

Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark is a vessel describes in Genesis chapters 6-9 of the Hebrew Bible. In the story, God instructs a man named Noah to build an ark to providing a save-haven for Noah, his family, and all species of animals. Once Noah and his fellow travelers are aboard the ark, God enacts a massive flood, destroying all other living things on the planet. The inhabitants of the ark go on to repopulate the world after the great flood.

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Did dinosaurs exist during or after Noah's time?

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Dinosaurs existed millions of years before humans like Noah. The last dinosaurs went extinct around 65 million years ago, whereas the story of Noah's Ark in the Bible is dated much more recently, around 4,000-5,000 years ago.

Why was Canaan during the time of Noah cursed?

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According to the Bible, Canaan was cursed by Noah because his father, Ham, disrespected Noah. After Noah got drunk and lay naked in his tent, Ham saw him and told his brothers about it instead of covering him up. As a result, Noah cursed Canaan, Ham's son, to be a servant to his brothers.

Could Noah have taken 2-7 of each animal and today you would have a healthy thriving populations wouldn't they be inbred secondly what animals besides ones located in the general area were on the Ark?

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It's unlikely that taking only 2-7 individuals of each animal on the Ark would lead to healthy populations today due to inbreeding. In addition to animals from the general area, the Ark is said to have carried representatives of every "kind," which could include pairs of other species from different regions brought by divine intervention.

Were did black people people come from when god flooded the earth when only Noah and Mary were the only ones alive...... I'm only 15 and I want to know?

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It is not accurate to say that only Noah and Mary were the only ones alive after the flood. According to the Bible, Noah and his family, including his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, were the survivors. Black people, like all other people, are descendants of Noah's sons. Skin color variations are a result of natural selection and adaptation to different environments over generations.

Why did hominids begin to walk upright and eat meat?

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Hominids began to walk upright due to environmental changes such as moving to open grasslands. This allowed them to see over tall grass and free their hands for other tasks. Eating meat provided hominids with more energy and nutrients compared to plant-based diets, contributing to brain development and overall survival.

What are the Compare and contrast the floods in both the epic of Gilgamesh and noah and the flood?

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Both the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Noah's flood feature a catastrophic flood sent by divinity as punishment, a chosen hero who builds an ark to save humanity and animals, and a dove sent to search for land. However, the Epic of Gilgamesh is polytheistic, with multiple gods involved in the flood, whereas Noah's flood is a monotheistic event orchestrated by a single God. Additionally, the motivations and aftermath of the floods differ: in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the flood is caused by the gods' annoyance with human noise, while in Noah's flood, God is motivated by punishing human sinfulness.

What was the time period of Noah's ark and the 'Epic of Gilgamesh'?

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The story of Noah's ark is typically associated with the biblical account in the Book of Genesis, which is estimated to have been written around 1446-1406 BCE. The 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' an ancient Mesopotamian epic, is believed to have been written around 2100-2000 BCE.

What was the daily life when noah lived?

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Daily life during Noah's time would have involved activities such as farming, herding animals, building shelters, and engaging in trade. Since Noah lived before written history, details are based on religious texts like the Bible, which describe a simple and agrarian lifestyle centered around family and community. Noah is best known for building an ark to survive a catastrophic flood, as described in the story of Noah's Ark.

How old was Noah when he died?

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Noah was 950 years old when he died (Genesis Chapter 9, verse 29)

What animals would you save in Noah's ark and why?

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Since the instruction is to save animals, I would prioritize endangered species and those crucial for maintaining ecological balance. This may include animals like the African elephant, orangutans, tigers, honey bees, and sharks.We must consider the importance of preserving biodiversity and safeguarding species at risk of extinction in order to preserve the delicate balance of ecosystems.

What does the olive branch in Noah's Ark represent?

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In the story of Noah's Ark, the olive branch is a symbol of hope and peace. It signifies the end of the flood and the beginning of a new era. When Noah's dove returned to the ark carrying an olive leaf in its beak, it was seen as a sign that the floodwaters had receded and that life on Earth could be restored.

If the purpose of putting pairs of animals in Noah's ark is to preserve the species then why did Noah offer them to God by burnt sacrifice when the water receded?

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The offering of animals as burnt sacrifices after the flood was not related to the preservation of species. It was a religious practice of gratitude and worship towards God, which was common in many ancient cultures. The purpose of the ark was to save Noah, his family, and the animals from the flood, and the act of offering animals as sacrifices was a separate spiritual practice.

How far was it from where the Ark was when it started flooding to where the Ark stopped?

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According to the Biblical account, the floodwaters covered the entire earth, and the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. The exact distance traveled by the Ark during the flood is not specified in the text, so it is difficult to determine its actual distance.

When was the story of Noah's ark set or happen in?

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The story of Noah's ark is set or thought to have happened in ancient times, possibly around 2500-2300 BCE. However, it is important to note that the story is a religious narrative found in the Book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible and has different interpretations within different religions and cultures.

