

Nuclear Weapons

This category is for questions about weapons that use nuclear fission or fusion to gain explosive power.

500 Questions

Can Nuclear weapons destroy the entire earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes and no depending on how much nuclear bombs it can start a ice age like the asteroid that hit earth so its not enough to destroy the earth

Could a nuclear bomb wipe out earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

no it will only start a ice age so we would not be alive

Can a beetle survive a nuclear bomb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably not if the beetle is the explosion.

How many nuclear power plants in china?

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Asked by Wiki User

An exact number of coal burning electric power plants is hard to come by. The on-line database compiled by the Center for Global Development includes emissions data from 50,000 power plants worldwide, unfortunately proprietary licensing agreements have prevented them from revealing the fuel sources of individual plants. Also China (PRC) is now building some 50 GW of coal-burning generators every year, or the equivalent of one large power plant per week.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2008) coal generated 41% of total world electricity in 2006. Also, according to the IEA the US generates about one quarter of the world's coal fired electricity (in 2007 about 2000 of 8000 TWh). Coal burning supplies PR China, the world leader in coal consumption, with 80% of its electricity.

According to more recent (2012) US Energy Information Administration data the US has about 350 coal burning generators producing about 1,500 TWh of electricity per year.

Can twinkies survive a nuclear bomb if so why?

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Asked by DawnChorus

"Maybe, but the only lifeforms that can survive a nuclear holocaust are cockroaches."

That's not true humans can and most likely survive a nuclear holocaust simply bc unless you are caught with in 50 miles of a nuclear bomb or something of that nature you will most likely survive. For how long depends on how much radiation is left in the atmosphere and the full extent of the holocaust.

(EDIT BY: LEFCOJ) fruit flies can withstand up to 100,000 rads! that's 100 times more than a human cockroaches can only survive about 50,000 rads. if you are caught within six miles of the blast radius we will die. but...there is hope if you are about 10 miles from the blast you still want to take procautionary measures(because you might get the fallout!!!!) if you have a basement under or more than six inches below the ground HIDE IN THERE!!!! THAT IS YOUR BEST CHANCE!!!!! radiation can only go six inches under the ground. if you don't have a basement and it is safe to go outside if there is no fallout, wear boots and cover up with warm clothes that you will need to dispose of right after use, because its gonna be cold!!! that's why its called nuclear winter it will be just like winter in Alaska. you will want to dig six inches of the soil in your yard and dispose of it. but you better get a gun because once the blast is over, its gonna be hell. there will be rrobbers and looters trying to steal, or maybe kill you to get your supplies. stay in the safest place with food and water. for more information, go to and type in "Protect and Survive Videos" these vids were issued to Britain in the 1970s and80s, when the nuclear threat was very high. so be safe, stock up, and LIVE!!!!!

eventually the cockroaches will die of hunger.

You forgot two major lifeforms that will also survive: most forms of groundworms and waterbears.

I saw an episode of family guy that proved that humans can survive a nuclear holocaust. whats up alex

How deep can a nuclear submarine go?

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Asked by Wiki User

It varies by the type of submarine. United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China, France, and India are examples of nations who have or are assumed to have nuclear submarine capabilities.

For security purposes, governments don't give out full specifications on their weapons of war, especially on something as big, expensive, and instrumental as a submarine. The true depth information is classified, probably above "Top Secret". For the general US submarine fleet, the "official" answer is typically around 600 feet. (According to one Navy instructor it was changed from 400 feet when a documentary was aired accidentally showing footage of the depth meter at a depth of around that depth.)
Any Navy in the world who operates a nuclear submarine is going to publish a low ballpark figure in the name of national security and secrecy. If everyone knew the exact depth a submarine could submerse to, it'd be easier to kill them. Wikipedia says a Soviet/Russian class Alpha submarine may have successfully operated at a depth of 4,300 feet. But rest assured whatever the published depth of submarine is, it many times greater than that.

How do you get a tactical nuke emblem on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unlock the killstreak challenges and get 10 nukes while in the current prestige, if you prestige then all challenges are reset meaning you will have to unlock and do the challenge again.

Hope this helps :)

Does Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 have nuke town?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is a secret 25 kill streak and it is called a Moab it only counts when you get 25 kills with your gun not with kill streaks like a helicopter look on youtube

Does black ops come with the nuke town map on it?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to get Nuketown Zombies, you must have the Hardened Edition of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Treyarch will most likely release the map as well as various others about six months following the release to be purchased as a DLC map pack separably.

