


Republican Party

The term Republican refers to an advocate of a republic, a form of government generally associated with the rule of law. In the US, Republicans refer to those associated or on the side of the Republican Party.

500 Questions

Who were the Republican and Democratic nominees for President and Vice President in 1960?

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You have asked a question about a momentous election that was narrowly decided. President Eisenhower had served two terms and his Vice President was Richard M. Nixon, in the 1960 US Presidential Election, Richard Nixon sought to be elevated to the Presidency. Nixon's running mate was Henry Cabot Lodge.

On the Democratic side was the young Senator from Massachusetts John F. Kennedy and wily Senate majority leader Lyndon Johnson. They won the election with 303 electoral votes to Richard Nixon's 219, but the popular vote was a narrow 112,827 in favor of Kennedy/Johnson.

Is Ridley Scott a republican?

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Ridley Scott is British, so he would not be part of American politics. Do you mean conservative?

What is the sexual orientation of Lindsey Graham?

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Yes he is. Heres a link from a recent article...also he isn't married plus is you look at him he looks gay. Not making a judgment...don't care that he is gay.

Does Jimmy McMillan support same-sex marriage?

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Mr. McMillan, who ran several times on the "Rent is Too Damn High" party in New York State, is now a declared presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 2012. Yes. He does support same-sex marriage, sort of. As I recall, he was asked this question during the televised gubernatorial debate in New York. His answer was something like, "If I am the governor and you want to marry a shoe, I say sure, why not." Technically, then, he does support marriage equality. His choice of words, however, does not indicate that he has seriously considered the issue of LGBT rights, as it is somewhat insulting.

What were the differences between the Radical and Moderate Republican Party during Reconstruction?

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the moderate republicans believed that blacks should not have their rights. The radical republicans had a vision of whites and blacks living in the same community without fighting," even a hundred years later they will still have this same problem, that they solved in the 60's called the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King Jr was a key figure in this issue. Back to the 1800's they both thought they should live together without fighting.

Why do the Republicans hate President Obama?

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The prevailing reasons in the Left-Wing camp of America and most of the Western World hate the Republicans because the leaders of that party embrace religious fanaticism, promote racial/ethnic discrimination, promote corporatism over citizens' rights, and argue against science. It is this push against modernity and the placing of corporations, which have done many notably criminal activities, on a pedestal, that leads to resentment.

What's the nickname of the Republican Party in America?

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The Democratic Party doesn't have another name like "G.O.P." for the Republican Party.

In particular, the name "Democrat Party" is incorrect. No member of the Democratic Party ever refers to it as the "Democrat Party."

Why were Republicans especially angered by the Dred Scott versus Sanford decision?

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Mainly the Chief Justice's interpretation of the badly-worded Constitution to mean that slavery was protected everywhere in the USA.

Also a general suggestion that blacks should not be suing whites.

Was Timothy McVeigh a republican or Demorcrate?

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He was a product of Democratic & Union upbringing.

Is Bill Maher a republican or a democrat?

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He’s a Libtard. Ignorant uneducated whiny and not knowing anything about reality just like every other Libtard who believes that their leaders are working for them when they don’t realize that they are the richest people in the world. Joe Biden is crooked Joe Biden cheats Hillary Clinton is crooked Hillary Clinton sheets Barack Obama is crooked Barack Obama cheats liberals make liberals richer. Black lives matters is great I agree but all lives matter if you look at the facts are actually read white people were the most killed by police every

How many years did Malcolm X serve in jail?

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Malcolm x served 10 years in jail and 7 years on parol

What would the world be like without men?

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Asked by Taylormasch

No cooking or cleaning. :/

What were the beliefs of the Republicans?

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Irish Republicans believe quite strongly in the reunion of Ireland under the political authority of the Irish people. Currently, there are 6 counties in the North of Ireland that remain under the control of the British government. The remaining 26 counties in the South are part of the republic of Ireland. The 6 counties in the north are technically under the authority of the Crown. This is an intolerable situation for many Catholics and even some Protestants in the North.

The word "Republican" confuses Americans, who sometimes think it is related to the Republican party of the USA. However, the term "republican" as used by the Irish refers to the basic meaning of the word, namely, a form of government which derives its support from the electorate. The USA has a republican form of government, if that gives you an idea.

To sum up this basic definition, Irish republicans want to be reunited with Ireland and separate from Great Britain, a country they have accused repeatedly of acting unjustly towards the Irish.

The Island of Ireland in overwhelmingly Nationalist / republican in that the majority want a nation independent of Britain or any other foreign power. Irish republicans want the island to be one state. A section of the country was partitioned due to British rule. The six north easterly counties were chosen despite two of these counties having slight nationalist majorities, and two other counties having large unionist minorities. This was done in order to ensure that the Northern Ireland state would always have a strong Unionist majority and thus an internal majority upholding this state. Irish nationalists do not believe a portion of the country should be ruled by the British unless this is the will of the population of Ireland. Uninonists in the six couties believe that they have a right to self determination based on the area of the six counties.

Its kind of like if the majority of New Mexico and Texas were Mexican and decided to create a new province of Mexico and remove themselves from the U.S.A.

Did the Dixiecrats become the neo-conservative Republicans?

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Both sides lie about where they went, fact is some remained in the DNC, some tried to form their own party, failed and joined the GOP. But the racist policies they supported as members of the DNC died as a platform in 1948, and never gained any power back in the DNC after that point, while the Southern Strategy took hold in the GOP. Both party members try to lie and point fingers at each other despite historical fact.

Was Hillary Clinton once a Republican?

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Yes, but she was given this school work where she and a classmate, a Democrat, were assigned to study each others opposing parties and then that changed things--by the end of the assignment, Hillary became a Democrat and her classmate became a Republican.

Is this primary election only for Republicans?

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No. It's a foregone conclusion that Obama will get the Democratic nomination, since he doesn't have any challengers (you've got to be even more unpopular than Obama is to face challengers in the primary for your own party when you're the incumbent).

The other parties will have their own primaries. The only one that's likely to be significant is the Republican candidate; but all the minor parties (Green, Libertarian, American, etc.) will be having their own primaries as well.

What do moderate Republicans and radical Republicans disagree on?

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Moderate Republicans believe in the core beliefs of the Republican Party (smaller government and fiscal responsibility) while finding common ground with Democrats on legislation. A Moderate Republican could favor gay marriage and be pro choice or they could believe in progressive taxation and alternative energy just to name a few things. Most Moderate Republican's are against the Religious Right.

Is Tom Leppert a Democrat or Republican?

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He was the Republican mayor of Dallas, Texas from 2007 to 2011.

Is Arkansas Republican or democratic?

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Although in this recent Presidential election, the nation voted Democratic, the ratio of Republicans to Democrats is quite close at 48%(R)/52%(D).

Actually, while nationwide registration numbers are hard to come by, comprehensive national surveys around party affiliation are available. They estimate that the United States is about 1/3 Republican, 1/3 Democrat, and 1/3 Independent. Naturally, this varies by year, as people's attitudes change (and the personalities each party puts up also change).

For example, a 2008 poll, there were two major questions asked: "Which Party are you Registered with?" and "Which Party do you lean towards voting for?"

  • 36% are registered Democrat
  • 28% are registered Republican
  • 52% vote or lean Democrat
  • 40% vote or lean Republican

A current 2011 poll, however, shows that while registration has not changed much, 44% now lean Democrat, with 40% leaning Republican.