

Matadors and Bull Fighting

Bull fighting is a popular extreme sport practiced in Spain, and has also been brought over to Mexico by the Spanish conquistadors that came to the Americas in the late 15th century. It is a blood-sport strongly opposed by animal rights groups that pits man (the Matador) against beast (the bull that is bred to fight) and always results in a fight to the death. Questions about Matadors, bull fighting and fighting bulls can be asked and answered here.

261 Questions

What is the difference between a mammoth and a matador?

A mammoth is a prehistoric species of elephant that is now extinct, known for its large size and long, curved tusks. A matador is a bullfighter in Spanish culture who typically faces off against bulls in a bullfighting arena. They are two entirely different entities - one a giant, ancient mammal and the other a performer in an event.

What medals did Ernest Hemingway get for bullfighting?

Hemingway never participated in actual Bull fighting. he did write about the subject- Death in the Afternoon. He is probably the most widely-read American author on the subject of taurian combats. Hemingway himself never took up the cape and sword.

Cristina Sanchez bullfighting biography?

Cristina Sanchez is a retired Spanish bullfighter who gained fame in the 1990s as one of the few women in the traditionally male-dominated sport. She made her debut in 1993 and became known for her technique and grace in the bullring. Sanchez retired from bullfighting in 1999.

Why do people disagree with bullfighting?

Because they are real, moving, and beautiful. You can go watch the same play or movie 3000 times, and know exactly what will happen, and that the hero will win in the end.

With bullfighting, you never know what's going to happen. The bull may kill the bullfighter, or even, although rarely, be allowed to leave the arena alive. From second to second you never know whether the bullfighter is going to live or die, whether he will perform beautifully, or badly, make you cry, or make you laugh.

That is why people love bullfighting. It's not a gambling venue, it's a tragedy, sometimes on level with great works such as hamlet, and it's playing out live right in front of your eyes.

^to be honest i don't think that's a good reason to love it, getting a thrill out of someones death. why would you love it?, so you would love seeing a bull or a human get killed, you'd get some kind of sick thrill out of it?. and no you don't say of course they are real and moving just like you ITS CALLED BEEING ALIVE AND HAVING FEELINGS., so why would you want to destroy/kill something beautiful and living for FUN. i suggest anyone who loves bullfighting finds a new hobby, a normal one, like knitting,or get a pet, like a dog, but DONT kill it..., bullfighting is sick, sad: like have nowt better to do and feel the need to prove you have the power to kill a bull, wow get over yourselves its cruel and heartless, NO animal deserves to suffer a long painfull death. How would you like it. ehh fancy gettin stabbed in the back. and ye the guy (the bullfighter) is risking his life and i don't know why you'd wanna do that to be honest but that's his choice, but the bull should have rights too, DID THE BULL SAY IT WANTED TO BE STABBED IN THE BACK...NO, so i think this "sport" should stop until the bulls say themselfs 'go on and torture me'.. What makes you laugh about it honestly.? HAHAHAHAHAHAH DEATH HOW FUNNY! Sort it out.

How did bullfighting begin in Mexico?

Bullfighting festivals have existed for around 300 years. Bull fighting dates back to Roman times. The first bullfights were on horseback to celebrate special occasions such as royal weddings and military victories. Today, bullfighting involves riders on horseback as well as people, called matadors, who fight against the bull on foot.
Bullfighting is related to prehistoric bull worship and sacrifice. A mystery religion popular with the Roman army from the 1st to 4th century AD, Mithraism, depicts Mithras as sacrificing a bull. In ancient Rome, many fights between humans and animals were held in a ritualistic manner, and bullfighting has its origins in these.

Bullfighting is now most strongly associated with Spain, and historians estimate that the tradition started around 711 AD when the first bullfight (corrida) was organized in honour of the crowning of King Alfons VIII. Bullfighting was originally a sport reserved for the aristocracy, and was done on horseback.

A later king, Felipe V, forbade the nobles from this sport, and it then became popular among commoners. Around 1724, the sport changed as the bullfighters fought on foot and not horseback. Francisco Romero is a Spanish matador who is believed to be the first to do this.

What does bullfighting symbolize?

It can symbolize the triumph of good over evil, of brains over brawn or it can simply be a pass time for a Sunday afternoon with friends and symbolize nothing.

What time are bullfights held?

Bull fighting takes place in an arena made specifically for bull fighting. It is a dirt covered flore with circular arena seating. The arena floor for the fighting itself is usually the same size as a football field but sometimes bigger.

Bullfights are held in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France and in several countries in Central and South America.

What are the parts of bullfighting?

A large heavy rose colored cape - a capote
A smaller, lighter cape - the muleta
A sword - estoque
In addition, banderillas (decorated barbed sticks) and the picador's lance.
These are the main pieces of 'equipment' used in a bullfight.

