

Sugar and Sweeteners

Sugar is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is used as a natural food stuff to sweeten the majority of other food stuffs that we wish to taste sweet. Monosaccharides is the simplest form of sugar. Sugar can be found in the tissues of plants before sugar use, honey was used to add sweetness to our foods. Sweeteners, rather than being a food stuff is a food additive. High intensity sweeteners, are a lot sweeter than sugar that we use everyday that does not contain the same level of food energy. Sweeteners can be natural or synthetic the majority are artificial. Sorbitol is a natural sweetener whereas saccharin, created by accident in 1879 is an artificial sweetener. Sweeteners can take the place of natural sugar, where the consumption of natural sugar may be detrimental to our health, such as diabetes sufferers. Canada banned the use of saccharin in 1977 as tests in relation to bladder cancer from the 1960's showed that their may be a link to bladder cancer of users of high dies of saccharin, also these tests involved the use of animals.

500 Questions

What nutients does sugar come under?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technically sugar is not a nutrient, it's a source of stored energy (measured in calories).

Does aspartame increase insulin levels?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO! The blood glucose effect is statistically INSIGNIFICANT!! This is a myth. This concerned me as I am trying to lose weight and several studies have been done, however the one below I feel is the clearest.

Twelve normal subjects and 10 subjects with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus were given, in random order at intervals of greater than or equal to 1 wk, three drinks of the same beverage: one unsweetened, one sweetened with 400 mg aspartame, and one sweetened with 135 mg saccharin. The amount of sweetener approximated that in 1 L of sugar-free soft drink. Plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon were measured for 3 h after ingestion of the test beverage. Plasma glucose declined slightly throughout the test period, probably due to fasting, with no differences between the three treatments. Neither sweetener affected peak insulin levels in subjects with or without diabetes. Analysis of area under the curve showed that mean insulin levels were statistically significantly higher after aspartame than after saccharin or unsweetened beverage in normal subjects only, but the magnitude of the difference was small and unlikely to be of physiological importance in the absence of differences in glucose levels. Furthermore, the differences could largely be accounted for by a decrease in insulin values after both unsweetened beverage and saccharin, with no change from baseline after aspartame. Glucagon levels showed time-to-time variation but no overall differences. We conclude that ingestion of aspartame- or saccharin-sweetened beverages by fasting subjects, with or without diabetes, did not affect blood glucose homeostasis.

How would Splenda affect respiration?

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The chemical formula of Sucralose, which is found in Splenda and Equal, is C12H19Cl3O8. It has little to no effect on respiration as it is closely related to sugar and does not contain Aspartame.

What is hidden sugar in food?

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It is some lameass nerds hidden piece of sugar in the food...

When was the sugar invented?

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Asked by CheeseIsCool

Sugar was only discovered by western Europeans as a result of the Crusades in the 11th Century AD. Crusaders returning home talked of this "new spice" and how pleasant it was. The first sugar was recorded in England in 1099. The subsequent centuries saw a major expansion of western European trade with the East, including the importation of sugar.

What can you substitute for dark muscovado sugar?

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You could use dark brown sugar, but the flavour will not be as strong.

What type of sugar is in strawberries?

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Per strawberry? About 1, maybe less.

Can you mix flour and sugar to make powder sugar?

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No, powdered sugar is is just sugar finely ground.

Is splenda bad for the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

After many hours of research on both sides of the fence I've come to conclude that Splenda is no more harmful to your body than any other food product on the market that has been chemically, genetically, or metabolically altered. (90% of what we consume without question.)

The only way that this product might be of overwhelming importance is to someone that absolutely refuses to ingest any food product that is not 100% natural.

It is true that three of the hydroxyl groups and the sugar molecules have been replaced by three chlorine atoms, and seems to be the primary basis for it's demise.

Our body, however actually needs chlorine a.k.a. chloride, a.k.a. sodium chloride, a.k.a. salt, in maintaining water balance, and is an essential component of gastric juice.

