


Eczema is a skin condition where the skin becomes swollen, itchy and irritated. There are different types of eczema and the best way to manage it is through a proper consultation with a dermatologist.

500 Questions

How does Eczema start?

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Doctors do not know how eczema starts other than it often is a result of heredity and environmental factors. While some people grow out of it as they become older, others have it for the rest of their life.

What foods to avoid with eczema?

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i am a psoriatic patient i got this affected from the age of seven , now i am 42yrs , from my experience i suggest all psoriatic patients to avoid sea foods , brinjals , beef and more of coffee ,

New born dry skin due to eczema?

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Yes because skin comes off when it is dry and creates new so your baby needs a hair wash

This is called cradle cap. The best way to rid your baby of this is to every time you wash the hair, use a baby brush to shampoo with and gently massage a small amount of baby oil onto the scalp.

Do Pugs cause allergic reactions?

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Yes but not to all people. Mostly the people many allergies and are well allergic to dogs.

What is the quickest cure for eczema?

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Unfortunately there is no 'cure' for eczema. To try and keep the skin as clear from eczema as possible is to moisturise on a daily basis (or as much as needed), and for any inflamed, red areas of skin, a corticosteroid cream may be prescribed by your doctor.

Can you grow out of eczema?

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No. You are born with it. It is in your genes. All you can do is try to prevent flare ups by using creams and trying to avoid situations which make it worse. One good cream which works is DOUBLEBASE. Also you should try cutting out certain foods or drink which you may be allergic to. You can control it but it takes a lot of effort. Every one is different. You just need to find out what is aggravating / causing your's to flare up.

Does salt water help eczema?

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Depends on each person some react to chlorine very harshly causing there eczema to flair up. Other peoe are different as it is know in small cases to help . The main thing you should know is "SAlT" water usually works miraculous with people who have ezema it is known to have cleared up within a span of 1-5 days ! So what you need to do is test it out for your self see how your body reacts

Good luck and have a good day ! X

How to treat a bad case of eczema?

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Unfortunately, there is no cure for eczema but you can make each flare up more comfortable. Visit your physician to get a prescription for a steroid cream, do not use excessively hot water and do not scratch.

How to cure eczema?

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All those who are struggling with eczema are fully aware of the quality of life aspect of this skin disorder. The eczema symptoms include dryness, redness, itching, flaking, crusting skin patches that are really frustrating. Eczema affects round about 17% of children and 6% of adults in the United States and this number is too much close to 15 million Americans. The skin disorder may get worse with the exposure to different allergens or the irritants. The question that arises in everybody's mind is Can eczema be cured or not? To be very precise, there is no scientifically proven cure for atopic dermatitis/eczema.

If eczema can't be cured, these flare ups can surely be minimized and can also be prevented. Children or the adults outgrow the disease while the others continue to have eczema flareups. Mild to severe eczema can be treated by the usage of different dosage of corticosteroids. There are many treatments that help you to get rid of the symptoms and get a clear, smooth skin without any rough, patchy skin. You need to understand your skin condition, the environmental factors, eating habits, that worsen your condition. Keep in mind that food you are consuming can be a main factor behind your flareups. Various treatments that can help you to ease the condition are discussed below:

  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has antibacterial and saturating properties that help to eliminate, slow down or prevent the development of bacteria on your body.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar baths are proven to be an effective measure against keeping germs away and low bacteria count on eczema skin. It also helps create a balance PH level on skin, which naturally prevents bacterial growth.

  • Bleach Baths: Bleach baths, although not so natural, are the most effective method of bacterial elimination on eczema skin. There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of bleach baths for severe eczema cases.

  • Probiotics: Probiotics are one supplement that seems to make a noticeable difference with skin health (especially if the problem is diet/gut related).

  • Wet Therapy: Wet Wrap Therapy is one of the best treatments offered to the Eczema sufferers. This treatment include the wet bandages on the eczematic skin of the patients to keep the moisture sealed in the body.

  • Consulting your doctor/dermatologist can perfectly help you to minimize and normalize your conditions as eczema can't be cured but the conditions can be treated.

