



Theater is a type of live performing art that includes genres such as drama, musical and comedy.

500 Questions

Which country does not have cinema theater?

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Saudi Arabia doesn't have any cinema theatres and I'm guessing that the Sahara desert doesn't either. i am sure that there is lots of places without them. hope i helped, Joanna

How many shows appear on Broadway each year?

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This question comes from an Internet Search Challenge ( in which the goal is to select effective keywords and/or a relevant database to search. There are actually several web pages that answer the question authoritatively. Finding one of those requires being selective with search terms and substituting words that are more effective than those given in the question.

What is a tragicomedy in theater?

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A theatrical tragedy is generally a play in which one or more of the main characters dies. In many of William Shakespeare's plays, his title characters exhibit a "tragic flaw" a sole characteristic that is what eventually causes their downfall. However, it does not only exist in just Shakespeare, the tragic flaw can be seen in characters from all realms of theatre, from John Proctor in Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" or Baron Tuzenbach in Anton Chekhov's "The Three Sisters".

How many seats are in Broadway theaters?

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At 1900 seats, the Gershwin is the largest of the Broadway theaters

The willing suspension of disbelief refers to what?

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Asked by Acelynn007

If you've ever enjoyed a Bruce Willis "Die Hard" movie, then you've suspended your disbelief. If you are a fan of "24" and have no trouble accepting all the preposterously miraculous technological feats accomplished by the wizards at CTU -- not to mention Jack Bauer's uncanny intellect, determination, will, perseverance, and ruthlessness -- then you have suspended your disbelief. William Safire, writing his weekly "On Language" column in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, recently addressed the topic of suspending one's disbelief. Here's the link: Or click the web link below and to the left.

How long did the plays of Shakespeare run?

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It depends on the production, but something around two hours would probably be standard. The BBC version takes 109 minutes.

What was the first play on Broadway?

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Billy Elliot, Shrek the Musical, Wicked, Mamma Mia, Mary Poppins...

there are a lot more go to:

to read the full list.

What is the difference between cinema and play?

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what is the difference between a theater play and a cinema play?

What do you call those two persons who doing drama theater?

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Show stoppers , nah im lyin i dont know da answer loolz

When did drama develop into an art form?

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It is really not difficult to visualise Drama as a result of the way people live and become creative about the most mundane as well as the most impressive, significant and exciting incidents or moments in life. Human communities pick times and happenings to commemorate. While this was a simple communal activity, it drew on people's creativity to bring life and meaning to ritual and ceremony. Naturally the next time it happens the ceremonial acts are improved on or made more significant in view of the hosts and their supporters or helpers. Since the whole/ most of the community are part of what takes place it gets more innovations, improvements, stylisations which will continue to grow as outside influences or new innovations in economies, new political ideas etc. bringing their influence. These simple beginnings are the ones which dramtic and theatrical works borrow from.

What are some dark mysterious names?

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Zane, Damen, Damien, Xavior

When did the globe theater burn down?

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On 29 June 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, wadding from a stage cannon ignited the thatched roof and the theatre burned to the ground 'all in less than two hours, the people having enough to do to save themselves'. Fortunately no lives were lost.

When was the first sewer built in London?

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The first sewers were built by the Romans who built London, or Londium as they named it, they were very ahead of their time as far as sewage, central heating etc was concerned. Some of the sewers still in use, follow the same route as the Romans

What was the price of theater tickets in 1960?

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Depending on the show and the day of the week, between $5 and $9. Best seats for "The Music Man in 1960, were $8.95

Where you get a free script for wicked?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, first, you could become a director, and then send for the rights, but that would be really hard.

Which leaves you to go to the show and bring lots of money. At the souveneir shop, the sell books called the grimmerie, akthough it doesnt caontain spells, this book contains everything from how Idina turns green to Kristins little bubble. Adn yes, it contains the script. Although i warn you, if you want the score, this isn't the right place. You can buy the score cheap.


Actually, the Grimmerie doesn't have much of the script- just a few lines and all of the songs. This website

has a lot of the lines but not all.... I'm looking for the scene when Fiyero nearly ran over Elphaba....

What theater has the largest seating capacity in the world?

