

Before Birth of Baby

Prepare for the arrival of your baby physically and emotionally by asking questions here.

500 Questions

What books should one read to her unborn baby?

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Asked by Wiki User

Community Answer 1

Any children or baby books that will be read to them when they are born. Or just say anything to them all the time. Sing, talk, read. The fetus can sense the mothers voice. You can sing or talk to your baby.


Community Answer 2

I am Sam I do not like Green Eggs and Ham: By Dr. Seuss

What can be done to increase oxygen in blood during pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sometimes during labor, the baby isn't getting enough oxygen, so the doctors give the mother an oxygen mask to increase the amount in the blood to get it to the baby.

Can pregnant women eat green grapes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unless they have a rare allergy or other medical problem, pregnant women should be able to safely eat green grapes. Note that it is important that the grapes be washed to get rid of any pesticides, herbicides and just plain old dirt that may remain on them. This is just good food prep - something you should do with ALL fresh produce, not just grapes.

Is Emily pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yeh, she like so totally is.

Can you change the sex of baby medically at embryo level?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, but it's a long, complicated and expensive process done by medical professionals. I would not recommend it.

How does human fetus get its food?

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Asked by Wiki User

In zygote state, it receives via placenta. When in embryonic to till the end of gestation , supply is from umbelical cord.

When does a foetus become a baby in a human life cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

If by this you mean to ask when does an embryo created from the fertilisation of human egg with human sperm become human then the answer is from the moment of fertilisation. This is the beginning of a new living organism. As such it must be of a species and given its origins it is clearly human.

There are those who would claim that the humanity of the embryo/foetus is only acquired at some later stage. This is a curious position and flies in the face of the science. Those that take it need to explain what species the embryo is before that stage.

What do you get someone for a baby shower?

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Asked by Wiki User

Suggestions on How to Come Up with a Splendid Baby Shower Gift Idea

Finding a baby shower gift is fun and easy! Baby showers are one of the best occasions for gift giving. But if you're one of those people who are completely clueless when it comes to babies, then this could be a difficult situation for you.

Here are some suggestions and tips on how to find a gift for those cute babies:

1. Just go to any mall and browse through the toy department section. You should be able to choose something that a baby will love. Remember that little babies are delicate creatures, so stay away from toys that might potentially harm them. Soft toys, baby books, baby apparels are some of the more ideal presents that are suitable for babies. If you find that you are still having trouble deciding on a purchase, ask a friendly salesperson to assist you.

2. Most pregnant women have a registry account that specifies the items that they need for their babies. This makes the process of gift giving so much easier for friends and family. This also takes out the guess work out of the equation. So if you're not one of those people are not crazy about surprises, you can always just check a mother-to-be's list to find out exactly what type of gift she wants.

3. Ask your friends who are parents to assist you in your time of need. Ask them to impart their wisdom onto you, and discuss the things that a baby might need.

4. Do an inventory with your other friends whom you know would also be giving baby gifts for this occasion. This way, you don't end up buying the same things.

5. If you feel that your inadequacy when it comes to selecting a baby shower gift is insurmountable , you can always just beg one of your friends who are more baby friendly to tag along with you. This way, you are saved the embarrassment of your severe indecision when it comes time to select the perfect giant rubber ducky.

6.You can just always buy baby clothes! If you consider yourself posh, and live for fashion, then this is your chance to shine! Who knows your style might even influence the future generation to come to carry on your fashion forward sensibilities!

7. Baby jewelry looks cute on babies! Baby bracelets, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks and tie bars for boys, are just dandy! Babies can't have enough cute things in their armory, so do your share and contribute to the storage!

8. Invest on their minds and buy tons of baby books. Who knows, you just might be the honorary aunt or uncle of a future Einstein! You can't go wrong with books. Education is truly a gift!

9. If you want to be loved, then bestow the gift of a baby saving's bond. This helps ensure a kid's future. This way when the baby grows up, you will always be remembered as the generous person that you are.

10. Baby shower gift baskets are reliable and practical gifts. They contain everything that a baby will need. Baby shower gift baskets have themes. Bath time baby baskets usually contain baby items like a set of comb and brushes, towels, grooming kits and the likes, and of course, the ever reliable rubber ducky.

It's not really that hard to come up with a baby shower gift idea. For those who are not enthusiastic about babies, and consider them little brats, well shame on you! Good thing this is your lucky day, so you can just pick a baby shower gift idea from one of the suggestions written above.

Can a person conceive without penetration?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. You can get pregnant when sperm is introduced into the vagina and although this is usually from penetration it can also occur in other ways. Sperm are motile (able to move) and sperm from someones hand or sperm that has been ejaculated close to the vagina could enter by itself

When does the baby actually alive?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not called a baby until week 38 of pregnancy or when it's born (even if it's before week 38). Medically it's not considered alive as in positive pregnancy until the egg is attached and you are actually pregnant.