How many mini nukes are there in total in fallout 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have not used any mini-nukes in the entire game (except for the first Super Mutant Behemoth in the game) and I have 47.

Where do you find mini nukes on fallout new vegas?

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Asked by Wiki User

there are many places u can find them sometimes if u wait long enough nick and ralphs has for sale but u have to get him to show u the impresive wepondry

What is the fastest nuke on modern warfare 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Use whatever gun you want. Then do harriers, chopper gunner/AC130 your choice, then that should get you to 25 on a nuke ^.^

How do you get nuke in Call of Duty Black Ops?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get the nuke you need to get 25 kills in a row without dying.

How many kills does it take to get a nuke mw3?

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Asked by Wiki User

there is no nuke in call of duty 4 modern ware fare. its only for call of duty modern warefare 2 and 3

Surviving nuke in call of duty modern warfare 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

you cant

You have to call in a Predator or be going into Last Stand right as the nuke is actually killing people. It's a glitch

How do you get nuke town code black ops 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

all u have to do is to get a RC-XD and there will be a hole in the fence in the hole will lead u to a rock press rb on the xbox360 and then u should be a hole on the other side go though it and then set it off by a lot of peps.

How do you get a nuke in modern warfare 3?

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Asked by Mysteryman43

Yes, all you have to do is simply play special ops until you have enough points to unlock a kill streak reward. Then you scroll all the way down through the list to the bottom... "Tactical Nuke." II didnt know you could get killstreak rewards from spec ops, will try it. May 11 is respect for bob Marley day. You must get along with everybody for this day, promote this day, celebrate his life and achievements.

How many kills do you have to get to get a nuke in call of duty modern warfare 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer, you need to kill 75 enemy players with a handgun to unlock the Tactical Knife attachment or select the default First Recon class which has a Tactical Knife attachment for the .44 Magnum handgun.

How do you get a nuke in cod MW2?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get a nuke in C.O.D. MW2, you usually camp like i do. You rarely get one rushing at people. To get a nuke you should use these killstreaks in the following content,

1. Harrier Airstrike: 7 kills

2.Chopper Gunner: 11 kills

3. obviosly Tactical Nuke: 25 kills

Can you get a nuke in a car package on mw2?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you may not get a LEGIT nuke in a care package. However, there is a way to mod and get a tactical nuke in a care package, but this will get you banned from Xbox Live. When you get a modded nuke in a care package, it will be reffered to as "Tactical Strike" because the game's code can not identify this killstreak in the care package.

How can you survive a tactical nuke in modern warfare 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can ,

You need a a kill streak which requires you using a laptop such as ..

Predator missile ,

AC130 ,

Chopper gunner ,


Call it when 0:00 is on the timer for the Nuke to go off . Use your kill streak and you will be in the kill streak and there for wont be killed by the tactical nuke .

Where can you buy Atomic Bomb?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can't.

If you mean in a video game (e.g. Fallout New Vegas), then state which one you're talking about.

Can you compare the atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, however on one level they are the same thing as both obtain their energy from the release of excess nuclear binding energy. However as the terms have traditionally been used the differences are as follows:

  • atomic bomb, a rather simple bomb operating with nuclear fission of heavy element(s) within a "prompt supercritical mass" of a fissile isotope initiated by a pulse of neutrons. The most commonly used fissile isotopes are plutonium-239, uranium-235 (uranium-233 could also be used but has properties similar to plutonium-239). The yield of such a bomb is limited to less than one megaton (with the highest yield such bomb ever tested only half that).
  • hydrogen bomb, a rather complicated bomb operating with nuclear fusion of light element(s) compressed and heated using x-rays generated by either an atomic bomb or another hydrogen bomb in a previous "stage" of the bomb. This "staging" principal permits the yield of a hydrogen bomb to be as large as desired, also the yield can be increased (as well as the fallout) by enclosing the bomb in uranium (even the nonfissionable isotope uranium--238 usually considered "waste" after enriching uranium-235 for atomic bombs can be used) which will be fissioned by the high energy fusion neutrons. This can multiply the yield of the bomb by a factor between 2 to 10 times!
However almost all modern nuclear weapons use both fission and fusion to optimize the bomb's size, weight, yield, etc. for the specific military purpose it is intended to be used for. So the lines are quite blurred.

What is the Difference in radiation - atomic vs hydrogen bombs?

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Asked by Wiki User

The same nuclear radiation is released by both fission (atomic) and fusion (hydrogen) bombs. Hydrogen bombs are larger, and produce more.