


Questions about the deliberate and systematic mass killing of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. Famous genocides include the Holocaust, Dafur and Rwanda, and even the Crusades.

500 Questions

Who were the victims and who were the attackers in the Rwanda Genocide?

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Asked by Santanalee15

The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was largely composed of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda following earlier waves of Hutu violence against the Tutsi. Most of the dead were Tutsis and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus. The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.

Who were the victims of the genocide in Bosnia?

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Asked by Wiki User

there was no 'genocide" in Kosovo

.The Kosovo conflict was a civil conflict between the Serbian Yugoslav army and the Rebel "Kosovo liberation army".The Kosovo province of Serbia was largely Albanian and had its autonomy revoked by Milosevic when the KLA started to operate in the area.

The total Civilian death toll according to the un to this day is about 3000.There was a mass exodus of Albanian civilians who were victims of Serb counter strikes but also by nato Bombings.In fact over 200 Albanina civilians were killed by nato Bombs.During the Kosovo war the figures were highly inflamated due to the need for Nato to move in.So they propped up the figures to around 10,000 then many officilas claiming that up to 150,000 civilians were being massacred.

todays research showes quit different outcomes,there effectivly were war crimes as ussual,commited by all sides in Kosovo,But there was no Genocide what so ever.

When did the Darfur genocide start?

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Asked by Wiki User

they told me that it was gonna be alright so i decided to fly with wings then it came back with a big bang so i fell back from the sky

now i hope for peace in this 38 million population of horror

What started the Rwanda genocide?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Hutu began slaughtering the Tutsis on April 6, 1994. The killed over 800,000 people over a 100 day period.

Why was there Genocide in Bosnia - Herzegovina?

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Asked by Wiki User

"The Serbs wanted to clear the area of all non-Serbs. This is called ethnic cleaning."

.The Bosnian war was a religeous and political civil war between 3 Yugoslav factions,The orthodox Christian Serbs,The Catholic Croats and the Muslim Bosniaks.All three sides committed atrocities but non of them in a collective sense was genocide,that was a largely western neo liberal fabricationEthnic cleansing is another thing which is not to kill the nation you are targeting but to cleanse the area.The number of civilian deaths were with out a doubt largely Bosniak,But the Serbs at 40 percent made up the largest numbr of refugees.

.There were numerous crimes committed by all sides,Examples are:

The Serbs for example killed up to 7000 or 8000 thousand civilians in Srebrenica and had camps like Omarska not to mentions expelling many Bosniaks from cities like Banja Luka and Pale,as a result they are today overwhelmingly Serb. other massacres like Foca and crimes were commited by paramilitary groups.

The Bosniaks drove Serbs and Croats in large numbers e.g 10,000 Serbs driven out of Bihac in a single offensive and up to 1000's killed by Bosniak mujahideen in eastern herzegovina,in villages like Kravica,There were also camps like Konjic,celibici and Heliodom and for Serbs and croats.

The Croats had camps like Dretelj which included largely serbian occupants.Military offensives in Mostar drove many Bosniaks out (and vice Versa).Croatian artillary leveled cities like Mostar,Massacres include the killing of Bosniaks in Lasva and the massacres of Serbs in western Bosnia following croatian raids in towns like Mrkonjic grad.

While there was ethic hatred and such motivated killings on all sides,There was by no means a planned genocide by any faction.The conflict in Bosnia and indeed in the entire Yugoslav region was essentially comparable to other civil wars like in Lebanon.

Compare and contrast the genocide in Rwanda and Darfur?

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Asked by Wiki User

rwanada had the UN involved more people died and lasted 100 days

What events led up to the Armenian genocide?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Armenian Genocide took place in 1915 till 1923 in the Ottoman Empire. According to different sources the genocide had a death toll of 600.000 to 1.800.000 people in the Armenian population.

When was teh Armenian genocide?

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Asked by Wiki User

1915. Also note that the Ottoman Turks had been massacring Armenians for many decades before the actual Armenian Genocide occurred. It is said that up to 3,000,000 Armenians were killed at the hands of Ottoman Turks during the Ottoman Empires orders to eliminate all Armenians from the Earth.