When should you buy baby clothes when you are expecting?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should probably start buying baby clothes around the 5-7 month of pregnancy. If you're unaware of the sex of the baby you shouldn't buy blue or pink as yet, only buy others like yellow and other pale colours.

What is the string test to determine the sex of a baby?

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Asked by Wiki User

You take a string and connect it to something heavy like a penny. Then you dangle it over a pregnant woman's belly. If it goes to the left it's a girl and to the right then it's a boy.

What is the fluid called around the baby while in the womb?

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Asked by Wiki User

The liquid that surrounds the baby in the womens uterus is call Amniotic fluid. This protects the baby when it is in the mothers womb. When your waters break this is what flushes out of the womens vagina. This happens because the baby is a about to be born and no longer needs this fluid to potect it.

How many weeks is it till a baby is born?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is bout 36 or so weeks

Cynthia: It takes 40 weeks but most girls have their baby two weeks early or two weeks later than their due date.

How much does the average baby shower cost?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would love to answer your question, however, I would need some clarification. Are you referring to the cost of average doctor bills? Or the cost of a black market pregnancy?

What connects embryo to mother?

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Asked by Wiki User

not sure what you mean by "which of these" but the umbilical cord connects the embryo to the mother.

Is it illegal to refuse prenatal care?

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Asked by BritneyHedrick

It is illegal (under federal EMTALA rules) for hospitals to refuse emergency care. However, they can refuse non-emergent care, especially in their various clinics and outpatient departments.

Baby shower invitation ideas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mommy, Goodbye Tummy

Congratulations to the mommy-to-be

You're about to have a cute baby!

For the mommy-to-be

And her little sweet pea

Someone special, sweet, and new

Welcome baby, we love you!

Bundle of joy, bundle of love

A special gift from Heaven above

What is morning sickness?

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Asked by Wiki User

You typically get morning sickness because your body is adjusting to the rising hormones. Once your hormones stabilize, around the second trimester, your body get used to them and your morning sickness fades.

How do you register for a baby shower?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Generally baby showers are given when the mother to be is six to eight months pregnant. It is wiser to give the baby shower when she is six months pregnant because the closer she gets to her due date the more tired she would be and she may not enjoy the baby shower to it's fullest potential. It is also wise to ask the mother or sister of the mother to be if she wants a baby shower before the baby is born as some new mothers are superstitious that it is bad luck to have a baby shower before the baby is born in case she loses the baby. Some very successful baby showers are given after the baby is born and then everyone can see the new baby. If you choose to do this them wait a month after the baby is born so the new mother is a little more rested.

Do you send the guest of honor an invitation to a baby shower?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poshexpressions' answer: I suggest about a month so that people have time to clear their schedule or request off of work if needed.

Baby Cachet's answer: Another, detailed answer to a similar question can be found below under related links "How soon to send out baby shower invitations?".

How do you regret a baby shower invitation?

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Asked by Wiki User

ID1110000304's answer: I would say a white lie. Something like I'm really busy that day or you can just tell the truth.

Baby Cachet's answer: Declining a baby shower invitation can be tricky, but can also be done properly and with grace. Typically, the goal is to decline in such a way as to not hurt the host's feelings and to not jeopardize your chances of getting another invitation in the future. For most situations, the following tips should help ease the process of declining an invitation:

* Respond in kind. If the invitation was extended to you through an invitation card by mail, then you should decline via a card by mail, usually by mailing the enclosed response card. Likewise, if you were invited over the phone, then you should also decline by phone. Exception: If the invitation by mail specifies a RSVP phone or email, then it is acceptable to decline by phone or email even though you received a paper invitation.

* Decline as soon as you can. If you're sure that you won't be able to attend, let the hostess know before the RSVP deadline so that she can make planning adjustments. It wouldn't be nice or proper to wait until the last minute and say that "something came up".

* Show that you appreciate the invitation. It's important to express how much it means to you that the hostess thought of inviting you. This will go a long way in ensuring that she'll think of you again when the next party comes.

* Be as honest as you can without being hurtful. Give as truthful a reason as you can as to why you won't be able to attend. "I have [an event] already planned for that day", "I have to work", "I'll be traveling that week".

* Keep it short and sweet. You want to remain as truthful as you can without giving too much details or embellishments. It's easy to say too much and stray away from the true reason why you're declining.

* Send a gift anyways. If you have a weak excuse or feel badly about rejecting an invitation (maybe you had to accept another invitation over this one), a great way to make up for it is to send a gift to the hostess or guest of honor in your absence. The gift can be a token gift (bouquet of flowers, a cake, etc.) with a note to express your regret.

Is it ok to throw your own baby shower?

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Asked by Wiki User

* Yes, it's quite appropriate for the grandmother to be to have a baby shower for her daughter. Tip: Often it is better to have the baby shower after the baby is born (approximately two to three weeks after the birth) so guests know the sex of the baby, but also can enjoy seeing the baby. More and more young women prefer having their baby showers after the birth of their baby.