



The world is home to 4260 named species of mammals. Mammals, or Mammalia are a class in the Phylum Chordata and the Subphylum Vertebrata. An animal is a mammal if, providing it is female, it can produce milk to feed its young.

500 Questions

What is the largest tree-living mammal in the world?

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The largest tree-living mammal in the world is the orangutan, which can be found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. Orangutans are known for their impressive climbing abilities, as they spend most of their lives in trees.

All ungulates have toes ending with?

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hooves, which are hard, keratinized structures that protect the tips of their toes. Hooves help ungulates to walk, run, and navigate various terrains with agility and efficiency.

What is the name of a Nocturnal mammal that inhabits African grasslands?

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Aardvark is a nocturnal mammal that inhabits African grasslands. It has a long nose and ears, and it primarily feeds on ants and termites using its sticky tongue. Aardvarks are solitary animals and are known for their burrowing behavior.

What is the biggest mammal ever?

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The biggest mammal, also the biggest animal to EVER live on the face of earth is the blue whale. It can grow up to 103 feet in length, specimens of this creature have been found at up to 115 feet. Average weight is 150 tons. Just note that an average sized man can fit into the blue whales main arteries.

Why do humans have a menstrual cycle while most other mammals have an estrous cycle?

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Humans have a menstrual cycle because we do not reabsorb the uterine lining as most other mammals do. This difference may be due to the evolution of more complex social structures and longer lifespans in humans, which require a different reproductive strategy.

What defines a mammal?

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The dog's order in the classification list is Carnivora,its family is Canidae, and its genus is Canis.

Which country has the fewest species of mammals?

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Based on current data, Monaco is considered to have the fewest species of mammals in the world with only a handful of species present.

Do birds reproduce sexually or asexually?

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Birds reproduce sexually, meaning that offspring are produced through the fusion of male and female gametes (sperm and egg, respectively). This process typically involves courtship behaviors, mating, and fertilization.

What are 4 species of poisonous mammals?

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  1. Slow loris: secretes venom from glands in its elbow that can cause painful reactions when it bites.
  2. Platypus: males have venomous spurs on their hind legs that can deliver a painful sting.
  3. Solenodon: secretes venom from its teeth that can cause swelling, pain, and even paralysis in its prey.
  4. Northern short-tailed shrew: produces venomous saliva that it uses to subdue its prey.

Why are Mammals special to the world?

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Mammals are special to the world because they possess unique characteristics such as mammary glands for nursing offspring, hair or fur for protection and warmth, and the ability to regulate their body temperature internally. They play a crucial role in ecosystems as predators, prey, and seed dispersers, contributing to biodiversity and ecosystem health. Additionally, mammals have complex social behaviors and cognitive abilities, allowing for intricate communication and cooperation within their species.

What is the reproductive advantage that a mammal has over a bird?

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Mammals have internal fertilization and live birth, allowing for better parental care, nurturing, and protection of offspring compared to birds, which usually lay eggs. This can increase the chances of survival and success of mammal offspring.

Do birds or mammals have hotter body temperatures?

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Birds have higher body temperatures than mammals. The average body temperature of birds is around 105°F (40°C), while mammals typically have body temperatures around 98.6°F (37°C). This higher body temperature in birds is due to their rapid metabolism and the need to maintain a high internal temperature for flight and activity.

What are three ways to feed a dolphin?

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Asked by A12345R

You can feed a dolphin by hand-feeding them fish, tossing fish to them to catch, or using a target pole to guide them to the food. It is important to follow the guidelines provided by trained professionals when feeding dolphins to ensure their health and safety.

What are the three kinds of mammals?

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The Monotremes, Marsupials, and the largest group, Placental Mammals.

Monotremes are mammals that lay eggs. The only monotremes that are alive today are the spiny anteater, or echidna, and the platypus.

Marsupial's young are born in an extremely immature state; most female marsupials have pouches. Some marsupials include the koala, kangaroo, and the numbat.

Placental Mammals are the most familiar group (meaning us), but also contains a diverse group of organisms from rats to dogs to horses.

Which mammal has the strongest bite force?

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The Orcinus orca holds the record as the strongest mammal bite force although it is not 100% clear, and it is based on happening incidents at f.e. Sea World. But the actual known and *recorded* bite force is one of the Crocodilus porosus, also known as the saltwater crocodile. The strongest crocodile bite force is of TIL's with a bite force of 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi). The *thought* and *not clear* orca bite force is 13,000 pounds per square inch (psi).

Do all mammals have a common ancestor?

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Yes, all mammals share a common evolutionary ancestor. Mammals belong to the same taxonomic class, Mammalia, which indicates their common evolutionary heritage. This common ancestor likely existed around 200-230 million years ago.

What can a warm blooded animal do that a cold blooded animal can't do?

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A warm-blooded animal can regulate its body temperature internally, which allows it to be active in a wide range of environments and climates. This ability helps them maintain a steady metabolic rate and optimal functioning of their body systems. Cold-blooded animals, on the other hand, rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature and are less adaptable to extreme temperature changes.

What is the toenail of the ungulate?

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Ungulates, like cows and horses, do not have toenails. They have hooves, which are hard, horn-like coverings that protect the tips of their toes.

Worlds Biggest mammal?

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The strongest mammal in the world would defiantly be The tiger, much larger than the lion (and of course strongest too) , it could rip up a polar bear, and it has more body power than a humpback whale.

:] *

What is a 6 letter mammal?

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quokka - an Australian marsupial

dugong - marine mammal

jaguar - African land mammal


gibbon ?? i think

alpaca - related to the llama

gazelle - African?? antelope-type mammal

wombat - another Australian mammal

numbat - Australian

ermine - like a weasel (which is another)


That's all I've got for now. . cya

What mammal has an exoskeleton?

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No mammals do.

The armadillo has heavy exterior scales of bone and horn. The pangolin (scaly anteater) also has plate-like scales made of keratin that act as armor. These are not true exoskeletons, as they do not support the organs of the body.

How are birds different from mammals?

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Birds have feathers, lay eggs, and have hollow bones, whereas mammals have fur or hair, give birth to live young, and have a four-chambered heart. Birds also have beaks and can fly, while mammals typically have a snout and are generally not capable of flight.

How many indri are left in the world?

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It is estimated that there are fewer than 10,000 indri lemurs left in the wild. Deforestation, habitat loss, and hunting are the main threats to their population. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these unique primates and their habitat.

What is the difference between aves and mammals?

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Asked by Gautammgschool

Aves are birds, characterized by feathers, beaks, and the ability to lay eggs. They also have lightweight skeletons suited for flight. Mammals, on the other hand, are warm-blooded animals that typically have hair or fur covering their bodies, give birth to live young, and nurse their offspring with milk.

Humans are made of 75 water where is all of it?

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The water in the human body is distributed throughout various tissues and organs. It can be found in blood, cells, muscles, and organs such as the brain and lungs. Water is essential for many bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste.