

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS is the result of compression of the wrist's median nerve which in turn causes pain and numbness in the hand

500 Questions

What causes pins and needles in middle finger on right hand?

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A variety of possibilities: see a doctor!

How long is open carpal tunnel release surgery?

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about 10 to 15 minutes , then an hour of sleep , you eat and drink and then are released....

Florida workcomp settlements for carpal tunnel surgery?

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A study showed that generally you are looking at between 15-30k..keep in mind it depends on your specific states work comp laws and you have to prove an impairment and get a rating from a specialist. This impairment may prevent you from obtaining other jobs in the future. You will also have to take 25-30% off of your total awarded amount to give to your attorney. Aquiring an attorney may be necessary but it can often delay things with your company by several years. Some states have gone to a mediation type thing where lawyers are not involved in hopes of speeding up the years of back logged court cases.

How can you relieve carpel tunnel?

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There are several treatments available for the carpal tunnel syndrome. Some possible options are evaluating any other medical problems that might contribute to the carpal tunnel syndrome, wearing a wrist splint or avoiding activities that may be causing symptoms.

Will you be able to do anything you did before carpal tunnel surgery?

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It all depends on what you are doing. I was able to get back to most of my duty's as a carpenter within 3 weeks.

What does low protein in blood mean?

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Albumin and globulin are two majors protein found in blood plasma. There are a variety of reasons for low protein in blood: Liver Diseases, Malnutrition, Kidney problem...

Symptoms can be: Loss of hair , Depression, Fatigue, Edema...

Where can a person get treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

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Carpal Tunnel wrist supports can be purchased on Amazon. They provide support to achy wrists and help to relieve some pains and symptoms associated with Carpal Tunnel.

Can your workers comp claim for carpal tunnel be denied for being pregnant?

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Yes if they have found that the business it not at fault for the injury

******************************************************* Can workers comp (WC) deny a Carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS) claim?

YES!...but there are other factors to consider.Every state has some type of work comp law that employers have to follow.Employers usually "buy" work comp insurance for their company,IF an employer is really big,they may decide to be self insured and provide their own work comp coverage...but they still have to abide by their states WC laws. Also be aware that there are many other things that can cause CTS...other than repetitive use(which is even hotly debated by medical and legal experts)

Things like diabetes,pregnancy,obesity,hypothyroidism etc..are all known causes and or risk factors for getting CTS.

Usually by the time a case gets to surgery,you know whether WC is covering it or not.And really it doesn't matter from a WC standpoint whether you had surgery or not as to whether it was denied or is just a form of treatment.They have to deny or accept a claim based on the work history,job stressors,medical history etc....

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What is treatment for low protein levels?

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There are several possible causes for low blood protein levels. One is kidney failure, which results in the blood proteins being lost in the urine. Another is liver failure, which results in insufficient quantities of blood proteins being produced. A third is severe recent hemorrhage, in which total blood volume was lost and only the fluid component has been replaced at the time of blood analysis.

Is endoscopic carpal tunnel release covered by medicare?

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Medicare does cover carpal tunnel surgery. One should know that they will have to meet their deductible before the surgery is covered 100%.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in what region of the body?

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in themiddle of the inside of the hand just below the wrist. Go to the related link (carpal tunnel syndrome) below for a diagram.

What do I need to expect after carpal tunnel surgery?

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Recovering from carpal tunnel surgery isn�t easy. After all, you had the surgery because you use your hands a lot. The first step to post-surgery success is to have someone drive you home. Once you�re home, stay away from the computer for at least 4 weeks. If you need to use the computer, have someone else use the mouse and do the typing � you can dictate. Other important tips include to keep your hand elevated as much as possible and to move your fingers gently every day.

What condition can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome?

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There are several. Neck conditions where the nerve is pinched by bulging disc or disc rupture can sometimes cause localized numbness and tingling in the hands and fingers. Radial neuritis is inflammation of the radial nerve which travels down the forearm and into the thumb and index finger causes symptoms of ache, pain, tingling sens. Ulnar neuritis which some people call the carpal tunnel of the elbow, can cause numbness and tingling of the 3rd and 4th fingers. Tendonitis in the hand can cause throbbing,achey pain in the hands and fingers as well.

What is the first line of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

The injection of a corticosteroidal medication into the affected wrist. Then a restriction on any movement for several days, with the wearing of a wrist splint for about one month and hand and wrist exercises.

What is a carpel?

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A carpule is a cartridge that contains medication in liquid form to be inserted in a syringe to distribute medication to a patient.

What causes dry palms?

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1. Lack of Lotion or attention

2. To much drying or water on your hands.

3. In some cases, It might be genetics

Can carpal tunnel be caused by head injury?

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Not exactly.There is a long nerve(median nerve) that exits out of your neck bones(vertebrae),travels through your shoulder,upper and lower arm,through your wrist area (called the carpal tunnel) and branches out into your thumb,and first 3 fingers.

If you have some type of neck injury..say a ruptured disc at the location where this nerve originates,then you can have symptoms that mimic carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS).

True CTS is from prolonged pressure/inflammation on the median nerve at the carpal tunnel area in your wrist .

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a collection of characteristic symptoms and signs that occurs following entrapment of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Usual symptoms include numbness, paresthesias, and pain in the median nerve distribution. These symptoms may or may not be accompanied by objective changes in sensation and strength of median-innervated structures in the hand. Given that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is associated with low aerobic fitness (and increased BMI), it makes inherent sense to provide the patient with an aerobic fitness program.

What is the most common carpal tunnel treatment?

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The most common surgical treatment for carpal tunnel is a carpal tunnel release. Other nonsurgical treatments for carpal tunnel include splinting, steroid injections, and oral medications.

Is carpal tunnel syndrome the same as arthritis?

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Not exactly. The term "carpal" refers to the bones of the wrist; the condition "carpal tunnel syndrome" is caused by compression of a nerve passing through this area.

Arthritis, of which there are a number of types, refers to inflammation of a joint (arthri is a Latin prefix meaning "joint").

So while both conditions involve joint problems, the one is caused by irritation of a nerve in the wrist only, while the other involves inflammation, and often deformation and immobilization, of joint tissues and can occur in any joint.

Can a pinched nerve cause numbness in fingers?

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YES! For the last year, I had arm and shoulder pain. I finally went to an orthopedic doctor and to a physical therapist. In most cases, this usually helps and sometimes cures that problem. However, in my case, it turned out to be far more complicated than that. I had taken bad falls twice before this problem arose. I had no relief of pain and ended up having epidural steroid shots in my neck; then further testing revealed a herniated disc. The FDA has approved surgery to implant artificial discs in the cervical spine (neck). I am recovering from that surgery and hope to be pleased with the results.

Good luck to you in deliverance from your pain!