



Pokemon, which was invented by Game Freak, is played all around the world in many different countries. Here, you can find Action Replay codes, tips, hints, and tricks, as well as answers to questions about the anime and manga. You may also find a walkthrough if you gather the right questions.

500 Questions

What is the strongest attack Pokemon?

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I don't konw.

What is Pikachu backwards?

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What are the types of hypersomnia?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

There are two main categories of hypersomnia: primary hypersomnia (sometimes called idiopathic hypersomnia) and recurrent hypersomnia (sometimes called recurrent primary hypersomnia).

Are there any bug Pokemon that can learn surf?

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Asked by Wiki User

no, sorry there is not bug type that can learn surf, unless you count aruseus with an insect plate as a bug, if so aruseus is the only one, hope that helps

What are the types of liquidation?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the UK there are 3 types of liquidation;

1. Compulsory liquidation where the company is wound up by the court, usually at the instigation of a creditor.

2. Creditors voluntary liquidation (CVL) when a company is insolvent, this process is instigated by the directors of the company.

3. Members voluntary liquidation (MVL) is a solvent liquidation, basically all creditors are paid in full and there is a return to shareholders.

What episode does chimchar evolve?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is in the 132nd episode of Pokemon DP vs paul the episode is called ash vs paul full battle part 2 it evolves when fighting against ursaring but then lose

Can scientists make real Pokemon?

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Asked by Wiki User

we have created many breeds of dogs cats hamsters you name it so maybe if we breed other animals to at least make something like a pikachu

How many of the same Pokemon can you have in a deck?

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you can have up to 4 of the same Pokemon in a 60 card deck.

2, in a half card deck! Hope this helps but u pretty much already found the answer already didnt you?

Does ash love may or any other?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's hard to tell if Ash likes May or vice versa, but there were a couple of scenes of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire where it seems that they might've had a romantic relationship. Such as in the final episode of Ruby and Sapphire: Home is Where the Start is when Ash uses Sceptile to cut the ribbon in half. As well as battling together and Mays eyes glittering when Ash when Ash wins the first Frontier Symbol after battling Articuno with Ash's Charizard.

Can someone teach hacking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, someone can teach you hacking with the help of Bank hacking Software. Ethical hacking is a legitimate profession, and there are many resources available to help you learn the skills you need to get started.

Here is a high-level overview of what you need to learn to be an ethical hacker:

Networking: You need to understand how computer networks work, including IP addresses, TCP/UDP, and the OSI model.

Linux: Linux is the operating system of choice for most ethical hackers. You need to be comfortable using Linux commands and navigating the Linux filesystem.

Scripting: Scripting languages like Python and Bash can be used to automate many tasks involved in hacking. You should learn the basics of one or more scripting languages.

Web application security: Web applications are a common target for hackers. You need to understand how web applications work and how to find and exploit vulnerabilities in them.

Penetration testing: Penetration testing is the process of simulating a real-world attack on a computer system or network to identify and fix vulnerabilities. You should learn the different phases of a penetration test and how to use common penetration testing tools.

Once you have a good foundation in these areas, you can start to learn more advanced hacking techniques. There are many books, online courses, and tutorials available to help you learn. You can also find communities of ethical hackers online and at conferences where you can learn from and collaborate with others.

Hidden in Japanese?

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to say hidden in Japanese is 隠された and it is read like kakusa re ta

hope this helps :)

What is cage diving?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shark Cage Diving is when u get in a cage with scuba gear on, they push the cage off with a line attached, and when you get in the water, sharks will come up to u but they cant hurt u because they cant get in.

How do you get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Crystal?

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Trade a Pokemon from an old version and make sure you have the fifth badge.

When does rufflet evolve?

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NOT LEVEL 30! i caught mine on victory road at level 40 and it evolved into braviary at level 53 or 54

Is it easy to train dogs?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is very easy to train a dog…. IF

You are willing to put in the time, effort, patience, persistence, love & guidance.

You are committed to doing it right, not trying to take shortcuts, or use heavy-handed techniques that shake your dog’s trust in you, and bond with you.

You get the dog as a puppy of 10–12 weeks, and begin the process right away, so that learning is part of the puppy’s way of life.

If you adopt/rescue/get an older puppy or an adult, you factor in the experiences that dog may have had before it came to you, and allow for the extra time, patience, understanding that such a dog might need, to readjust from fear, sadness, insecurity, pain, or even just a totally different way of training.

Training a dog is a whole lot more about training the humans, because dogs will follow the lead of their person or people, and if those people are not experienced, or are inconsistent, or short-tempered, or get frustrated easily, then the dog will be confused and not be able to learn, because the rules keep changing.

So the most important thing to know is that it is “easy to train a dog” IF the dog’s owner is willing to learn the proper methods, and follow them consistently!

Dogs are innately tuned to us, and most breeds bond and want to please. This is from many, many thousands of years and generations of dogs working with us, and learning how to read us and follow us, because pleasing us is beneficial to both species. Dogs look for ways to understand us - one of my dogs watches what clothes I choose in the morning, and which shoes. She can tell whether they are going for a ride in the car, whether I am staying home with them, or leaving them home for a while, just by observing me. This is how in tune with us they are.

if you want instant results training your dog/puppy visit:

>>ht tps://

What is the code to open the door in the Ancient Ruins?

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Asked by Wiki User

simply jump on the roof of the cave get the peice then get to the spot in the cave where it is and use the paper to find the meaning for the letters O P E N then on the cave wall spell open then press the nose

When does metagross learn metor mash?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on the version you're playing. Considering you're playing

ruby, sapphire and emerald(cos its under that catergory), metagross should learn

meteor mash at level 55.

How do you get a Growleth in Pokemon Emerald?

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It is in The Go-Rock Squad builing near Fall City (in the Dusk Factory). Push the box over and fall down the hole.

How do you get Ho-oh in Pokemon World 7.2 Warcraft?

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In the Pokemon World 7.2 Warcraft Map, a Charizard and a frozen feather are required to obtain a Lugia. Use strength in the water zone near the boulders, then enter the cave and walk close to the trees. The trees will begin to disappear, as will the frozen feather. Continue walking to encounter the Lugia.

Where you get dratini in Pokemon Ruby?

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Asked by Wiki User

Its super easy to get one, you only need 1 link cable, Pokemon firered or leafgreen that can trade Pokemon to ruby, Sapphire and emerald and a dratini. If you don't have a dratini at Pokemon firered or leafgreen, you have to look at and look at poke-earth or the pokedex. I hope it helps!

Where is team rocket in celadon city?

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You need to defeat there boss in the game corner.