



Japan is an island nation in East Asia. The archipelago has 6,852 islands, the four biggest of which are Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido and Honshu. It has a total area of 145,925 sq mi and an estimated population of 127.4 million as of 2010.

500 Questions

Which mountain found in Japan has an active volcano at its summit?

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Mount Fuji is a famous mountain in Japan that has an active volcano at its summit. It is the highest peak in Japan and is a popular tourist destination known for its symmetrical cone shape.

5 o'clock pm California is what time in japan?

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Asked by Wiki User

5 o'clock PM in California is 9 o'clock AM in Japan. Japan is typically 16 hours ahead of California due to the time difference.

If it is 9 o'clock in the morning in Japan what time is it in California?

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Asked by Wiki User

If it's 9 o'clock in the morning in Japan, then it's 10 o'clock the previous night in California. They are 11 hours ahead of California.

When it's 9 AM in Japan, it's either 4 PM or 5 PM the previous afternoon in California, depending on whether or not Daylight Saving Time is in effect in the United States.

From the 2nd Sun. of Mar. to the 1st Sun. of Nov., 9 AM JST = 5 PM PDT.

From the 1st Sun. of Nov. to the 2nd Sun. of Mar., 9 AM JST = 4 PM PST.

Is Tokyo on the coast of Japan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Tokyo is located on the eastern coast of Japan, along the Pacific Ocean.

Are there poor children living on the street near volcanoes in japan?

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There are not many poor children living on the streets near volcanoes in Japan. Japan has a strong social welfare system that provides support to those in need. However, there might be some cases of children living in poverty near volcanoes, but they are not common.

What type of faults would you expect to be responsible for many of the earthquakes in Japan?

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Many of the earthquakes in Japan are caused by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Philippine Sea Plate along the Japan Trench. This movement can result in powerful megathrust earthquakes. Additionally, Japan is situated along the Pacific Ring of Fire, where several tectonic plates meet, leading to frequent seismic activity.

What electrical appliances are made in Japan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Japan produces a wide range of electrical appliances, including TVs, cameras, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and rice cookers. Japanese brands like Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, and Hitachi are well-known for their quality and innovation in the electronics industry.

When a butterfly flaps its wings in America can it cause a tidal wave in japan?

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No, the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings in one location could cause a tidal wave in another location (known as the butterfly effect) is a theoretical concept in chaos theory. In reality, the forces that contribute to the formation of a tidal wave are much more complex and require significant energy and large-scale disturbances in the ocean.

Does mount fuji always have snow?

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No, Mount Fuji does not always have snow. Snow can typically be found at the higher elevations of the mountain during the colder months, but it may not be present year-round. Snowfall on Mount Fuji depends on the season and weather conditions.

Is there going to be another earthquake within the next 100 years in Kobe Japan?

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It is possible for Kobe, Japan to experience another earthquake within the next 100 years as it is located in a seismically active region. However, predicting exactly when or the intensity of future earthquakes is difficult. It is important for residents to be prepared and follow building codes to mitigate potential damage.

How many miles is Japan from the equator?

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The main island of Japan is called Honshu and it is approximately 140 miles wide at the widest point. The island is roughly 1,300 kilometres (810 mi) long and ranges from 50 to 230 km (31 to 140 mi) wide, and its total area is 227,962.59 km2 (88,016.85 sq mi), 60% of the total area of Japan.

What city in Japan has the most snow?

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The city in Japan that is known for having the most snowfall is Aomori City, located in the northern region of the country. Aomori experiences heavy snowfall during the winter months due to its proximity to the Sea of Japan and the cold Siberian winds.

How many feet above sea level is mount fuji?

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im looking for the same thing, im doing a report on Japan and can't find anything about its elevation. please send me an email when someone gives u the real answer, ( (


How many people die from earthquakes in Japan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just from the March 2011 earthquake, there were a total of

15-20K reported fatalities.

The worst to date in Japan was the 1-Sept-1923 earthquake in

Kanto (Kwanto) near Tokyo with an estimated142,800 deaths. This also triggered a largetsunami.

For details of other large earthquakes see statistics found inthe related link below.

What are the dimensions of mount asama japan?

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Asked by Stgrayca

Mount Asama in Japan is approximately 2,568 meters (8,425 feet) high with a circumference of around 54 kilometers (34 miles).

What Affected Countries Were Hit By The Tsunami in Japan?

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Asked by Wiki User

The countries most affected by the 2011 tsunami in Japan were Japan itself, with significant damage and casualties along its northeastern coast, including Fukushima, and countries situated across the Pacific Ocean, such as the United States, Chile, and Australia, which experienced smaller waves and coastal impacts.

How did japan adapt to changes brought on by the transition from feudal to modern models of organization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Japan adapted to the transition from feudal to modern models of organization by embracing industrialization and modernization reforms known as the Meiji Restoration. This period saw the centralization of power, the modernization of the military, the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, and the adoption of Western technology and practices to support economic growth and development. The government also invested in education and infrastructure to support the transition to a modern society.

Why are there volcanoes in Italy and Japan but not in Iraq?

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Volcanoes form when tectonic plates shift and create weak spots in the Earth's crust, allowing magma to rise to the surface. Italy and Japan are located along tectonic plate boundaries where this activity occurs, while Iraq is not located on any active plate boundary. This is why Italy and Japan have volcanoes while Iraq does not.

How has geography impacted agriculture in Japan?

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The geography of Japan, including its mountainous terrain and limited arable land, has influenced agricultural practices by promoting terrace farming, which maximizes land use and minimizes erosion. Additionally, the proximity to the ocean has enabled aquaculture to flourish, with Japan being a leading producer of seafood. The need for efficient resource management due to space constraints has also led to innovations in technology and techniques for sustainable agriculture in Japan.

If you leave Osaka Japan at 10 AM their time what time will it be when you arrive at New York New York?

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When you leave Osaka at 10 AM, you will cross multiple time zones and arrive in New York, which is in the Eastern Time Zone, several hours later. The time in New York will depend on the duration of the flight and the time zone differences, but for reference, it would likely be around 8 PM.

How do people protect themselves against natural disasters?

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People can protect themselves against natural disasters by having an emergency plan in place, such as identifying safe evacuation routes and meeting points. They should also stock up on supplies like food, water, and first aid items, and stay informed about potential risks through news sources and emergency alerts. Additionally, it's important to reinforce homes with safety measures like securing heavy furniture and structures, and some areas may benefit from investing in specific protective infrastructure.

Which way does the wind blow in japan?

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The prevailing winds in Japan typically blow from the west or northwest during the winter and from the east or southeast during the summer due to the seasonal shifts in weather patterns, such as the Siberian high-pressure system and the North Pacific High. Japan's location between the Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean influences the direction of the wind patterns.

What is the ranking of mount fuji?

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Asked by Linkmage878

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 meters (12,389 feet) above sea level. It is also an active stratovolcano and an iconic symbol of Japan.

How far is Mount fuji from Fuji city?

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Mount Fuji is approximately 30 miles away from Fuji City. It takes about 1 hour by car to travel between the two locations.