


Protists are unicellular or multicellular microorganisms. The majority of protists are responsible for many diseases in humans.

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Protists are simple animals made up of?

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Protists are single-celled organisms that can be either animal-like, plant-like, or fungus-like. They have various structures such as flagella, cilia, and pseudopods that help them move and capture food. Their simplicity allows for a wide diversity in their characteristics and behaviors.

What elements exists as a diatomic molecule?

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Common diatomic molecules include hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), fluorine (F2), chlorine (Cl2), bromine (Br2), and iodine (I2).

Compare the features shared by an amoeba and a specialized cell in the human defense system?

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Both amoebas and specialized cells in the human defense system (such as macrophages) are capable of phagocytosis, the process of engulfing and destroying foreign particles. They also both have the ability to move and change shape in order to reach their target. Additionally, they both play a key role in the body's immune response and defense against pathogens.

Was linda Henry in cell block h?

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Yes, Linda Henry appeared in the TV series "Prisoner: Cell Block H" where she played the role of Lizzie Birdsworth.

Is a blepharisma a fresh water dweller or a salt water dweller?

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Blepharisma is generally a freshwater dweller. They are ciliated protists commonly found in ponds, lakes, and streams. While some species of Blepharisma can tolerate low salinity levels, they are more abundant and diverse in freshwater habitats.

Where are the four places protists are found?

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Protists can be found in various aquatic environments, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. They also inhabit moist terrestrial habitats like soil, leaf litter, and tree bark. Additionally, protists can be found in symbiotic relationships within the bodies of other organisms, like in the intestines of animals. Finally, some protists can thrive in extreme environments like hot springs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

What is the amoeba's lifespan?

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The lifespan of an amoeba can vary depending on the species and environmental conditions, but most amoebas have a relatively short lifespan, typically ranging from a few hours to a few days.

True or false dinoflagellates are one-celled algae with two flagella?

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True. Dinoflagellates are single-celled organisms belonging to the algae group, and they typically have two flagella that they use for movement. These flagella help dinoflagellates navigate through water and capture their food.

What are clusters of algae called?

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Clusters of algae are called algal blooms. These blooms can occur when conditions are favorable for algae growth, such as high nutrient levels and warm temperatures. While some algal blooms are harmless, others can produce toxins that can be harmful to aquatic life and humans.

How does the amoeba digest its food?

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Amoebas engulf their food through phagocytosis, where they surround and take in their food particles into vacuoles. Once the food is enclosed in the vacuole, it is broken down by enzymes and digested to extract nutrients for the amoeba's energy and growth. Undigested waste is eliminated from the cell.

Explain the differences in the population growth patterns of the two Paramecium species What does this tell you about how Paramecium aurelia uses available resources?

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Paramecium aurelia has a higher growth rate and carrying capacity compared to Paramecium caudatum, indicating it can utilize available resources more efficiently. This suggests Paramecium aurelia is better adapted to competition for resources and has evolved strategies to maximize its growth in a resource-limited environment.

Is the amoebas helpful or harmful to humans?

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Amoebas can be harmful to humans if they are of certain species that can cause diseases such as amoebic dysentery or Naegleria fowleri infection. It's important to practice good hygiene and avoid contaminated water sources to reduce the risk of encountering harmful amoebas.

Is an amoeba all the same colour?

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Information on these organisms, often called slipper animalcules, their classification, with links to videos, images and many other sites on protists. *

Make a hypothesis about how you think the two species of Paramecium will grow alone and how they will grow when they are grown together?

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I hypothesize that when grown alone, the two species of Paramecium will each thrive and increase in population. When grown together, competition for resources may lead to slower growth compared to when they are alone, as they may have to share resources and space.

A Paramecium feeds by the process of?

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Paramecium feed mostly on bacteria, which are driven into the gullet by the cilia. feed on small organisms such as bacteria and even other smaller protozoa.I don't know if the process has a name.

Excess water is pumped out of a paramecium by means of?

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Contractions of contractile vacuoles, which are specialized structures that collect and expel excess water from the cell through a process called osmoregulation.

What parts of the amoeba are excretory organs?

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Amoebas do not have specialized excretory organs. They eliminate waste mainly through diffusion across their cell membrane.

Where do you find dinoflagellates?

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Dinoflagellates can be found in various aquatic environments such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. They are often present in symbiotic relationships with corals and other marine life, and can also bloom in large numbers under specific environmental conditions, leading to phenomena like red tides.

Is the anterior end of Paramecium rounded or pointed?

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The anterior end of Paramecium is pointed. This pointed end is called the vestibulum, which helps the organism to move and feed efficiently.

What will happen to a parrotfish if the algae die out?

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If the algae die out, parrotfish may struggle to find food because algae is a major part of their diet. This could lead to malnutrition and potentially death for the parrotfish. Additionally, the loss of algae can impact the overall health of the ecosystem where parrotfish live.

What level of organization is an amoeba?

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An amoeba is a unicellular organism, which means it is organized at the cellular level. It consists of a single cell that carries out all the functions necessary for its survival, such as feeding, reproducing, and moving.

How does a paramecium carries out the 7 life characteristics?

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A paramecium carries out the seven life characteristics as follows:

  1. Organization - it has specialized structures like cilia and a contractile vacuole
  2. Metabolism - it takes in nutrients and produces energy through cellular respiration
  3. Homeostasis - it maintains internal conditions through contractile vacuoles and ion pumps
  4. Growth - it grows by increasing in cell size and reproduces asexually by binary fission
  5. Adaptation - it can adapt to changing environments through behaviors like moving toward food
  6. Response to stimuli - it can respond to environmental cues like light or temperature changes
  7. Reproduction - it reproduces asexually by binary fission and can also undergo conjugation for genetic diversity.

Are all algae photoautotrophs?

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No, not all algae are photoautotrophs. Some algae can be mixotrophic, meaning they can photosynthesize like autotrophs, but can also obtain nutrients through phagocytosis or absorption like heterotrophs.

Is a amoeba motile or sessile?

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Amoebas are motile, meaning they are able to move and change shape by extending and retracting pseudopods, which are temporary projections of cytoplasm. This allows them to move toward sources of food or away from unfavorable conditions.