


Hindi Language and Culture

Hindi is one of the 22 official languages of India. It is also spoken in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. It is closely related to Urdu, and is believed to originate in the fourth century.

500 Questions

What are the importance of chemicals in our daily life in Hindi language?

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रोजाना उपयोग में लाने के लिए रसायनों का महत्व है क्योंकि ये हमारे जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। उनका उपयोग खाद्य, औद्योगिक उत्पादन, चिकित्सा, सफाई, और वाहनों में होता है।

What is telescope in Hindi?

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Telescope is calles as Dhoorbeen in Hindi language

What is chemistry in Hindi language?

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Asked by Mohammdsahil9fb5152

Chemistry in Hindi language is called "रसायन शास्त्र" (Rasayan Shastra).

Newton's first law of motion ka sahi definition kya hai?

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Newton's first law of motion states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This means that an object will not change its state of motion unless a force is applied to it.

What is Cheez Whiz made out of?

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While many people fear products like Cheez Whiz are made from some sort of "artificial" chemicals or something man-made, they are, in fact, just made from real cheese. The reason they are able to come out of a can is that they have added "emulsifiers" which allow two molecules to bond that may not want to naturally, this making the cheese "creamy." The emulsifiers are used in many food products and are themselves derived from natural sources like algae or seaweed or other sources. Other foods that might contain emulsifiers would be ice cream, salad dressings and margarine to name a few.

What are the names of the moons phases in Hindi?

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The name for the full moon in Hindi is Purnacanda. A new moon is called a Naya camda. A waning crescent is called Dhalate vardhamana. A waxing crescent is called Vardhamana vaiksinga. A waning gibbous is called Dhalate gibasa. A waxing gibbous is called Kubara vaiksinga.

What is wood apple in Hindi?

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beil patra (jo shiv sling pr chadhate hein).. ke tree pr jo fruit ugta hei use wood apple kehte hein...jisse beil juice bhi nikalta hei..

What is a flavor similar to fennel?

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Anise or licorice have similar flavors to fennel, as they all have a distinct sweet and aromatic taste with a hint of earthiness. You can use anise or licorice as substitutes for fennel in recipes if needed.

What is the scientific classification of raat ki rani?

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Raat ki rani, also known as Night Blooming Jasmine, belongs to the scientific family Oleaceae and the genus Cestrum. Its scientific name is Cestrum nocturnum.

Global warming ke main cause kya hai?

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Principally, global warming is caused by the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and increase the Earth's overall temperature. Major sources include burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.

What is scientist in Hindi?

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"वैज्ञानिक" is the Hindi term for scientist.

Who is madame curie's son?

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Madame Curie's son is Frédéric Joliot-Curie. He was a French physicist and Nobel laureate in chemistry, known for his work on neutron reactions and the discovery of artificial radioactivity. He was the son of Pierre Curie and Marie Curie.

What is the meaning of oxidation in Hindi?

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The meaning of oxidation in Hindi is "ऑक्सीकरण" (Oxikaran). It refers to a chemical reaction where a substance loses electrons or gains oxygen.

Where can you find poems about global warming in the Hindi language?

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You can find poems about global warming in Hindi on websites dedicated to Hindi literature, poetry forums, or by searching for Hindi poetry collections on global warming in online bookstores. You may also find such poems in magazines or literary journals that focus on environmental issues.

What is a bryophyllum plant called in Hindi?

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Pathar chat (stone licker), because this plant can survive on very little soil to start its life

What is the Hindi meaning of corrosion?

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क्षय (kshay) is the Hindi word for corrosion. It refers to the process of deteriorating or wearing away of a material, typically due to chemical reactions with its surroundings.

What is the full form of warm?

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There is no specific full form for the word "warm." It is a standalone word used to describe a comfortable or pleasant degree of heat.

Some values if you eat fennel seeds?

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Fennel seeds have been used for their digestive properties, helping to reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion due to their carminative properties. They also contain antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, they are low in calories but high in nutrients like fiber, which can contribute to overall digestive health.

Scientific name of jowar?

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The scientific name of jowar is Sorghum bicolor.

What do you call 'physics' in Hindi?

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'Physics' is called "भौतिकी" (bhaotiki) in Hindi.

What is the Hindi name of stone amethyst?

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The Hindi name for stone amethyst is "कटहली" (Katahali).

What are the five causes of global warming?

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The five main causes of global warming are the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, industrial processes such as cement production and methane emissions from agriculture and livestock. These activities release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to a rise in global temperatures.

Names of Mercury in Hindi?

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Mercury the chemical is called paaraa in Hindi .

Mercury the planet is called budh graha in Hindi . budh= mercury , graha= planet

How do you say snow in Hindi?

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There is actually no such language as "Indian". There are more than 450 different languages spoken in India. If you are talking about Native American languages, there are more than 700.

If you would like a translation, you would need to specify which Indian language you are talking about.

What is the English meaning of Hindi word 'hemant'?

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Actually Hemant means autumn and also Gold as well as a name of Lord Vishnu one of the important deities of Hindu Mythology.

In Sanskrit it is mentioned that an year has 6 seasons or rithus. They are as follows. Greeshmam, Varsham,Vasantham,Sharath, Hemantham and Shishiram. It typically respresents the climatic feature of an year in Indian Sub-continent.

Greeshmam is the summer or hot weather season

Varsham is the time of continuous rains during south-west monsoon

Vasantham is the spring time

Sharath is the raining season during retreating monsoon typical feature of it is thunderstorm.

Hemantham is the autumn or leaf falling season.. all the decidious trees of India like rosewood, mahagony, teak shed their leaves during this time.

Shishiram is the winter or cold weather season.