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No its Thangam Theatre in Madurai ( India ) - capacity = 2,563 people and total area is 52000 sq.ft. But The National Performing Arts Theatre ( Srilanka ) - capacity is only 1,288 people and the total area is 14000 sq.ft.

What year did the musical Annie open on Broadway?

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Some years back. it was adapted into a Movie. the comic strip is still extant. Little Orphan Annie, inspired by a poem by James Whitcomb Riley, in the early l900"s is arguably the longest-running comic strip of all times. the lead character has never aged.

Lighting designers use four controllable qualities of light to create with?

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Asked by Acelynn007

*intensity, distribution, color and movement

Where did the name theater come from?

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c.1374, "open air place in ancient times for viewing spectacles," from O.Fr. theatre (12c.), from L. theatrum, from Gk. theatron "theater," lit. "place for viewing," from theasthai "to behold" (cf. thea "a view," theates "spectator") + -tron, suffix denoting place. Meaning "building where plays are shown" (1577) was transferred to that of "plays, writing, production, the stage" (1668). Spelling with -re prevailed in Britain after c.1700, but Amer.Eng. retained or revived the older spelling in -er. Generic sense of "place of action" is from 1581; especially "region where war is being fought" (1914). Theatrical "pertaining to the theater" is recorded from 1558; in the sense of "stagy, histrionic" it is attested from 1709.

"The Theatre of the Absurd strives to express its sense of the senselessness of the human condition and the inadequacy of the rational approach by the open abandonment of rational devices and discursive thought." [M. Esslin, "Theatre of the Absurd," 1961]

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The spelling "theater" is one of Noah Webster's "reforms" while theatre reflects the French origin of the word.

In Sweeney Todd how was Mrs Lovett's death filmed?

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In the Stephen Sondheim version (which Tim Burton did a film adaptation of, starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter) Sweeney hurls her into the oven, shuts the door, and lets her burn to death.

What is the Summary of August rush?

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August Rush

Lyla is a renowned and beautiful cellist and Louis is a bass player in club. Lyla and Louis falls in love once they meet each other following the music. Since they have different life, they have to separate without seeing each other once again. However, Lyla has had their baby-Evan, a prodigy born to music. Lyla has an accident and bears the baby but Lyla's father gives the baby to an orphanage but does not tell her this in case of affecting her career. After that, both Louis and Lyla give up the music career. Eleven years later, the poor little Evan believes that their parents are waiting for him and goes to New York to find his parents. In New York, his music gift leads him to success but also gives him some trouble. A monger uses Evan to make money and prevents him from success. He escapes and runs into a church and people there are surprised by his gift and send him to the best music school, Juilliard. In the Juilliard school, he receive the normal education but his genius makes him brilliant and created his composition--August Rhapsody in C major. At the same time, Lyla and Louis both begin to play music again and Louis has been in New York. Because of his perfect performance, Evan is granted an opportunity to play his music in the central park in front of thousands of people. There are totally three composers and he is feathered last, in fact, his mother is the second one. As Evan is directing the orchestra to play his rhapsody, Lyla and Louis come to the concert following the music again. The family get together finally!

How much is a theater ticket?

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"The average cost of a movie theater seat in the United States was $7.95 in 2010. However, theater seats to plays vary greatly due to several factors such as locations, actors and they play itself. For example, small time theaters may charge a small fee but world-renowned theaters such as those on Broadway can sell tickets for thousands."

Why do theaters have curtains on the walls?

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The curtains on the walls absorb sound and deter echoes for better acoustics.

Who were the original cast members of The Color Purple on Broadway?

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color purp

celie - Is the movie's protagonist

mister - Celie's abusive husband who originally wanted to marry her sister Netty, but their father thought she was too young

pa- Is the sister's (Celie and Netty) stepfather. He rapes Celie and she bares two inscetuous children


netty- Celie's sister

squeak - Harpo's girlfriend after Sophia leaves him

sophia- Harpo's wife. She is a very strong woman whose pride often gets her into trouble


harpo- A product of Mister's first wife. He is a nice man who is mislead by his father that being an abusive husband is the only way to get a wife's respect. Because of this advice Sophia ends up leaving him.