Is bullfighting popular in Cuba?

Bullfighting only occurred in colonial Cuba and in rare occasions after that. Bullfighting has been outlawed in Cuba.

What does the crowd say when the matador's red cape is waved?

If the performance of the matador was good and the kill was done properly and skillfully, the audience will applaud but there is no traditional cheer such as 'ole' during the actual faena (performance). They may also wave white handkerchiefs or napkins to petition the presidente to awards and ear, two ears, tail or even a tail.

Who were some of the famous bullfighters?

Three famous bull fighters are Manolete, Pedro Ramirez Martinez, and Antonio Ordonez.

Two famous bull fighters include: José Marrero from Cuba and Alejandro Amaya from Mexico. Also, Conchita Cintron from Peru is another well known bull fighter.

Even with its inherent cruelty, bullfighting is still popular in Spain and Mexico. Some famous bullfighters include Curro Romero, Carlos Arruza, and Juan Belmonte.

Enrique Ponce, El Fandi and Ivan Fandino.

Why is bullfighting a bad thing?

Those that consider bullfights inhumane are usually those who have never attended a bullfight nor have they studied the spectacle. It is simply inhumane to these people because it is a public spectacle. Let's compare the life of a fighting bull to that of a steer raised for beef. The fighting bull remains with its mother until one year of age. At that time it is released into a huge, lush pasture where it matures with little human contact until it is 4-6 years old. At that age it may be sold to a bullring and is taken in a special crate or truck. In the bullring it undergoes picing and banderillas. Yes, it is somewhat painful but the bull, by this time, is so pumped up on adrenaline that the pain is barely noticed. Within 15 minutes the bull has died.

A steer is taken from its mother when it is weened and castrated. This is done with nothing to dull the pain. I have witnessed it and it is painful to even watch. The vet cuts the end off of the scrotum, grabs the testicles and rips them out of the young animal. The eyes of the animal will roll back in pain and it will sometimes scream. The animal continues to be in severe pain for several days or weeks. The animal eventually ends up at 1-2 years of age in a filthy and crowded feed lot where it is fattened up for a few months before it is loaded onto a crowded truck and hauled to a slaughter house. There it will be killed, either with a pneumatic rod driven through the skull or by electrocution.

Which of these two examples is less humane? Of course, we do not know or see the source of our prime steaks or Big Macs so are oblivious as to the torture that animal went through so we could enjoy our red meat. Everything was hidden from us. If it can't be seen, our minds ignore it. Fighting bulls die a public execution and that is why people get upset. Let these fine folks follow a calf raised for the dinner table from birth to slaughter and they may have a different opinion of the bullfight.

Bullfighting is an art form and not a sport.

What do they do to the bulls that die in bullfights?

I assume they sell the meat, but maybe they do something else with the bodies. Animal bodies are full of resources; the fats, oils, skin, hooves, and even teeth can be made profitable in some way.

How much are bullfighters paid?

Bulls don't get paid you silly goose. Their owners get paid. Got any more brain-busters. have fun. stay safe.

Why do matadors wear pink socks?

The matador uses a cape, either the capote or muleta, as a lure and decoy to attract the bull. The bull has never before encountered a man on foot and assumes the cape is part of the man and charges at its motion. However, the bull quickly learns that he is being deceived and if the animal is not killed within a short time, the matador will be in serious trouble.

What happens if a matador is gored and unable to continue?

If a matador is gored and unable to continue, he is taken to the infirmary. The bull may then be killed by another matador or it may be returned to the pens under the stands and butchered there.

What equipment do you need in bullfighting?

Besides his very ornate traje de luces - suit of lights - which can cost thousands of dollars, a matador needs special shoes with no heels, the montera (hat), shirt, tie, stockings, special swords (estoque), capes - capote and muleta and capote de paseo - the parade cape.

When did bullfighting start in France?

Yes, it is popular in the Southern part of the country near the Basque zone. Bayonne and Aquitaine fall into this zone.

How many acts compose a bullfight?

There are 3 acts in a bullfight, not 6:

Each fight consists of three parts:

1.) Terceo de puyas

2.) Terceo de banderillas

3.) Terceo de muerte

How old do you have to be to bullfight?

In Spain you must be at least 16 years of age to fight bulls. There are no age restrictions in Mexico.

Which countries are best known for the sport of bullfighting?

Bullfighting is considered an art form, not a sport. Bullfights are held in Spain, Mexico, France, Portugal, and several countries in Central and South America.

What is the name of Mexico's largest bullfighting arena?

The largest in the world is the Plaza Mexico in Mexico City that seats over 41,000 people.

What time are bullfights?

The time would depend upon the particular bullring or season of the year. Some bullrings have night lighting so can hold fights after dark. However, most fights start about 4:00 in the afternoon.