


Torture is the infliction of severe physical pain, psychological pain, and possibly injury to a person or other living being on purpose. In most cases, the victim is restrained and unable to resist the violence of the perpetrator. Torture has been used and continues to be used by individuals, organizations, and governments, regardless of numerous governments' and international organizations' laws opposing torture. This is because there are numerous motives for torture such as: punishment, revenge, political re-education, deterrence, interrogation or coercion of the victim or a third party, or simply the sadistic gratification of those carrying out or observing the torture.

500 Questions

How can you torture Sonic?

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If someone were to torture Sonic, they could shave his head, , or make him eat something he hates, or put him out on boat alone in the middle of the ocean or do something to him that he hates.

Who did the Nazis torture and murder?

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During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority": Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Homosexuals.

What is the name of a medieval instrument of torture ussed to crussh fingers?

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Try PILLIWINK. If for 30/08/08 Telegraph crossword- pilliwinks.

When did medieval torture stop?

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Because it was during the Inquisition when criminals were heavily tortured and so the most common ways to torture or execute criminals during the Inquisition was by Burning at the Stake, using The Wheel Torture or using the Head Vice. Later on, when the average peasant took fear to this torture, crimes lowered quickly.

What kind of torture techniques does Guantanamo Bay use?

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I actually did research on the topic & when a list was created of the horrors, the ones who held the sheet at hand were threatened if the information was to be released. Some things were leaked, such as the genitals of the inmates being sliced with a scalpel and such. Torture is going on for sure, but the government isn't making it easy to gain access to the details. Gitmo is actually shut down now so you can breathe easy.

How does it feel to be tortured?

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Just as there are a number of reasons for torture, and a number of methods, there are many different responses to torture, depending on the individual, his training and his motivations. Blocking pain from physical torture is usually harder than blocking psychological torture. The possible exception is sleep deprivation, which can sometimes break through the most determined mental defenses, overcoming one's intellectual resistance.

Torture is often designed to compel a person to provide information, rather than simply make them suffer. Complicating this for the torturers is that they are often not *certain* that the person being tortured actually has the information sought. This enables many victims of torture to avoid divulging what they know.

Reactions to torture range from grief, despair and helplessness to stoic acceptance and resolve. Prolonged torture can result in permanent physical injuries and/or mental trauma.

Why did Josef Mengele torture so many people?

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Josef Mengele did experiments on how to best kill people and he used the Jews and other prisoners at Auschwitz. He also did things like measure skulls of the Jews, timed how long it took to freeze to death. For gruesome details read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

What did medieval tortures do for entertainment?

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Torture was not used as a form of entertainment legally anywhere during the Middle Ages. It was condemned by the Church during much of the Middle Ages, and in those countries where it was used, it was usually reserved for the worst of crimes. There were times when large numbers of people were tortured in one way or another, but these were not usual and were seldom for entertainment.

There were a few rulers who may have tortured people because they were sadistic and enjoyed hurting people. Vlad the Impaler is probably the best known example. He was not really medieval, however, and his rule began just about the time the Middle Ages were ending.

What were types of torture used in the nanking massacre?

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The incident is also known as "The Rape of Nanking," is a rare example of simultaneous gendercides against women and men. It is generally remembered for the invading forces' barbaric treatment of Chinese women. In WW2 the Japanese invaded china. Men were rounded up and the heads cut in tournaments to see who could cut most heads. Many thousands of women were killed after gang rape, and tens of thousands of others brutally injured and traumatized. Meanwhile, approximately a quarter of a million defenseless Chinese men were rounded up as prisoners-of-war and murdered en masse, used for bayonet practice, or burned and buried alive.

What torture did the men go through during the Holocaust?

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Gas Chambers -

These gas chambers were used to torture then kill the Jews. The Jews were put into small chambers in groups and gas was released in these chambers. This gas was very hazardous and it killed everyone in the chamber. This was one of Hitler's main techniques to kill Jews. It was a slow death, which is way most countries have banned the use of these chambers.

Lethal Injection -

Lethal injection that was used during the Holocaust in the same way as America version; for execution; they inject poison into the bloodstream by needle. Most needles were not sterol so if somehow you did not die by the poison that was injected you would die of infectious diseases.


The Nazi's hung Jews for committing crimes. They sometimes picked Jews that had not committed any crimes, more innocent Jews were hung then Jews that had actually committed crimes. They would take a thick rope about a yard long, tie it to the top of a wooden platform, and slide your head into the hole of the rope(made by tying the end of the rope to the rope, to make a circular shape to fit around your neck and it was tightened). You would then be thrown off the wooden platform. They would cut the rope and move on to the next Jew.


Some Jewish women were raped by the Nazi guards within the concentration camps and also outside of the camps. This was one of the worst tortures they used, because the women were taken from their families(who were usually slaughtered) and made a sexual slave to whom ever took you.


Some Jews died from the conditions on the way and in the concentration camps such as hunger, thirst, and being stomped when in the crowd being taken from their homes to the concentration camps. Many Jews died from lack of food, the only food that was in the concentration camps was for the Nazi's and the Jews got the left overs, if there were any. The only drinking water was out of puddles, and the water was not purified, some died of infectious disease in the dirty water.


The Nazi's were notorious for shootings. If you were in a concentration camp or working in a labor field, you had the risk of being shot by a Nazi. Most would say being shot was the best way to die in the concentration camps, it was quick and you didn't have to suffer. They would shoot you and add your body to the body ditch, which normally had hundreds of dead bodies.

Physical Labor-

A lot of Jews were forced into physical labor. They would have to build railroads and trenches, work quarries, etc. Many Jews worked for German companies in or around the camps. Other people who had skills worked at their trades - seamstresses, goldsmiths, carpenters, shoemakers. They worked on the clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc. left behind by the murdered people.


