


Children's Books

This category is for questions and answers about literature directed towards younger age groups.

500 Questions

Where does tikki live?

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Rikki-tikki is a young mongoose, rescued from a flood by an English family living in India. They are living in a (rented?) "big bungalow" with a large attached garden. It is located in Seglowee cantonment in Bihar state, India.

Why do nag and nagaina enter the house?

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Nag and Nagaina enter the house to seek revenge on Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the mongoose, for causing them harm. They want to eliminate the threat he poses to their plans to take over the garden and ensure the safety of their eggs.

What are the character traits of Nag?

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Nag is generally depicted as cunning, manipulative, and power-hungry. He is often portrayed as a deceptive and treacherous character who will go to great lengths to achieve his goals, even if it means using underhanded tactics.

How does Rikki save teddys parents life?

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Rikki, the mongoose, single-handedly takes on two deadly cobras to protect the family and ends up killing both snakes. By doing this, he saves Teddy's parents from a potentially fatal cobra attack and proves his loyalty and protective instincts.

What is Darzee human traits and behaviors in Rikki Tikki ta-vi?

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In "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," Darzee is portrayed as a silly and melodramatic bird who is easily scared. He is also shown to be quite chatty and often spreads rumors and gossip. Despite his shortcomings, Darzee is a loyal friend to Rikki-Tikki and helps him in his battle against the cobras.

How does Rikki-Tikki get to come in teddy home?

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Rikki-Tikki is allowed inside Teddy's home because he has proven himself to be a brave and resourceful mongoose who can protect the family from dangerous snakes like Nag and Nagaina. Teddy's parents recognize Rikki-Tikki's value in keeping their family safe, so they welcome him into their home as a much-appreciated protector.

Why were the hazaras singled out for prosecution?

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The Hazaras were singled out for persecution in Afghanistan due to historical ethnic and religious discrimination. They belong to a minority group that has faced long-standing marginalization and oppression at the hands of the dominant Pashtun ethnic group. This discrimination has been fueled by social, economic, and political factors throughout Afghan history.

What compels Kit to leave Barbados in the Witch of Blackbird Pond?

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Kit decides to leave Barbados because she has no family left after her grandfather's death and feels like she doesn't belong there anymore. She also wants to escape an arranged marriage.

When is there an epipany moment in Rikki-tikki?

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In "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling, Rikki-tikki has an epiphany moment when he realizes the true intentions of the cobras Nag and Nagaina, who plan to harm the human family that Rikki-tikki has befriended. This realization motivates him to protect his new family and confront the cobras to keep them safe.

What is the order of The Secret Circle books?

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The Secret Circle book series by L.J. Smith consists of six books in this order: "The Initiation," "The Captive," "The Power," "The Divide," "The Hunt," and "The Temptation."

What is the conflict in milkweed?

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The conflict in "Milkweed," by Jerry Spinelli, revolves around the protagonist Misha's struggle for survival and identity during World War II in Warsaw, Poland. As he navigates the harsh realities of the Holocaust, Misha faces challenges such as hunger, danger, and loss while trying to hold onto his sense of humanity and hope.

Why would you use the revising strategy called Use Snapshots?

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Using the revising strategy called Use Snapshots involves looking at your writing in "snapshots" or sections rather than focusing on the entire piece. This can help you identify specific areas that need improvement, such as unclear descriptions or weak transitions. By breaking your writing into smaller parts, you can effectively revise and strengthen your work incrementally.

What are The lyrics to tikki tikki tembo?

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Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo is a traditional Chinese folktale about a boy with a long name who falls into a well. The full story can be found in the book "Tikki Tikki Tembo" by Arlene Mosel.

Can you give me a short summary on Messenger by Lois Lowry?

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"Messenger" by Lois Lowry follows the story of a young boy named Matty who possesses the ability to heal others. As he navigates the mysterious and dangerous forest surrounding his village, he must confront his own fears and make choices that will impact the fate of his community. The novel explores themes of sacrifice, empathy, and the consequences of choosing the easy path over the right one.

Character Rikki Tikki?

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Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is a brave and clever mongoose in Rudyard Kipling's short story of the same name. He is known for his courage in protecting his adopted human family from dangerous cobras, particularly Nag and Nagaina. Rikki-Tikki is resourceful and quick-witted, using his intelligence and agility to outsmart his enemies.

Who has the rights to the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder since Rose died without children and was the only child herself?

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The rights to the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder are now owned by HarperCollins Publishers, who bought the copyright in 1971 when Rose Wilder Lane passed away without any children to inherit her estate.

How can you decorate a collage about Scout finch?

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You can decorate a collage about Scout Finch by including images of important scenes from "To Kill a Mockingbird" where Scout plays a central role, such as when she dresses up as a ham, or the trial of Tom Robinson. You can also include symbols that represent her character, like a pair of overalls or a mockingbird. Add quotes from the book that capture Scout's essence to enhance the collage.

What is Capulets second answer to paris?

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At first he insists that Juliet is too young and suggests that Paris wait two years, saying, Let two more summers wither in their pride/Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride. After all, Juliet is only thirteen years old. ... Later in the play, in Act III, Scene 4, Capulet totally changes his mind.

Are any characters from The Outsiders in Rumble Fish?

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Yes, several characters appear in both novels, which are both written by S.E. Hinton. Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders makes a brief appearance in Rumble Fish, while Steve Hays from The Outsiders has a larger role in Rumble Fish. There are other connections between the two novels as well.

Did something bad happen to Beatrix Potter?

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No, Beatrix Potter lived a relatively successful and fulfilling life. She was a beloved children's book author and illustrator, best known for creating iconic characters such as Peter Rabbit.

How many movies of guardians of ga'hoole will they make?

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As of now, there is only one movie based on the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series, titled "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole," released in 2010. There are no official announcements regarding any additional movies in the franchise.

Which genre is Stephenie Meyer's the host?

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Stephenie Meyer's book "The Host" is a science fiction novel with elements of romance and thriller. It follows the story of a young woman whose body has been taken over by an alien entity in a dystopian future setting.

What is the Grade level of novel night?

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The novel "Night" by Elie Wiesel is typically studied in high school, specifically in grades 9-12. It is often included in curriculums focusing on themes such as the Holocaust, history, and human rights.

Who wrote 'I capture the castle'?

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Dodie Smith wrote 'I Capture the Castle'. It was first published in 1948.

Is Victoria foresters The girl who could fly a movie?

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As of now, "The Girl Who Could Fly" by Victoria Forester has not been adapted into a movie.