What are some natural eczema treatments?

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There are many natural treatments for people suffering from eczema. One suggestion if to alter your diet to eliminate irritants found in foods like alcohol, coffee, or spicy foods. Eczema is also brought on by stress, so simply eliminating stressful situations from your life can help decrease problems with eczema.

Why do people have eczema?

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We don't know why each person has eczema. I think it could be different reasons for different people.

With that said, it is likely there is a cause. For some it is food allergies, for others, it might be something else. Don't believe someone if they tell you there isn't a cause. Keep seeking answers and you may find them.

With our son, food allergies are the main cause. He had really bad eczema and once we eliminated foods he was allergic to, it cleared up 90%.

Where can you get an eczema treatment?

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Eczema is the disease which start from childhood but may live forever if you not take proper treatment of it. The very well known fact about eczema treatment is best natural cream for eczema. It is the only way to recover from eczema. Buy it and get well soon. Good Luck.

What affects eczema?

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You can try some home remedies like:

Aloe Vera

Shea Butter

It's also recommended to stop drinking alcohol because alcohol triggers eczema.

For additional information on how to treat eczema, check out the links under the Sources and related links section below.

Can mupirocin ointment be used for eczema?

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My pediatrician prescribed this for my 3 week old son and it worked like a charm. He had some rashes that were open skin and could not be cured with desitin, butt paste, aquaphor, or balmex. I apply it every other diaper change and it cleared it up within 1-2 days. Aquaphor was used like icing on a cake on the changes where bactroban was not used

Can eczema cause death?

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There are no recorded deaths from eczema. Excessive scratching can lead to a minor infection though.

What part of the human body does eczema affect?

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The outside surface of the skin is the most noticeable. It is most usually seen on the arms, legs, stomach, and face, although it can affect any place where there is skin! Interestingly, many people with eczema also have asthma. They seem to go hand-in-hand, but not always of course. Because there seems to be a connection between the two, there may very well be other effects in the body with eczema also.

How do you cure eczema the natural way?

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While evening primrose oil has had some benefit in treating eczema in some studies, the large dose (12 caps/day) and cost per cap make this an expensive treatment. Probably the most cost-effective and well-documented supplement for eczema has been fish oil caps. Studies have used this in a range of 5-10 caps per day, which may be taken split up into two doses daily of 5 caps with food. Enteric-coated formulations may lessen the belching sometimes seen with this supplement. Do not pay top price for brand name manufacturers. ConsumerLabs have shown in assays of many generic brand that stated potency is similar for all brands, and none of them have been shown to be contaminated with either mercury or PCB's.

What prescription cream is used to treat eczema?

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Eczema treatment involves proper care and protection of skin, use special natural medicines made for eczema, such as tcm recipe. This cream contains various natural ingredients, herbs, tested by dermatologist, many people got benefits of applying it.

Is Eczema linked to celiac disease?

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Asked by Sunset69

With Celiac disease important vitamins and minerals are not absorbed. Important vit and minerals for eczema prevention and cure: Omega 3 fatts Gamma linolenic acid VIT B 50 COMPLEX Vit c MG SELENIUM ZINC DETOX (MILK THISTLE) DAILY B-50 COMPLEX VIT C 1000MG VIT E 400IU SEL 100-200MCG ZINC 15 MG MG 200MG FATTY ACIDS 400MG FLAXSEED 400MG BORAGE 400 MG FISH OIL 548 MG GLA (BORRAGE OIL) MILK THISTLE DETOX 175 MG PER CAPSULE DIGESTIVE ENZYME PROBIOTIC COMBINATION ==== Skin conditions do accompany Celiac Disease. I have Celiac disease and also suffer from flaking skin, which my doc says is part of Celiac Disease. I don't recall if it's Eczema or something else.

How do you get rid of cracks on your skin from eczema and do?

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Keep Using the CreamMy aunt has eczema. You need to keep on using the cream. ANSWERSince I was 5 my hands & feet have cracked from Eczema sometimes deep enough to bleed. Eventually the cracks on my feet got so deep and so calloused, no amount of cream would ever take them completely away. With that being said there are ways to relieve the pain from the cracks, add moisture, get some relief & a little bit of healing.