When did the rawandan genocide begin?

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Asked by Wiki User

The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was largely composed of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda following earlier waves of Hutu violence against the Tutsi. Most of the dead were Tutsis and most of those who perpetrated the violence were Hutus. The genocide was sparked by the death of the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu, when his plane was shot down above Kigali airport on 6 April 1994.

Why is the genocide going on in darfur?

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Asked by Wiki User

From everything I can understand - the Muslim Arab Sudanese of the North are trying to rid Sudan of (or take-over and convert by force) all the Southern African Sudanese - many of whom are Christian (Catholic and other) or animist.

How long did the Bosnian genocide last?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Bosnian War was from March 1, 1992 – December 14, 1995, which was a period of three years. However, the genocides were particular events during the war, that took place in the cities of Srebrenica and Žepa for only a few days. The Massacre at Srebrenica took place on July 11-13, 1995 and the Massacre at Žepa took place on July 25, 1995. Now, the fact that these massacres were only a few days long should not be seen to minimize the 8,489 Bosniaks who were butchered in these two massacres.

What events occurred as a result of the armenian genocide?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the Armenian genocide nearly 75% of the Armenian population was murdered and thus it affected negatively on the population's growth,and led to a step back in the Armenian culture, economy, and they had a hard time to rebuild the counrty.

Is the chain saw massacre real?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not in the least. It is VERY loosely based on the exploits of real life murderer, Ed Gein, but he never did the kinds of murders shown in the films. He did create grisly human remains based art which is shown in the original, was an alleged cannibal, and a grave robber, but that was about it.

Who were the perpetrators of the Rwanda genocides?

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Asked by Wiki User

The genocide began when President Juvénal Habyarimana of the MRND party was shot down in his plane and killed. Other (more extreme) elements of Habyarimana's party then took over the rule of the country, and organised and executed the genocide. Key figures include Habyarimana's wife Agathe, who was known to be involved with extreme figures (including her brothers) and was part of a group called akazu, who were key figures in the interim government which oversaw the genocidal massacres.

How did Idi Amin classify his genocide?

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Asked by Wiki User

he chopped their genitals off

How was the darfur genocide carried out?

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Asked by Imakilla12345

Leaders in Darfur firstly was asking for autonomy and full control of their economy (having in mind abundance of gas and petroleum). This was not approved by Sudanese Govt. Years passed and at point Darfurians organized themselves and demanded freedom for their territory. Sudan at all not liked it. Started arresting and harrousment. Darfurians revolted, took some arms in their own hand. Then Sudanese Govt (President Umr Al Bashar), created and sponsored Janjaweed Militia. In 2003, having the support with arms and money the Janjaweed (also backed by Sudanese Army) launched attacks to kill the people indiscremenantly. This is the beginning of mass killing, diplacement of ordinary people, burning, raping..and more. This is genocide!

Who survived in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

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Asked by Wiki User

For clarification: the only people who survived or died in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are the fictional characters in the movie. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre never happened in real life. It's fiction. See the Related Question.

The only character who survives in the original film is Sally. She gets rescued at the end by a guy driving by in a pickup truck. As the truck drives away, she watches Leatherface swing his chainsaw around in futile frustration, as she laughs insanely and hysterically (she is obviously quite traumatized and not in her right mind).

Where did the Darfur genocide happen and what happened?

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Asked by Wiki User

The conflict is very complex, but the basic information is the following:

African Christians and Animists in the Darfur region of Sudan were relentlessly attacked, raped, and butchered by the Arab Janjaweed militias in a systematic way and were endorsed by the government of Sudan to engage in this behavior.

Is Texas Chainsaw Massacre scary?

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Asked by Wiki User

Driving through the backwoods of Texas, five youths pick up a traumatized hitchhiker, who shoots herself in their van. Shaken by the suicide, the group seeks help from the locals, but their situation becomes even more surreal when they knock on the door of a remote homestead. It's quickly apparent the residents are a family of inbred psychopaths, and the unlucky youths suddenly find themselves running for their lives. In hot pursuit is a disfigured, chainsaw-wielding cannibal known as Leatherface.