


Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Species

This category is for endangered species, under any status, on the three major International Endangered Species lists. Information concerning the individual lists, status, causes, and any predictions for the future of these animals, combined with physical and behavioral details.

500 Questions

How do the eye spots on their wings help Luna moths?

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Asked by Wiki User

The eye spots on Luna moth wings help to deter predators by creating the illusion of being a larger or more intimidating creature. This can startle or confuse predators, giving the moth a chance to escape.

What extinct animals lived in Idaho?

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Asked by Mmmo

Some of the extinct animals that lived in Idaho include the American mastodon, the giant ground sloth, and the saber-toothed cat. These animals roamed Idaho during the Ice Age but are now extinct.

What type of animals live in coniferous forests?

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Animals commonly found in coniferous forests include bears, deer, elk, wolves, squirrels, owls, and various bird species. These animals have adapted to the cold, snowy conditions and rely on the forest for food, shelter, and protection.

Identify two ways that organisms can be compared to provide evidence of evolution from a common ancestor?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Comparing homologous structures, such as similar bone structures in vertebrate limbs, can provide evidence of evolution from a common ancestor.
  2. Comparing DNA sequences between different organisms can also reveal genetic similarities that support the theory of evolution from a shared ancestor.

Can you get whale oil from whales without killing the whale?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not possible to obtain whale oil from whales without killing them. Whale oil is typically extracted from the blubber of whales after they have been killed for that purpose. Efforts are being made to promote sustainable alternatives to whale oil.

What happens to the quantity of clean water as water pollution increases?

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As water pollution increases, the quantity of clean water decreases due to contamination from various pollutants such as chemicals, heavy metals, and sediments. This pollution can make water sources unsafe for human consumption and harm aquatic life, leading to a reduction in the availability of clean water for both people and ecosystems.

Where does a plant live longer in the tundra or deciduous forest?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plant typically lives longer in a deciduous forest compared to the tundra. The deciduous forest provides more favorable conditions for plant growth, such as milder temperatures, higher precipitation levels, and more nutrients in the soil, allowing plants to thrive and live longer. In contrast, the harsh environmental conditions of the tundra, such as extreme cold, permafrost, and limited sunlight, make it challenging for plants to survive and thrive for extended periods.

Why is the yellow-crowned night herons endangered?

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The yellow-crowned night heron is considered endangered due to habitat loss, human disturbance, pollution, and climate change. Destruction of their coastal wetland habitats for urban development, agriculture, and pollution of waterways have significantly impacted their populations. Additionally, nest predation and competition for resources from other species have also contributed to their decline.

Is it right to kill an animal to save human life give reason?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it's not. Others will most probably disagree because of all the rubbish of being the same species; but the human would likely just thank you quietly for saving them and then go off, back to wherever. Animals, on the other hand (in my eyes), are the more logical choice to save as they do nothing to pollute the planet, they don't kill for fun, they are loyal to their kind (which is more than i can say for people) and their only 'goal' is to survive.

So, long story short, I'd save the animal; kill the human. Simple as that.

I value an animals life more than a persons life. So sue me.

How are habitat and biodiversity connceted?

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Asked by Wiki User

Habitat provides the specific environmental conditions and resources that support different species, therefore, a greater variety of habitats usually leads to more diverse species being able to thrive in an area. Biodiversity, in turn, plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and resilience of habitats by ensuring that various ecological functions are carried out effectively. Essentially, the health of habitats and the diversity of species they support are interdependent and closely connected.

Do river otters kill beavers?

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River otters have been known to occasionally kill beavers, particularly when there is competition for resources such as food or territory. However, this behavior is not common. Beavers and river otters typically coexist peacefully in their shared habitats.

What is the effect of pollution on endangered species?

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Pollution can have a detrimental effect on endangered species by contaminating their habitat, leading to health issues, reduced reproductive success, and even death. Pollutants like chemicals, plastics, and heavy metals can disrupt the ecosystem balance and threaten the survival of already vulnerable species. Efforts to reduce pollution are crucial in protecting endangered species and their habitats.

What are a tigers internal body parts?

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A tiger's internal body parts include the typical organs found in most mammals, such as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and reproductive organs. Tigers also have specialized organs like a large liver to process their high-protein diet and unique adaptations to aid in hunting and survival in their natural habitat.

How is poaching dangerous?

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Poaching is dangerous because it threatens the survival of many endangered species by reducing their populations. It also disrupts ecosystems and leads to a decrease in biodiversity. Additionally, poaching can fuel conflicts between poachers and wildlife rangers, putting the safety of both humans and animals at risk.

What are three movements of earth in space that can cause climatic change?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three movements of Earth in space that can cause climatic changes are (1) tilt of Earth's axis, which leads to seasons; (2) Earth's orbit eccentricity, affecting the distance between Earth and the sun; and (3) Earth's precession, which changes the direction of the axis over time, altering the timing of seasons.

How many animal species are threatened by climate change?

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According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), approximately 25% of animal species are threatened by climate change. This threat is due to changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and habitat loss, which can directly impact the survival of many species.

How do red - backed salamander get oxygen from the water?

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Red-backed salamanders do not extract oxygen from the water; they breathe air through their skin and lungs. They have moist skin that allows them to absorb oxygen directly from the air and also have simple lungs for respiration.

Are rats endangered species?

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Rats are not considered endangered species. In fact, many rat species are considered pests due to their abilities to spread disease and eat crops. Some rat species thrive in human-influenced environments.

How could a climate change affect a bald eagle population?

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Climate change could potentially impact bald eagle populations by altering their habitat through changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. This may affect their prey availability and nesting sites. Rising sea levels could also impact coastal nesting areas, leading to decreased breeding success. Overall, climate change could disrupt the food chain and ecosystem that bald eagles depend on for survival.

Why are rainforest animals endangered?

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Rainforest animals are endangered due to habitat destruction caused by deforestation for agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development. Climate change is also a contributing factor, affecting the delicate balance of the rainforest ecosystem. Additionally, illegal poaching and the wildlife trade further threaten many species.

Are snow tigers carnivores?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. They eat penguins and other small marine animals.

How plasmodium can cause a major disruption in the equilibrium of human population?

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Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, can disrupt the equilibrium of human populations by causing high rates of illness and death, particularly in areas with limited access to healthcare and resources. This can lead to decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, and strain on local economies, ultimately impacting the overall stability and growth of the population.

Who is credited with the first proposing the concept of species extinction?

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Georges Cuvier, a French naturalist, is credited with proposing the concept of species extinction in the early 19th century. Cuvier observed fossil evidence of species that no longer existed and theorized that they had become extinct due to catastrophic events in the past.

What is a cactus in the food chain?

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Cacti play a role in the food chain as primary producers, converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. They provide food and habitat for animals such as insects, birds, and rodents. These animals, in turn, may become prey for higher-level consumers in the food chain.

Does a tiger have parasites?

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Yes, tigers can have parasites such as internal worms and external ticks or fleas. These parasites can affect the health of the tiger if left untreated and can be common in wild tigers as well as those kept in captivity. Regular veterinary check-ups and preventative measures are important for managing parasites in tigers.