

South Africa History

South African history stretches back to the Khoisan tribes. Since then Europeans, Indians, and Chinese soon arrived in the country. White South Africans are of European descents, while Modern-day South Africans are a mixture of nationalities.

500 Questions

What kind of person was shaka?

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Shaka was well known due to the fact that he rose from a second class status to unite a nation and a people and to create an empire that rivaled Napoleon at the same time, gaining military victories over the great British army, at the time the most powerful empire on earth. He was the greatest African military strategist, ever. If he commanded hiswarriors to leap off a cliff to their deaths, they would not hesitate. He was a brilliant leader, King of the Zulu Nation and was obeyed without question.

Shaka was well known mostly of his bravery and rose to prominence after he defeated King Zwide of the Ndwandwe nation at the time the most feared of the Nguni nations. He taught his warriors to be fearless in battle even facing the bullets they could never ever retreat and also Shaka was very wise ahead of his time.

Did Shaka Zulu die from the British?

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Shaka was assassinated by his half brothers and another person called Mbopa who was a commander of a group or warriers

Where do the herero people live?

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The majority live in Namibia, a few in Botswana

What was the passage called that transported slaves as part of the Triangular Trade?

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It was called the Zulilytutu'.<<--- This Answer IsCompletelyUNTRUE. The Correct Answer is "Middle"

What law denied slaves basic human rights?

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It doesn't let them have freedom, liberty, and perseus of happiness.

Why have many of the African countries experienced so many ethnic conflicts after independence?

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It is mostly to do with the segregation between blacks and whites

When did south Africa become and cease being a colony?

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July 4, 1777. When the founders ratified the Declaration of Independence. That made it official, and our ability to maintain sovereignty (winning the Revolutionary War, thank you France!) after the declaration. Then winning the War of 1812 cemented our independence.

Why did the battle of Rorkes Drift start?

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The British had invaded deeply into Zulu controlled territory. Unfortunately, the British were overconfident, making a few fundamental errors. The Zulus were therefore able to massacre the British, who were over run by the Zulus in a classic Bull manoeuvre (Heavy frontal attack, with two horns performing flanking manoeuvres).

In any event, a minor force was able to cross over the river that separated British controlled South Africa and the lands controlled by the Zulus. This minor scouting force encountered the troupes stationed at Rorkes drift. However, unlike the earlier encounter, the British troops were able to build a reasonable defended position from which to employ their weapons

It was never a major objective for the Zulus. However, this does not mean that the fighting was not fierce and a reflection of this was in the amount of VC awarded for the action (Although less generous historians will state that the media frenzy that followed this action and the medals were an attempt to draw attention away from the earlier military disaster).

The Zulu war lasted about 2 years, resulting in the eventual destruction of the Zulu nation.

Where do the khoi khoi people live?

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They are nomadic and live in the southern area of Namibia. Many have left this nomadic life and now live in European communities

Where was Cetshwayo kaMpande born?

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King of the Zulu people in South Africa. He was defeated in the remarkable British defence of the mission at Rorkes Drift in 1879.

What year was the zulu war?

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22nd January 1879.

What were the khoi-khoi's houses made of?

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The lived on reed mats in dome shaped huts.

Why did they kill shaka Zulu?

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Shaka's half brothers killed him because they were jealous of his power.

How did shaka Zulu impact the Zulu war?

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Shaka initiated many military, social, cultural and political reforms, forming a well-organized and centralised Zulu state.

The most important reforms involved the transformation of the army, thanks to innovative tactics and weapons he conceived;

and a showdown with the spiritual leadership, witchdoctors, effectively ensuring the subservience of the "Zulu church" to the state.

Another important reform integrated defeated clans into the Zulu, on a basis of full equality, with promotions in the army

and civil service becoming a matter of merit rather than due to circumstances of birth.

The alliance under his leadership survived Zwide's first assault at the Battle of Gqokli Hill (1818).

Within two years, Shaka had defeated Zwide at the Battle of Mhlatuze River (1820) and broken up the Ndwandwe alliance,

some of whom in turn began a murderous campaign against other Nguni tribes and clans, setting in motion what became known

as Defecane or Mfecane, a mass-migration of tribes fleeing the remnants of the Ndwandwe fleeing the Zulu.

By 1825, Shaka had conquered a huge empire covering an area of around 11,500 square miles (30,000 km2)

from the sea in the east to the Ginsberg mountains in the west, and from the Pongola River in the north to the Banshee River

in the south, not far from the modern-day city of East London.

An offshoot of the Zulu, the amaNdebele, better known to history as the Matabele created an even larger empire

under their king Mzilikazi, including large parts of the highveld and modern-day Zimbabwe.

What are the three regions of Africa's plateau?

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the highveld, the middleveld, and the lowveld.

When did the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa happen?

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The Sharpeville massacre took place on the 21st March 1960.

Which country was responsible for starting the African Slave Trade in 1441?

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The Portuguese started the trading, this is how it was done:

1~Take manufactured goods from Europe to Africa.

2~Use them to trade for slaves.

3~Take slaves to America,

4~ Slaves work in sugar, cotton, and other fields,

5~ Ships return to Europe with goods grown by slaves.

This was called the Triangle Trade.

Get it?

they did it because they needed slaves to work the Field fro them. All in all they got a nice profit from it.

What is the oldest city in South Africa?

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The Castle of Good Hope

What changes did the iron age bring in southern Africa?

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Iron brought Many changes in Africa that is in their economic.political and their social life changed greatly chiefdoms emerged as well as classes in society

Why did Europe colonize Africa?

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Well, when Europe decided to spread, Portugal went on a different route than the rest of Europe. Portugal ended up in Africa and found gold and salt. It quickly took over by controlling trade. It then set up colonies with all the supplies it needed.