For my feet, we have always coated them with something like Bag Balm (an udder cream used on cow's tets) you can find it at most stores now a days or on the internet, the one I use is in a square, green, metal tin with a cow on the side). After you've got them good & coated you need to cover them with something that will create a sauna-type environment, thus Saran wrap is very handy.....wrap it round & round till all of it is covered & there are no spaces, cracks or gaps for air to get in or the bag-balom to get out, secure all of this in place with some masking tape, then put some socks over top, sleep in this contraption, cut it off with scissors in the morning. After several nights of this you will notice a big improvement. For your hands you can simply wear cotton gloves or socks over the bag balm or go out and buy some plastic (like food service) gloves, & wear those under the cotton gloves or socks. If I just have a small crack on like the tip of my finger or a toe, I put a glob of Bag Balm on a band-aid & cover the crack right before going to bed. Recently I have replaced the Bag Balm with a prescription from my doctor, when I have painful, bleeding cracks I apply this and usually in one or two nights it's completely healed! You can contact me if you would like the name of that prescription.

How many eczema are there?

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Eczematous diseases are very common with an estimated prevalence of more than 10% in the general population. According to statistics 15-25% of all dermatological patients suffer from eczema. Surveys have shown that eczema prevalence is increasing.

What type of body soap should i use if i have eczema?

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Don't use a moisturizing soap because they will dry your skin out and damage the skin barrier. Use soap-free liquid cleansers like- Spectro Jel or Spectro Derm, Cetaphil. A good web site is click on the Eczema Patients Guide

You should not use soaps that contain perfumes, dyes, lanolins, moisturizers, oils, etc.....our dermatologist recommends 2 & only 2: Dove Free & Gentle or Basis.....personally I have used Basis for more than 15 years & I love can buy it at Walmart or even Walgreens (it's a little more expensive there), it's near the Neutrogena Products, not the regular soaps. A good portion of the Old testament takes place in or around Egypt. Egypt also plays a major role in the life of many Bible people from Moses and Joseph to Jesus. Where in the world is Egypt? Egypt is situated in the northeast corner of the Africa. A large river called the River Nile flows through the country into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile enters Egypt from the Sudan and flows north for about 1545 km (about 960 m) to the sea. Where did the Ancient Egyptians live? The Ancient Egyptians lived along the banks of the river Nile in Egypt. Farmers first settled in Egypt along the River Nile around 5000 B.C. Where do most people in Egypt live today? About 95 % of Egypt's population still live in the Nile valley (the area next to the river). Why is the River Nile important to the Egyptians today and in the past? Egypt is mainly made up of hot deserts and receives little rainfall. Without the River Nile, the area would be entirely desert. What is meant by "the gift of the Nile"? All of Egypt depended on the Nile for water, food and transportation. The Nile also provided the ancient Egyptians with fertile land which helped them to grow their crops and raise their animals.

Before modern dams were built the river Nile would flood each year coating the land on either side of the river with thick back mud. This mud was ideal for growing crops on.

What is eczema and what causes it?

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Eczema is a skin disorder which causes ithing and redness of the skin. Allergies both environmental and food allergies can cause eczema. Stress can make eczema worse. Try and avoid soaps or detergents with strong scents.

Is eczema infectious?

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No, it is not infectious. It can't be passed around from person to person. However, it is hereditary.

What is the cause of a splotchy red rash all over the body?

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Dermatology, (the section of medicine that deals with skin problems) is so complicated that it would be impossible to give a particular reason for a rash over the internet. There are so many types of "splotchy red rashes" that there is no way for anyone to determine the cause without someone actually *looking at* the rash. Having said that, there are a few *basic* sources of rashes that will be listed here, but you *must* see a doctor for a true reason! Possible causes: Exposure to something you're allergic to like: A medication you're taking A plant or animal you're allergic to Eating something you're allergic to Also, there are a few disease processes that cause rashes such as: Measles of any type "Fifth" disease and so on.