


Hoarding is the excessive gathering of food or certain items. Sometimes hoarding can become compulsive and problematic. When this happens, people are often unwilling to get rid of things they do not really want or need. They just can't bring themselves to part with many items, even when the item is useless to them. Through the years, these people have been referred to as packrats, but some experts are starting to believe this may be a serious mental health issue.

67 Questions

What is the advantages of the hoarding?

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it prevents unauthorised persons from entering

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of hoarding advertising?

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Cinema advertising is a very effective way of broadcasting your message to a large audience. Through the use of sound, vision and motion you can effectively deliver a message to a target audience, who would be watching a certain film, therefore you know the people you are broadcasting to.

Advantages - the advert will gain 100% of the viewers attention, as this is the only form of motion in this environment. Target audience can be decided, which leads to broadcasting to the right people.

Disadvantages - High in cost. People don't like the adverts, they try to buy popcorn, use the toilets and task on everything but the advert - something that is hard to do.

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Is hoarding a mental illness?

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Extreme hoarding is. It is a form of OCD.

Is hoarding considered unethical?

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depends WHAT you're hoarding. if it's coinage or paper money that has become obsolete u may be in violation of government regulations. hoarding food or water for disaster preparedness isn't unethical unless u can afford to spend millions and deprive others of what they might need. IMHO

Can you be evicted for hoarding?

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i would say it depends on the terms of the lease. if your activity (whatever it is) produces conditions expressly prohibited by the lease then yes. but as far as i know the term "hoarding" isn't used in the standard lease documents. such terms as UNCLEAN and UNSAFE CONDITIONS are used. those need to be interpreted. and they CAN be interpreted in your favor OR against you.

Can House Insurance be cancelled because of hoarding?

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No, Hoarding is not a covered peril.

Homeowners insurance covers losses that result from the natural perils listed on your policy. Typical Perils are Wind, Hail, Fire, falling objects etc.

How do you say 'hoarder' in french?

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If you mean a person that fills their house with worthless junk like on that TV show, the closest word is: pepenador. Un pepenador is garbage-picker, junkman or ragpicker - someone who takes things out of other people's trash for their own use. Of course, there are different kinds of hoarding and pepenador only fits one type. It's not a good translation when you're talking about someone who buys things new and hoards them. Incidentally, to pile up junk is amontonar chatarra.

Is animal hoarding illegal?

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Animal hoarding is the act of collecting or taking in a large amount of animals. Often these animals are kept in subpar living conditions. This situation is usually related to individuals with mental disorders when the collecting of animals has become almost obsessive. Their intentions are often good and they do not realize they are harming the animals. Animal hoarding is mostly done by mentally disabled people. They don't know that what they are doing is wrong. Most of the animals are ungroomed, not neutered, and live in horrid conditions. The owners usually can't afford to have the animals neutered, so the animals breed continuously. Most of the time the animals get sick from no veterinary care and living in poor conditions. In B.C. where I am from, the situation of animal hording is getting worse all the time. Most of the time it's breeders who get in over their heads raising pure breds, and continue breeding the animals even when no buyers are immediately available. People, when they are lonely, they tend to use animals to make the lonliness go away. So they collect animals to feel comforted. So they keep animals and the collection gets bigger. Then the house is filled with animals, which is known as hoarding.

What are the types of advertising hoarding?

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Advertising acquisition.billboard

What are causes of hoarding?

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People who hoard are usually those who have obsessive-compulsive disorder who need to buy too much of something or people who have trouble getting rid of so many items that they think may have value in the future.

When things get overwhelming and so much stuff has piled up in your home that you do not know what to do anymore, you can call up hoarder cleanup services. If you live in South Carolina, you can ask help from the staff of ServiceMaster of the Upstate. Call (864) 310-7891.

How many people a year die from hoarding related accidents?

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Too many! People should realize they are being so selfish when they hoard. But I realize it is a type of mental illness too.

Is cash hoarding illegal?

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(in the US) No.

What type of behavior involves hoarding?

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Hoarding is whenever people start collecting things, like food or possessions that they perceive they need, but may not actually need. It is common among humans, as well as some types of birds.

How many animal hoarding cases a year?

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i don't DO "animal hoarding."

What is scatter hoarding?

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What is hoarding?

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Hoarding is the inability to throw things out. Instead you hold onto things of no value, it can be things like trash or certain things like clothes.

How do you build site hoarding?

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Who is the lady in the cox commercial say recorder hoarder?

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She played "the Bubble Boy's Mom" on an Episode of Seinfeld.