


Elizabeth II

related to the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II who was crowned in 1953.

500 Questions

How old was Elizabeth II when her father became king?

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Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926. Her father became King in 1936. 1936 minus 1926 equal 10. Answer: She was 10 years old when her father became king.

How old was Queen Elizabeth 1 she she became a queen?

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Elizabeth the 1st was 25 (twenty-five) years old when she became queeen.

Could priests marry when Elizabeth was Queen?

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Then as now Catholic Priests could not marry; but Anglican Priests who were not members of religious orders were allowed to get married.

What is Queen Elizabeth II's full married name?

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She was christened Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, daughter of The Duke and Duchess of York.

Her Majesty's full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary WINDSOR

What house is Queen Elizabeth II?

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There has not been a Queen (or King) of England for over 300 years. England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Royal Family, including Queen Elizabeth II, belong to The Royal House of Windsor.

What are the lyrics to God Save the Queen?

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The standard version is as follows:

: God save our gracious Queen : Long live our noble Queen : God save the Queen: : Send her victorious, : Happy and glorious, : Long to reign over us: : God save the Queen. The following is also part of the anthem, but usually only the third verse is used on occasion.

: O Lord, our God, arise, : Scatter her enemies, : And make them fall. : Confound their politics, : Frustrate their knavish tricks, : On Thee our hopes we fix, : God save us all. : Thy choicest gifts in store, : On her be pleased to pour; : Long may she reign: : May she defend our laws, : And ever give us cause : To sing with heart and voice : God save the Queen.*

What happend after Queen Elizabeth the 1st died?

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Hopefully no one will. The queen is not even the rightful person to be on the throne. The correct heir is a person in Australia who is the ancestor of the kings illegitimate child from a few hundred years ago. The queen is not legitimate as a result. Therefore, her family is not even entitled to rule in reality. The current monarchy is therefore complete and utter rubbish. Charles Windsor or his sons are not princes in reality and deserve no more respect than any other person who is alive today.

What was Queen Elizabeths I parents jobs?

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Her father was a systems analyst and her mother worked in a call centre before quitting to become a housewife.

Is Queen Elizabeth II of England kleptomaniac?

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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the moments you cutapre. You have such a unique eye for things that it definitely sets you apart from other photographers. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. I will be there celebrating with you every step of the way!

Why is Queen Elizabeth II a leader?

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Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Papua New Guinea, St Christopher and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Tuvalu, Barbados, Grenada, Solomon Islands, St Lucia and The Bahamas including the United Kingdom.

When did Prince Charles of Denmark die?

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Prince George of Denmark died on October 28, 1708 at the age of 55.

Why was Buckingham Palace given the name it has?

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The original building on the site was built for the Duke of Buckingham and he named it Buckingham House. When it was bought for the monarch, it had substantial additions made to the building and it was renamed Buckingham Palace.

Why is Queen Elizabeth so powerful?

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Not sure what you are asking about... a certain book? Chess? In chess, it is true that the Queen can do a lot more damage than the King. However, you still lose the game if you don't protect your king, so that seems more powerful to me. It is just a different kind of power. The whole game is about the King. If you lose your Queen, the game continues. If your King is in danger, that takes precedence over everything. If you are talking about a specific book, the answer could still be related to Chess, since many authors have used Chess imagery in their books. Or, the queen in the particular story could just have a stronger personality... which is okay. Women can have stronger characters than men sometimes. Nothing wrong with that.

Is the queen English?

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The expression "the Queen's English" refers to an imaginary standard of language spoken by the British monarch.

The expression was/is only ever used in the negative - as a contrast to someone's manner of speech.

The actual style of English spoken by the Queen is a particular form of upper-class English and is somewhat old-fashioned.

What it really meant was that the person using the phrase looked down on the vocabulary and grammar being used by the person or people referred to.

The wonderful thing about English - which some people in other countries envy - is its ability to adapt and move on with changing times. It is a living langauge, which changes with the decades.

"Proper" English is anything which allows the speaker to communicate effectively with their particular audience at any given time. We all speak differently to our grandparents than we do to our friends.

When did elizabeth the queen mother give up her crown?

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She never had it. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was a Queen Consort, ie, not a sovereign in her own right, she was married to the reigning king, George VI. When he died in 1952, his eldest daughter automatically become Queen. The Queen Mother herself was not in the line of succession, you have to be born into it, not marry into it.

Who is HM Queen Elizabeth's third child?

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Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York (born 19 February, 1960), and Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis, Earl of Wessex (born 10 March, 1964).

What type of government did Queen Elizabeth I run?

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A monarchy. She was the queen and she decided things.

Was Queen Victoria related to Queen Elizabeth 11?

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Yes Queen Elizabeth II is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria's. Queen Victoria's son Edward had a son George whose son George is Elizabeth's father. Not only is Queen Victoria Elizabeth's great-great grandmother, she is also the great-great grandmother of Prince Phillip.

How tall is Queen Elizabeth ll?

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Elizabeth I was extremely tall. It is said she is estimated to be around 5'10 inches, although she wasn't as tall as the scottish queen at the time who was 6'2

Where did Queen Elizabeth 11 give birth to her children?

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Queen Elizabeth I did not have any children. Queen Elizabeth, wife of George VI and later known as the Queen Mother gave birth to the Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret. Queen Elizabeth II gave birth to Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.