



Man has always had affinities for color. This section contains questions concerning the various mixtures of colors, discussions concerning hues and shades, like colors, and the interesting names of the colors around us.

500 Questions

Determine the phenotypes for the genotype yellow body color is dominant to blue?

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The phenotypes for the genotype "yellow body color is dominant to blue" would be yellow body color for individuals with at least one dominant allele for yellow (Y allele) and blue body color for individuals with two recessive alleles for blue (yy genotype).

How does visible light interact with an object?

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Asked by Wiki User

Visible light interacts with an object by either being absorbed, transmitted, or reflected. The color of the object is determined by the wavelengths of light that are reflected off its surface. When light is absorbed, it can cause the object to heat up. Transmitted light passes through the object without being absorbed or reflected.

What are 6 things that are naturally blue?

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Asked by Mgv2426

  1. Blueberries: These fruits are naturally blue when ripe.
  2. Blue sky: The color of the sky appears blue due to Rayleigh scattering of sunlight.
  3. Blue jay: These birds have striking blue feathers.
  4. Blue butterfly: Some species of butterflies exhibit vibrant shades of blue.
  5. Blue cornflowers: These wildflowers have distinctive blue petals.
  6. Blue whale: The skin of the largest mammal on Earth can appear blue underwater.

Is dye in blue black colour a single compound?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, blue-black dye is typically a mixture of different compounds that collectively produce the desired color. In some cases, it may contain multiple compounds that work synergistically to create the final hue.

What do the different colors of the words mean in the android game Alchemy?

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In the android game Alchemy, the colors of the words represent the current status of combining elements. Light grey means the element cannot be combined further, red means the element cannot be combined with any other element, and black means the element can be combined with another element.

What color makes grass green?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chlorophyll, a pigment found in the cells of grass, gives it its green color. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight to help with photosynthesis, the process by which plants make their food.

How many colors there are?

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There are millions of colors in the visible light spectrum. The human eye can see approximately 10 million different colors, while electronic devices can display even more with the help of technology.

Did Alexander the great have one blue eye and one brown eye?

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Asked by Wiki User

In his segment on the life of Alexander, Plutarch describes him as having "light skin, fair hair, and melting blue eyes". Plutarch lived too late to have ever seen Alexander, however, and more contemporary sources describe him as "dikoros," which is a Greek word literally meaning "two pupils." This suggests that he did in fact have heterochromia, which may or may not have involved a blue eye.

What makes evergreens stay green?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evergreens stay green all year round because they have needle-shaped leaves that are covered with a waxy coating to prevent water loss and protect them from harsh weather conditions. Additionally, evergreens have adapted to be more efficient at photosynthesis, allowing them to retain their green color throughout the year.

How do the light waves that produce the color red differ from those that produce the color violet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Red light waves have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies compared to violet light waves, which have shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies. This difference in wavelength and frequency leads to the perception of different colors by our eyes.

What color is at the warm end of the visible spectrum and what color is at the cool end?

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The warm end of the visible spectrum is red, while the cool end is violet.

Can the colours of the rainbow be in reverse with violet at the top?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the colors of the rainbow follow a specific order that begins with red at the top and ends with violet at the bottom. Reversing the order would not be considered the traditional rainbow colors.

Is black an earth tone?

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No, black is not considered an earth tone. Earth tones typically consist of browns, greens, and warm shades inspired by nature. Black is a neutral color that is not directly associated with the earth or natural elements.

What color is the rainbow blended?

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The colors of the rainbow, from top to bottom, are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Can gemstones Blue sapphire and pearl be worn together?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, blue sapphire and pearl can be worn together as they complement each other well. Blue sapphire is associated with wisdom and protection, while pearl symbolizes purity and emotional balance. When worn together, they can create a harmonious and balanced energy.

What colour of light would drive photosynthesis at the highest rate red blue or green?

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Asked by Wiki User

Blue light typically drives photosynthesis at the highest rate because chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for capturing light energy for photosynthesis, absorbs blue light most effectively. Red light is also important for photosynthesis but is less efficient than blue light in driving the process. Green light is least effective because chlorophyll reflects rather than absorbs green wavelengths.

Can Weimaraner eyes stay blue?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Weimaraner puppies are born with blue eyes, but their eye color changes to a light amber or gray as they mature. Blue eyes in adult Weimaraners are not standard for the breed and could be a sign of a health issue.

Instead of blue what color might the sky be on a tropical island?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sky on a tropical island might appear more turquoise or vibrant shades of blue due to the reflection of the clear waters and lush vegetation on the island.

What is the difference between water colors and poster colors?

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Watercolors are transparent and are typically used in washes or layers to build up color intensity. Poster colors, on the other hand, are opaque and have a higher pigment concentration, resulting in more vibrant and solid colors. Poster colors are often used for painting on paper, card, and illustrations where vibrant and opaque colors are desired.

What is the name of the Red light green light stock software?

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Asked by Wiki User

The stock software you are referring to is called "Webull". It offers a stock trading platform that includes features like "Paper Trading" similar to the Red Light, Green Light game popularized on social media.

Why are there few blue-colored plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants generally appear green due to chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis. Blue pigmentation in plants is less common because it absorbs less light for photosynthesis compared to green pigments. Also, blue light is less prevalent in the natural environment, so blue pigments may offer less of an advantage for plant survival.

Two colorless solutions were mixed. a yellow precipitate was formed.what possible reactants were mixed and what was the yellow coloured precipitate formed due to?

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Asked by Wiki User

The possible reactants could be sodium thiosulfate and silver nitrate, forming a yellow precipitate of silver sulfide. Another possibility is mixing potassium chromate and lead(II) nitrate, forming a yellow precipitate of lead chromate.

Is all detergent safe for colors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, most varieties of All detergent are safe for colors. They are designed to protect the color integrity of your clothing while effectively cleaning them. Make sure to follow the instructions on the detergent packaging for best results.

Can hazel green eyes and blue eyes make a brown eyed baby?

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Yes, it is possible for two parents with hazel green eyes and blue eyes to have a brown-eyed baby. Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so there is a chance that the combination of genes from both parents could result in a child with brown eyes.

What are Fast Colours?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fast colors are dyes or pigments that are resistant to fading when exposed to different conditions such as sunlight, washing, or dry-cleaning. These colors maintain their intensity and brightness over time, making them durable and long-lasting. Fast colors are commonly used in textiles, paints, inks, and other products where color stability is important.