However it should also be noted that our chlorine intake should not be excessive. (5100 milligrams a day for an average adult.) No more so then our daily intake of sugars, carbs, calorie's, starches, ect, ect... "Everything in moderation" (if your health allows it.) Too much of anything can be hazardous to your health, likewise not enough of the right things can be hazardous to your health.

For the most part Splenda is largely unrecognized by the body. By most accounts only some 15% is absorbed by the body.

The claims of all the adverse affects of Splenda appear to be based on the adverse effects relating to the abundance of chlorine in the body and not Splenda itself, or the fact that it is just plainly "A man made" or "Altered" substance. Additionally all claims against Splenda are very vague and general using terms like "appears to be" or "thought to have been" or "categorized with other" unhealthy food products.

You can find something unhealthy with ANY food product known to man no matter how significant or insignificant it may be, because of the individual effects our bodies have on different foods.

My advise is to use research from all sides, balance and wisdom and see if it's right for you.

Why cane sugar is sweetest sugar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes,Cane sugar is the sweetest sugar because it is made with the sweetest thing in the world the sugar cane and that's why sugar made by sugar cane is the is the sweetest sugar

How do you extract xylitol from a stevia plant?

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Mix together 1 cup very hot distilled water with 1 cup bruised fresh Stevia leaves or 1/2 cup dried crushed Stevia leaves. Put in a jar with a cover. Let it stand for a day, then filter through a coffee filter. Refrigerate, covered, up to a month or freeze up to 6 months. You can dilute it with water if you want.

If you have a Stevia plant, harvest the leaves just as it begins to flower, this is when the plant is at its sweetest. To dry, strip an inch or so of the bottom leaves from the stem, hang upside down in a cool, dry place. When the leaves can be crumbled between your palms, the herb is dry enough. Store away from heat and light.

What types of sugars in what quantities are in fresh pineapple?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the USDA database the average of all varieties for 1 cup of raw chunks is;
sucrose 9.88 grams, glucose 2.85 grams, fructose 3.50 grams. The total sugar content is
16.25 grams. That a very small 20 mg of other unspecified sugar(s).

What holiday drink is made with sugar milkand eggs?

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Eggnog which long ago was called milk punch or egg milk punch is made with eggs (should be cooked), milk and sugar. Adults often add rum or brandy.

How much is 175 gr of sugar?

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Cups to Grams 1/8 cup=15 grams 1/4 cup=30 grams 1/3 cup=40 grams 3/8 cup=45 grams 1/2 cup=60 grams 5/8 cup=70 grams 2/3 cup=75 grams 3/4 cup=85 grams 7/8 cup=100 grams 1 cup=110 grams

What effect does sugar and starch have?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, sugar and starch are not the same thing, they only have similar characteristics. You may have noticed that they are both alike in color and are both opaque, but they also have differences. Sugar has crystals, but starch does not. Sugar is grainy, yet starch is more smooth and powdery. Sugar and starch also interact with heat differently. Starch will turn black very quickly do to the carbon while the sugar will turn many different colors before turning black.

Will the caloric value of 100g hamburger be higher or lower than the caloric value 100g sugar?

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Lower: the hamburger will usually have fewer calories, unless the hamburger has more than 35% fat.

There are 387 calories in 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of granulated sugar.

There are about 190 calories in 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of lean beef, up to 330 calories in ground beef that is 30% fat.

Does it contain aspartame?

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Sweet n Low brand sweetener does not contain aspartame. The sweetening agent is saccharine. Aspartame, commonly found in diet soft drinks, has recently been linked to depression and mood instability.

Is there a best before date for splenda?

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It seems that Splenda should last for at least two years when held at room temperature. See Related Links.

I have some packets that are older than that and they seem just fine.

Is sweetex a better substitute to sugar than aspartame?

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Asked by Wiki User

can you tell me if sweetex contains ASPARTAME many thanks Bill