Why did noah took pigs in the ark?

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According to the story in the Bible, Noah took two of every kind of animal on the ark, including pigs. The purpose of bringing all the animals onto the Ark was to ensure their survival during the flood and to repopulate the Earth afterwards. Interestingly, despite being allowed to bring pigs on the ark, the Bible later identifies pigs as unclean animals that should not be eaten (Leviticus 11:7).

How do you say Noah's Ark in Hebrew?

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Noach is the Hebrew word for Noah. It's spelled Nun, Chet - נח

That's נח pronounced "NO-akh".
"Noah" is one of those names that came to us FROM Hebrew by way of King James.

The Hebrew pronunciation is "NO-akh".

Why didn't the dinosaurs enter the Ark?

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It needs to be clearly understood that many dinosaurs died in the global flood of Noah's day. Secondly, it is also highly likely that there were representative kinds of dinosaurs, most likely young specimens, taken aboard the ark. There is absolutely no reason to assume that they weren't taken aboard, as they would have been included in the 'two of every kind' that God brought to Noah, to preserve genetic diversity on the earth.

Also, it must be remembered that the climate of the earth underwent drastic change due to the processes associated with the flood, including the ice-age which followed it. As a part of this process, the dinosaurs which went off the ark most likely then became extinct. It is interesting to note in this connection, the widespread existence of 'monster' or 'dragon' accounts, commonly interpreted as legends among many of the people groups of the earth, including in China and some quite recent accounts from England.

So, to quite simply summarize the answer: Noah took dinosaurs on the ark. Secondly they became extinct afterwards, in the drastically altered post-flood environment.

They must have been on the ark probably as adolescents to compensate for their size.

How many cubic feet in 40 foot long container?

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"40*40*40 = 64000". This answer only applies if the asker is looking for the exact volume of a container that is actually 40 feet in height, length, and width.

If, in fact, you are searching for the volume of a 40 Foot High Cube Shipping Container as I was, the correct interior volume of this device is: 2,694 ft3 / 76.3 m3.

How many people climb Mount Ararat a year?

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Around 270 people climb Mt. Ararat every year.

How long is halftime during the playoffs?

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Halftime during a NFL playoff game lasts for 30 minutes. Each period or quarter in a game lasts for 15 minutes.

Was the Grand Canyon caused by erosion from the receding waters of Noah's deluge?

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Another answer from our community:No. The Grand Canyon was created by erosion, mainly from the Colorado River, but with other causes, such as flooding of the canyon by the damming and dam breach of the river by volcanism, and by the uplift of the Colorado Plateau. These processes occurred over millions of years.

Who were deucalion and pyrrha?

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Deucalion and Pyrrha survived the Great Deluge of Greek mythology. When it was needed to be repopulated, he threw stones that became men and she threw stones that became women. They ruled northen Greece, mostly Thessaly.

How many people went on noah's ark?

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Eight people is the classic answer because most people do not read with the intent to find deeper meaning. In Genesis chapter 7, verses 13-16 (KJV) give a detail description of all who were listed upon the ark. Most were sent in by two except for those of "clean" animals which would be set aside for sacrifice and they went in by 7. (Note: all information is brought forth from the Bible- King James Version)

Verse 13, it gives the names of Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth and their wives. This is where most people would answer, 8. However, as one who studied Foreign Language, I understand the Bible is a translated work. The original Scripture was written in Hebrew. Therefore, I was curious for more of a mechanical view so I researched each of the English words for a deeper meaning in the Hebrew language. It was not until the 15th verse that a revelation of more people upon the ark.

"And they (the animal life listed in verse 14) went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life."

"...two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life." is the key here. In Hebrew, the word breath is ruach. Ruach occurs 389 times in the Old Testament. In each instance, it was given to show characteristic of the following: God, Holy Spirit, mankind, and angels. It denotes "invisible force" or the psychological of a being. This was given to mankind from God, the Creator of all things (See the book of John, chapter 1) Although, animal life, e.g. a cow, does breathe air and would die without air, it does not have a soul. There is possibility, there are those who may believe that animals do have a soul however I base my thought from faith in the written WORD of God.

Therefore, it is my contention that the "two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life" are those of the Gentile people as would be known later by the children of Israel. Remember, the children of Israel where a chosen people from the Messiah would come from to bring salvation to all nations, kindred, tongues. Maybe, this will give a better appreciation of the genealogies scribed in the Word of God. It shows the family lineage from which Jesus was born. (Matthew chapter 1 -royal lineage and Luke 3- natural lineage)

Is it true that Noah's Ark was found?

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  • No, and this is probably because it never existed.
  • The likely-hood of a boat that big never being found if it existed is near impossible
  • No Noahs ark has not been found recently.
  • yes it has in fact it was just discovered

The number of days and nights rain fell during Noah's flood?

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40 days and nights. But at the time and place the Bible was written 40 just meant "a lot" eg Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness.