.

What are camel spiders predators?

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Camel spiders have a few predators, such as birds, reptiles, and other larger spiders. These predators hunt camel spiders for food, either actively seeking them out or opportunistically capturing them. Their predators play a role in controlling the population of camel spiders in their natural habitats.

Why are cacti adapted the desert?

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Cacti are adapted to the desert because they have specialized structures like thick, waxy skin and spines that reduce water loss and protect them from predators. They also have a shallow root system that can quickly absorb water after rainfall and store it for long periods of time. Additionally, they undergo photosynthesis at night to minimize water loss during the day.

Is a camel nocturnal?

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Camels are not strictly nocturnal, but they are known to be more active during the cooler parts of the day and night. They tend to rest during the hottest periods and can adapt their activity patterns based on temperature and water availability.

Where do camels get there food and drink from?

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Camels primarily get their food from grazing on vegetation like grasses, leaves, and grains. They are able to survive long periods without water by storing fat in their humps which can be converted into energy and water. When water is available, they can drink large amounts to rehydrate.

How much does a thousand pound camel drink at one time?

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a camel can drink 80% of its body wait at one time

Predators of a camel?

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Predators of camels include lions, wolves, and hyenas. These predators typically target young or weak camels that may be easier to catch. Camels are well-equipped for defense against predators with their size, speed, and ability to kick or bite if threatened.

What features on the camel's face would protect it during a sandstorm?

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Camels' nostrils can close to prevent sand from entering, while they also have long eyelashes and a third eyelid to shield their eyes from sand. Additionally, their ears have a thick coat of hair to filter out sand particles.

How do camels have hair lined nostrils?

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Camels have hair-lined nostrils to help filter out sand and dust particles from the air they breathe in the desert environment. The fine hairs trap these particles, preventing them from entering the camel's respiratory system and causing damage or irritation.

Do camels mate?

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Yes, camels do mate to reproduce. They have a unique mating ritual where the male camel will vocalize, strut, and sometimes fight with other males to establish dominance over a female camel in heat. Once the male camel has successfully courted the female, mating will occur.

How many eye lids do camels have?

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Camels have three eyelids on each eye. The third eyelid, called a nictitating membrane, helps protect the eyes from sand and harsh desert conditions.

How many teeth do camels have?

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Camels typically have 34 teeth: 12 incisors, 24 molars, and 4 canines.

When you get sick how does your body attempt to maintain homeostasis?

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When you get sick, your body initiates an immune response to fight off the invading pathogens and restore homeostasis. This can include fever to create an inhospitable environment for the pathogens, increased production of white blood cells to attack the invaders, and inflammation to isolate and eliminate the threat. Additionally, the body may increase fluid intake, rest, and other protective mechanisms to aid in the recovery process.

When are camels most active?

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Camels are most active during the cooler hours of the early morning and late evening. They rest during the hottest parts of the day to conserve energy and avoid the heat.

What is the Bactrian Camels' niche?

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The Bactrian camel's niche is in arid and semi-arid environments, where they are adapted to survive on scarce vegetation and water. They play a role in these ecosystems by grazing on tough plants that other herbivores cannot digest, helping to control vegetation growth. Bactrian camels also serve as pack animals, providing transportation for humans across harsh landscapes.

Who are the llama's closest relatives?

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Llamas are closely related to alpacas, guanacos, and vicuñas. They are all members of the camelid family, which also includes camels.

Is it rare for humans to drink fermented camel urine?

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Yes, it is rare for humans to drink fermented camel urine. While there are some traditional practices in certain cultures where camel urine is believed to have medicinal properties, it is not a common or recommended practice in most parts of the world due to hygiene and health concerns.