


Marketing Advertising and Sales

Marketing, advertising and sales are the fundamental necessities and key elements to the success of a business. Marketing is about a successful business prospects that involves promoting sales processes through advertising to reach and persuade the customers. Different strategies like public relations, interpersonal interaction and networking – all go into this category.

500 Questions

What are some ways that the media influences consumer behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

The media influences consumer behavior by creating awareness about products and services through advertising, shaping consumer perceptions and preferences through product reviews and endorsements, and influencing purchasing decisions through promotions and deals. Additionally, the media can set trends and create social norms that impact consumer choices and behaviors.

Why should a consumer study Consumer behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying consumer behavior can help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions, understand their own consumption patterns, resist manipulative marketing tactics, and ultimately improve their overall well-being and satisfaction with their purchases.

What are examples of testimonial propaganda?

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Asked by Wiki User

Example: I'm no expert, but it sounds like those commercials on t.V.and radio that have several people talk about how much they love the product. These people are usually actors and they are paid and scripted, so it' Propaganda because what they are saying may or may not be true.

What are Bahrain Bay's four foundational philosophies and how might they be used as marketing tools?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bahrain Bay's four foundational philosophies are innovation, sustainability, design, and connectivity. These can be effectively used as marketing tools by highlighting the unique features and benefits that align with each philosophy. For example, emphasizing innovative design and sustainable practices can attract eco-conscious consumers, while promoting connectivity can appeal to those seeking a vibrant and connected community.

What are the seven types of propaganda?

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Asked by Wiki User

Methods of propaganda

Types of propaganda:

1. Bandwagon - To convince the audience to do or believe something because everyone else is doing it.

2. Plain Folks - Suggesting something is practical and a good value for ordinary people.

3. Glittering Generality - Using words so strongly positive in emotional content that just hearing them makes you feel good. The words express a positive meaning without actually giving a guarantee.

4. Transfer - Transferring good looks, feelings, or ideas to the person who the propaganda is meant to influence. Suggests the positive qualities to be associated with the product and the user.

5. Testimonial - Using a famous person to endorse the product.

6. Repetition - Using the product name or a keyword or phrase over and over.

7. Name Calling- Using harsh/kind words to make a point effective.

Could you give some examples of ethical issues on morality?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some examples of moral issues: * If you see your best friend's husband 'with' another woman - do you tell your friend or stay out of it? * You know that your friend, cousin, brother, etc has commited a crime - do you report them to authorities or not? * You are an unwed, young girl who just found out you are pregnant. You never believed in abortion, but now that you are faced with this, knowing how life will be for an unwed teen mother, do you have the baby and keep it, do you have it and give it up for adoption, or do you have an abortion? * You are a struggling, single parent, with no money, and no one to help you financially. Your baby is out of diapers/formula and you have absolutely no money with which to buy any until payday. Do you steal them or ask strangers on the street for money?

Drive theory of motivation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drive theory of motivation posits that individuals are driven to act in order to reduce internal tension caused by unsatisfied needs or arousal levels. As individuals strive to reach a state of equilibrium and reduce these drives, behaviors that help achieve this goal are reinforced. This theory is used to explain how basic physiological needs can motivate behavior.

Explain the johari window as a conceptual model for studying interpersonal awareness and discuss its relevance in an organizational set up?

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Asked by Ramesha1984

The Johari Window is a model that represents four quadrants of self-awareness: open, hidden, blind, and unknown. In an organizational setting, it helps individuals and teams understand themselves and others better, fostering clearer communication, trust, and collaboration. By increasing the open area (what is known to self and others) through feedback and disclosure, the organization can enhance interpersonal relationships, decision-making, and overall effectiveness.

What kind of questions should be included in a survey to be able to do a psychographic segmentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

To conduct psychographic segmentation in a survey, include questions related to lifestyle choices, values, beliefs, interests, hobbies, personality traits, and attitudes towards specific topics or brands. You may also ask about preferred social activities, media consumption habits, and decision-making processes to gather a more comprehensive understanding of the target audience.

What is the important of johari's window?

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Asked by Wiki User

Johari's Window is important as a self-awareness tool that helps individuals understand themselves better by exploring how they see themselves versus how others perceive them. It promotes improved communication, enhances relationships, and fosters personal and professional growth by expanding one's self-awareness and understanding of others.

How do you describe a theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence and has withstood rigorous testing and scrutiny. Theories help us understand and predict phenomena by providing frameworks for organizing and interpreting observations.

