

Chocolate Syrup

Chocolate syrup is a chocolate flavored condiment used to top desserts. It can also be mixed with milk to make chocolate flavored milk.

238 Questions

Is the of mixture of chocolate syrup and milk a solution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a mixture of chocolate syrup and milk is a solution. A solution is a homogeneous mixture where the substances are evenly distributed and do not settle out. In this case, the chocolate syrup dissolves in the milk, creating a uniform mixture.

Why is chocolate syrup a homogeneous?

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Chocolate syrup is homogeneous because its components, such as sugar, cocoa, and water, are evenly distributed throughout the mixture. When you look at chocolate syrup, you cannot distinguish different parts or see any visible separation between its ingredients, making it appear uniform in composition.

How do you say chocolate syrup in spanish?

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In Spanish, chocolate syrup is "jarabe de chocolate."

Is chocolate syrup a homogeneous or a heterogeneous mixture?

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homogenous. In heterogenous mixtures you can physicaly see the different components of the mixture such as a fruit salad. You can see the different fruits that make up the mixture, but you can not see the different components that make up chocolate syrup.

Is mixing milk and chocolate syrup a chemical change?

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A chemical change involves a change in a substance's chemical make-up or conversion to a different substance. A physical change is one that involves changes in a substance's physical makeup that is not brought about by a chemical change, such as sugar dissolving in water. Therefore, mixing milk and chocolate syrup is not a chemical change. Now, if for some reason the syrup had a strong enough acid in it, and mixing the two made the milk curdle or solidify, then yes, it would be a chemical change.

Is chocolate syrup a type of colloid?

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Asked by Wiki User

hey bro wat u doin ai 2 nite and you will have to take it away from you forevevr niggah bro ai alrite then 2 nite at my house and the day wil have to pass the test and all day it is niggah and you will onlycome in if you come and pass the test at tha door tha best thing niggah rachi game swill have to love the b est bro and one more thing you will haveto stay in the front untill bro you pas tha test and once you past niggah you will come in and it will be finisheed and i curse you will never you will ALWAYS REMEMBER THS DAY MOSTLY thankyou and if you do then i will actually come and my beautiful sweet 20 on that day niggah and if you ever miss it it will always just come right back to you on that day niggah so i suggset to never get angus at me or ur life depended on it hey bro watt r u doin 2 nite and if u want to come to me sweet 21 on tuesday afternoon tell ur mates if they

How many cups in 16 ounce can Hershey's chocolate syrup?

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Uselaess question unless you tell us size of "can" -a "can" is anything.

Who invented chocolate syrup?

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Steve Jones and Adam Anderton invented chocolate syrup cause they called it le syrop de chocolat

Does chocolate syrup need to be refrigerated?

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It doesn't need refrigeration, but it's not a bad idea to do so.

Is mixing chocolate syrup with milk an element compound or homogeneous matter?

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a mixture reason: my teacher gave me the answer lmao

Can you put hershey chocolate syrup to your instant vanilla pudding?

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yeshh but make sure its not too liquidy ma petite chef:')

How long does chocolate syrup stay good in the fridge?

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Maple syrup for example stays fresh for a VERY long and indefinite time if sealed well. There are too many different kinds of syrups to give a determinate answer.

Can chocolate syrup go bad after being left out of fridge?

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Provided the syrup hasn't been opened, you can store it on the shelf at room temperature. However, once the package has been opened, it needs to be refrigerated until used up.

How bad is chocolate syrup to dogs?

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Maple syrup is safe for dogs.

The original answer on here was "Dogs should not eat anything other than dog food, anything else is possibly harmful to them.Thats (sic) why they call it dog food."

Because it's not like dog food has ever been recalled for being harmful.

First, kudos to you for being a responsible pet owner and attempting to research the food you're giving to your pet before assuming that if it's okay for you, it must be okay for Fido and Miss Kittenpuffs. To answer the question, no, maple syrup is not currently known to be harmful to dogs, and in fact is sometimes used as a source of glucose for diabetic dogs. As with anything, reasonable quantities are encouraged. Foods your dog should avoid (and remember, this is not a complete or comprehensive list- always call your veterinarian, and if you do not have one, establish a relationship with one, it will be worth it I promise) include the following:

Avocados (this includes guacamole)





Macadamia nuts

Anything with caffeine

Anything with alcohol

The ASPCA has a nice write up on their website.

Do you have to use chocolate syrup in a vanilla milkshake?

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You do not need chocolate syrup on vanilla milkshake

Can you use chocolate syrup to make chocolate covered pretzels?

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You wouldn't want to use Hershey's Chocolate Syrup to coat your pretzels. The chocolate wouldn't dry and "set up". You could just "dip" the pretzels in the Hershey's syrup for one bite at a time. You could melt some semi sweet "bakers chocolate" or Nestles Chocolate Chips like you use to bake chocolate chip cookies and coat the pretzels in this which would stick to the pretzels. Lay them on waxed paper to dry after dipping. Yes, definitely use salted pretzels. The sweet and salty taste is terrific! Whatever you decide to do, just have fun and enjoy!

How much chocolate syrup do you need for 300 one- cup sundaes?

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However much you need. It depends on how much sauce you put on each sundae.

Does chocolate syrup or chocolate powder dissolve faster in cold milk?

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Yes, chocolate milk freeze's faster than whole milk?

How much chocolate syrup and chocolate chips do you put in a box mix of brownies?

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Asked by Partyhard720

To make delicousily rich chocolate brownies you will need 300g of dark chocolate broken into small pieces. To find out more about this certain recipe go to:

How long does it take for chocolate syrup to freeze?

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It takes a while probably like 6 hrs at the least..I think I've waited an hour already for mine to freeze and it's still pretty liquidy hope I helped :)

Is chocolate syrup and milk a mixture or solution?

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It is a solution. For chocolate syrup and milk to be a mixture you would have to be able to mix it together and then separate them, making chocolate syrup and milk again. You can't do this. When you mix them together it makes a completely new substance that cannot be changed back to the things that you orignally had. Therefore it is not a mixture.