


Leo (July 23 to August 22) is one of the 12 zodiac signs that outline human personalities based on birth dates.

500 Questions

What is The brightest star of Leo minor's constellation?

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The brightest star in the constellation Leo Minor is 46 Leonis Minoris, with an apparent magnitude of about 3.8.

When did Leo Szilard patent idea of a nuclear chain reaction?

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Leo Szilard and Enrico Fermi filed a patent for the idea of a nuclear chain reaction on December 19, 1934. This concept laid the groundwork for the development of nuclear reactors and atomic bombs.

When was the vernal equinox in Leo?

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The vernal equinox occurs in March, usually around March 20th or 21st. Leo is a zodiac sign associated with dates from July 23 to August 22. The vernal equinox does not occur in Leo; it usually falls in the sign of Pisces or Aries.

When is the constellation Leo visible in the south?

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Leo is most visible in the south during the spring months, particularly in March and April. It can be seen rising in the east and setting in the west during these months, with its peak visibility around midnight.

What is Leo's birthstone?

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The birthstone for Leo depends on which month the person is born. The sign Leo covers both July and August from July 23rd to August 23rd.

There are also varied lists of birthstones, depending on the origin.

The traditional origin of the Leo birthstone, is ruby or onyx for July and sardonyx or carnelian for August. The modern version is ruby for July and peridot for August. The Ayruvedic origin, from ancient Indians dating back to 1500 BC, is ruby for July and sapphire for August.

The list of birthstones in this answer was sourced from WikiPedia.

What stars are in the constellation Lion Leo?

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Some of the stars in the constellation Leo include Regulus, Algieba, and Denebola. Leo is one of the zodiac constellations and is easily recognizable due to its distinctive pattern that resembles a lion.

What astronomer found the constellation Leo?

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Ancient people used constellations for many things... for instance, by watching the constellations, our ancestor's knew when to hunt - becasue they could tell when animals hibernate and migrate. They knew when the rains were coming and when it would be dry. They knew when to harvest and when to plant. The skies gave them a tool that helped them survive.

How far is the Leo constellation from earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Any constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some kind of pattern,

but have no connection with each other. They all happen to be in roughly the

same direction from us, but they're all at different distances. So there's no

such thing as a constellation's distance from us.

What point of latitude is Leo located at?

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The constellation Leo is located along the ecliptic, a path in the sky that the Sun, Moon, and planets follow. As such, Leo covers a range of latitudes depending on the time of year and Earth's position in its orbit around the Sun. Leo can be seen from approximately +90 to -65 degrees latitude.

Where did the name Leo come from?

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Look at the shape of it. It looks like a horse or lion. The constellation sometimes connects the front and back legs as if the body of a lion lying down. But that's not practical... it could even be a horse, but the lion rules. And the star Regulus is its front foot that all planets pass to complete a circle. Leo is a rising constellation... unlike Canis the dog which shape is when it sets. When Canis rises it looks like a man, and so is called Anubis the man with a dogs head.

What time of year is it when puppis is seen?

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Puppis, one of the constellations in the southern hemisphere, can be seen best during the winter months in the northern hemisphere and summer months in the southern hemisphere.

Why is called Leo the lion?

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Panther is a generic term and may be any of the following species:

a lion - panthera leo

a tiger - panthera tigris

a leopard - panthera pardus

a jaguar - panthera onca

a snow leopard - panthera uncia.

The lion has a similar genetic makeup to the other members of the genus panthera so is classified with them.

Are Leos affectionate?

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Yes, Leos are known to be affectionate and warm-hearted individuals. They often show their love through grand gestures and passionate displays of affection. Leos enjoy giving and receiving love and thrive in relationships where they feel appreciated and valued.

Are Leo men more narcissist then other signs?

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Asked by Trixy34

It is not accurate to say that Leo men are inherently more narcissistic than individuals of other zodiac signs. Personality traits, including narcissism, can vary greatly among individuals regardless of their astrological sign. It is important to consider an individual's unique characteristics and behaviors rather than attributing them solely to their zodiac sign.

What does the sign Libra mean?

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Well it means you were born between September 23rd and october 23rd Libra is the weighing scales.

How good are leo's in bed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leo is very strong and sexually active, but he is not to playful.

He is closed mind and dont like to take his sex to the next level, is passionate and faithful.

Leo born is deffinitely hot.

What does it mean to find black feathers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black feathers relate more the to soul than other colors of feathers. When you find black feathers, it means that the guardian of your soul is near. The feathers are there to remind you that you don't fight your battles of darkness in life alone. When you find a black feather, give thanks to your gurardian for being there to protect you always.

Do Leos and Capricorns make good friends?

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capricorns and leos...get alongyes, I'm pretty sure. i am Capricorn and my sister is a Leo. we get along fine and we do have our moments. hopefully this may give you an idea.

Are Leos compatible with Capricorns?

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yes extreemly

go to mysticle blaze asrolegy compatibility chart

What star signs are compatible Capricorn?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on what ascendant your born, Like me I'm a capricorn and my ascendant is Sagittarius so i get along well with Leo,Aquarius,Aries

I always tend to argue or fight with Scorpio,Virgo,Pisces and Taurus.

Hope this has helped you.

Where is cupertino located?

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Cupertino is located south of San Francisco in California. (See links below)

Who is Leos god parent?

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