What is the meaning of consumer behavior perception?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consumer behavior perception refers to how consumers interpret and make sense of information about products or services. It influences their attitudes, preferences, and purchasing decisions. Marketers often study consumer perception to understand how to effectively communicate and position their offerings in the market.

Is there such a thing as a subliminal message?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subliminal messages are messages or stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious awareness. While research on the effectiveness of subliminal messages is inconclusive, some studies show that they may have a subtle impact on behavior or attitudes. However, the extent of this impact is still debated among psychologists and is often not considered a reliable form of influence.

Why is it important for the consumer psychologist to study group influence?

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Asked by Wiki User

Studying group influence allows consumer psychologists to understand how individuals are affected by social norms, peer pressure, and conformity within a group setting. This knowledge is crucial for developing effective marketing strategies that appeal to consumers' desire for social inclusion and belonging. By understanding how group dynamics influence consumer behavior, psychologists can provide valuable insights for businesses to target and connect with their target audience more effectively.

Describe drive theory?

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Asked by Bervilla

Drive theory suggests that individuals are motivated to reduce internal tension caused by unmet needs or desires, such as hunger or thirst. When a drive is activated, individuals are pushed to take action to satisfy that drive and restore a state of equilibrium or homeostasis. This theory posits that motivation arises from the desire to reduce uncomfortable states and achieve a sense of balance.

State the impact of Psychological influences on the consumer decision process?

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Asked by Wiki User

Psychological influences play a significant role in the consumer decision process by shaping attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors. Factors like motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes can influence how consumers evaluate products, make purchasing decisions, and form brand preferences. Marketers can utilize these psychological influences to tailor their marketing strategies and effectively target consumer needs and preferences.

What is the difference between advertisement and propagandas?

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Asked by Wiki User

advertisement is an attempt to get you to purchase a product. Propaganda is an attempt to change your personal beliefs or values. Therefore an advertisement is in relationship to a particular product, propaganda is in relationship to ideology.

Were aristotle's predictions of heavenly motion quantitative or qualitative?

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Aristotle's predictions of heavenly motion were qualitative rather than quantitative. He described the motion of celestial bodies in terms of their natural behavior and relationships rather than using mathematical equations or measurements.

How to reduce violent behavior using cognitive dissonance theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

To reduce violent behavior using cognitive dissonance theory, one could emphasize the inconsistency between holding violent attitudes or beliefs and non-violent actions. By creating awareness of this inconsistency, individuals may be motivated to change their behavior to align with their non-violent beliefs. Additionally, providing opportunities for individuals to express and reinforce their non-violent beliefs through positive attitudes and actions can help reduce violent behavior.

Can you think of an experience where advertising shaped your consumption?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, I once bought a new phone model after seeing an advertisement highlighting its improved camera features and sleek design. The advertisement convinced me that it was time for an upgrade, leading to my purchase decision.

Why the tourism are people oriented?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tourism is people-oriented because it involves providing services and experiences to cater to the needs and desires of travelers. The industry revolves around creating positive interactions and engagements between tourists and the destination, emphasizing hospitality and customer satisfaction. Ultimately, the success of tourism depends on meeting the expectations and preferences of people seeking leisure, exploration, and cultural enrichment.

What are the clipping advertisement that illustrate the five significant traits of language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advertisements use language in order to appeal to a demographic.

What kind of audience members do snob appeal advertisements work best on?

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Asked by Wiki User

hello, i add,, i doesn't understand the word -snob- exactly, but i understand that you want to ask about what the customer be good and valid person deserve the product, i answer, we in metaphysics and post modernity perspective which be our age the now optionally, we do development on each thing and the population or society was need development too thus we do social development gradually on it too, thus i identify the good person or society member who is after a god satisfy basic criterias of any facility is branch or recognized really from the true democratic United Nations system, and the all of nations is one nation live in one territory called -the world- and our basically system is a true democratic United nations system and has the philosophy as religion after previous Islamic permission, thus unit instead segregation, thus the valid customer is who recognized really from the true democratic united nations system.

What is kind of advertising is this statement The President prefers spinach when he eats his vegetables?

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Asked by Wiki User

This statement is an example of testimonial advertising, where the endorsement of a well-known figure like the President is used to promote a product or service. In this case, the President's preference for spinach is being highlighted to influence consumer behavior.

Snob-appeal advertisements are designed to make the product being advertised?

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Asked by Wiki User

appear exclusive, luxurious, or desirable to a select group of elite consumers. These advertisements often use prestige, exclusivity, and sophistication to create an aspirational image around the product.