

Michelle Obama

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is the first African-American First Lady of the United States of America and is the wife of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. An advocate for poverty awareness and healthy diet, she has become a role model for women as well as a fashion icon. She has two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

500 Questions

How would you describe the Morale in your company?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would desribe the morale in my company as being very high. When you come into the building every morning, you get that positive vibe. Throughout the day there is a positive atmosphere.

Fastest 40 yard dash ever?

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the fastest receiver in the nfl combine 2010 is Jacoby Ford at 4.28s

i believe that's the fastest for a receiver because the fastest 40yd dash time was set by Chris Johnson in the '08 combine at 4.24s

Who are alpha kappa alpha brothers?

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While some people consider the men of Alpha Phi Alpha to be the brothers of Alpha Kappa Alpha (due to both organizations being the first founded for African-Americans), Alpha Kappa Alpha has no brother organization. The only Pan-hellenic organizations that have an official connection are Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.

How many members of Alpha Kappa Alpha are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) is a sorority founded by African American women on January 15, 1908 at Howard University in Washington D.C., U.S.A.

The AKA has expanded to become international with over 900 chapters and over 250,000 members strong.

Do You Know exactly why Michelle Obama was disciplined on her status as a lawyer?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, because it is a myth. She was never disciplined, she did not lose her license, and she could return to the legal profession any time she wants to, because she left the profession in good standing. (The same is true for her husband, the president.) I enclose a link to one of the many reliable sites that have debunked this myth.

Is Michelle Obama a politician?

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He is these days, but he was not always. A politician is a person whose primary occupation involves being in politics. Mr. Obama used to be a professor of law and a community organizer/advocate for the poor before he entered politics. But yes, today it would be fair to say he is a politician. It is worth noting, by the way, that the term "politician" sometimes carries a negative meaning, referring to someone who will say anything to get elected: you will hear this on the campaign trail, and both parties use this accusation: "Oh, Candidate X is just 'playing politics'..." or "Candidate Y is acting like a typical politician." But I assume you are asking about the dictionary definition, and according to that definition, Mr. Obama can indeed be called a politician, since his livelihood takes place in the arena of politics.

What is Michelle Obama favorite memory?

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getting married

Did Mrs Obama wear a pinata dress?

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No, she did not. This was an internet hoax that somebody evidently thought was funny; it was sent out as a way to show disrespect for the First Lady, by photoshopping her at a serious event (a medal of honor ceremony) wearing a dress that looked like a pinata. But the photo was a fake. She actually wore a designer dress to that event. (In fairness, there have been many examples of fake photographs of political leaders, and sometimes of their wives.)

How old is Michelle Obama in 2014?

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Michelle Obama is 50 years old

What are Michelle Obama's physical characteristics?

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Obama is a tall lean man with medium brown skin. His eyes look as if they are slanted somewhat and his ears stick out to the side of his head. His lips are a darker brown than the rest of his skin. His hair is cut extremely short; a close shave. His eyes are dark brown from what i can tell. Many people say that he has a nice smile too.

Where did Michelle Obama go to graduate school?

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Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago, Illinois and graduated in 1981. Michelle attended Princeton University, graduating cum laude in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Sociology and minoring in African American Studies. She then attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 1988 with her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree.

Does taxpayers pay for Michelle Obama's wardrobe?

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They don't. The designers donate for publicity.

Can Michelle Obama practice law?

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she can do anything she wants to do if she sticks to it, I mean after all she is the first lady. Anyone can do anything if they stick their mind to it.

Second answer: I believe that her license is currently in "inactive" status, so that she doesn't have to pay the state license fees or take the continuing education courses that actively-practicing lawyers are required to take. If she wants to practice as some point in the future, she will have to comply with her state bar re-admission requirements so that her license will be reinstated. State rules differ, so I don't know what her situation will be if she decides she wants to practice law at some tiume in the future.

It is not uncommon for people to have been practicing law for a while when their lives take another turn, and they eventually decide they don't want to (or won't have the time to) practice law for the forseeable future. The license fees and required continuing education courses are expensive.

What charity is Michelle Obama in?

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Michelle Obama has a long history of doing charitable work, whether as a tutor in college or as a legal aid attorney. At the University of Chicago, she was very much involved with the organization "Chicago Office of Public Allies," which trained college students to do volunteer work in their community; and she helped to set up programs to encourage community service.

What are good questions to ask Michelle Obama?

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My questions might be different from some people's, because I am a social historian and have written about media coverage of First Ladies. I would ask her how she felt about giving up her career and becoming a "traditional" First Lady. On the one hand, we encourage young women to study, get degrees, and have careers; yet if that young woman marries a presidential candidate, we expect her to be a stay-at-home wife and mom and focus on volunteer work, even if she had a successful professional career. I am not criticizing stay-at-home moms, nor am I criticizing volunteer work. I just find it puzzling that in 2013, we are still treating the wife of the president as if it's the 1890s. Of course, presidential wives say the right thing-- they say they are happy to give up their career. But I wonder if Michelle could ever see a time when a First Lady could also hold a paying job and not be subjected to criticism.

Another question I would ask her is whether she felt any pressure from being the first black First Lady-- how did she deal with the high expectations many people in the minority community had of her? Was she concerned or worried about saying the wrong thing and letting people down? And while all candidates learn to deal with the brutal nature of politics, did she (as a candidate's wife) find it difficult to handle some of the hateful things people said, including criticisms directed at her? And finally, I would ask whether she thinks being First Lady has changed her in any way.

What type of diploma did Michelle Obama graduate with?

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Asked by Wiki User

She graduated from Princeton with a degree in Sociology, and then graduated from Harvard Law School.

How many servants does Michelle Obama have?

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Asked by Redzie

First, it is misleading to refer to "servants," a term reminiscent of royalty. Mr. Obama is not a king, and he does not have servants. However, like all presidents, he does have attendants, aides, and various staff-members who work for him and perform the many duties necessary to keeping the White House running smoothly. These include the White House chef and his or her staff; the men and women who do the cleaning and maintenance; the staff-members who answer the mail, purchase the supplies, and plan the logistics for White House social events; and many others who work behind the scenes. Contrary to internet rumors, there is no evidence the number of employees at the White House has risen since President Obama took office.

Does Michelle Obama wear wigs?

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Mrs. Obama appears to have a full head of her own natural hair. She may wear a small piece of false curls or extensions on occassion as many women do , but she is always exquisitely coiffed for State functions.

What size is Michelle Obama shoes She seems to have big feet?

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Her kitten heeled ski's seem to be about a size 13, perfect for the slopes.

What Are Michelle Obama 's Hobbies?

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I dont know i think gardening and helping people around the world!

Why did Michelle Obama do what she did?

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tell me important events of michelle obama