A lot of Jews were beaten by the Nazi's with bull whips or strips of leather. It was excruciatingly painful, and it didn't kill you. You were normally beaten on many occasions. They would beat any part of your body, it didn't matter to them. If you were beaten it usually left bruises, scars, or blisters.


Some Jews were used for Nazi Medical Experiments. This could be painful or kill you. They could change the way your body performed, make your mind hallucinate, etc.

Why did Hitler torture people?

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Small minds tend to believe that THEY, and people like them, are superior. They tend to believe that since they are superior they have the right to do whatever they want to people who are inferior. These are the same type of people who were participating in racial hatred during the 50's and 60's.

Usually these types of people are actually ignorant and weak. They attempt to build up their own self image by tearing down someone else. It did not work well for them during the Holocaust and it still doesn't work.

Hitler and his followers tortured the Jews because they believed tht they had the right. They truly believed that they were the "master race". They truly believed that the financial problems of Germany during the 30's was caused by the Jews. They ignored the fact that they brought on much of their own problems when they started WW1, and that the problems of the 30's was little more than the reaction of the rest of the world to their aggression of WW1. the Nazis were selfish people and to whom they tried to kill they managed to fight back. and this makes me mad because it is so not right you know.

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To whomever wrote the above answer.

You are giving your personal opinion on the matter you are not stating WHY they did it.

You should read the book "The Castle in The Forest", give it some thought and then you will see things beyond just mere superficial appearance.

Hitler had a chain of reasons why he should punish Jews. Didn't make it right what he did though. But thinking he was superior was difinitely NOT it.

What is Chinese torture?

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Chinese Water torture, is when a person is locked up to where the victim cannot move. Then cold water is slowly dripped one drop at a time (usually 1 drop every 6-14 seconds). It eventually drives the victim crazy A) (Because they are waiting for the drop each time B) Because they can't use their hands to wipe off the water or warm up their face from the cold water. This method of torture has no proof ever being used thought Hudini did try it out.

What were the means of torture or death of perpetators of Holocaust Holocaust?

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Gas chambers, testing (on twins), starvation,shooting,disease (caused the death of many but not directly caused by the nazis) and stabbing (infants) were some

What was torture in trial in the middle ages?

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Torture was used, but was not necessarily common. There were many countries, and many legal codes during the thousand years the Middle Ages lasted, and while some used torture, perhaps even most at one time or another, there were some places where torture would certainly have been very unusual practice to say the least.

The Church repeatedly banned torture, and the effect of certain papal bulls was that clergy were not permitted to take part in any legal proceedings that included torture. Nevertheless, there were certainly tortures used by clergy in inquisitions in some parts of Europe.

Torture was more common in some countries during certain periods of time. While Vlad the Impaler comes to mind as a well known practitioner, the Plantagenet kings of England are remembered for their use of it.

Two practices are particularly well known. One is the English execution of certain criminals who were hanged, drawn, and quartered. The hanging was done simply to give the criminal time to suffer the pain of a noose. He was supposed to be hanged in such a way that his neck would not break, and cut down before losing consciousness. He was then cut to pieces with some care to produce pain and humiliation. The pieces were then shipped to various places for public display. Guy Fawkes, when undergoing this, stepped off the platform with the noose around his neck so the fall would break his neck and he would not suffer the pains associated with the rest of the procedure. Guy Fawkes' commission of treason is probably the most notorious in the history of England.

The other practice was burning at the steak. The pain of this varied from one instance to another, with many people simply suffocating before they were burned, and other others being purposely made to suffer as much pain as possible.

Many tortures were committed secretly, and these were probably most commonly used to extract confessions. They probably included everything one might imagine.

Did Hitler torture women?

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He would dip their pigtails in the inkwell.

Did Alexander the Great torture his slaves?

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Yes, Alexander did allow slavery. While the city of Tyre was under siege, Alexander sold the women and children into slavery.

What kind of torture did they do in the concentration camps during the Holocaust?

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They did horrible things. I can't believe a human being could be so cruel. They did things like sewing different body parts onto other people, operations without anesthetic, and taking out internal organs such as liver and intestines. Firing squads were used to gun down many people at a time and then dumped the people into heaps. Some were told they were being taken to a shower and it was actually a gas chamber. The soap in these 'showers' were made out of Jewish bodies. (fat). Many starved to death and some were used as guinea pigs for medical testing, especially twins. For their meals (if they were lucky) they would get 1 cup of dirty water a day with a slice of bread. Methods of execution included more than gassing and shooting; Jews were killed in a variety of ways. The camp guards "became notorious for their cruelty, trying to outdo each other in devising fiendish methods of killing their victims". One man froze to death because he was forced to stay in an ice hole until he died. Another victim was hung upside down, completely naked, for three hours until he was killed by the camp guards who used "sticks to force sand down his throat". Source:

www . holocaustchronicle. org [Edit: breaks added as links are not permitted and prevent posting]

Pg 396 & 351 Many Jews were forced to stand in the blazing sun for hours on end, no sitting, water or rest. Strong men were taken away for work om farms. Pretty girls were forced to become unspeakable things. [Edit - generally, unpaid prostitutes for the guards.]


I am afraid human beings can be that cruel, and the Nazis were by no means the first or last in that regard. Stalin's regime in Russian, Chairman Mao's in China, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and so-called ISIS now, all plumb the same depths of inhumanity. What sets the Nazis apart perhaps, is not the appalling death toll of about 6 000 000 (Stalin killed even more) but the carefully-planned industrial approach and scale of their methods, with the gas chambers becoming their preferred extermination technique, rather than shootings.

What was the most common form of medieval torture?

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You would get put in the stocks or you would get hung.

Did the Nazis torture red heads?

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Glad this was asked they did not kill or harm the red heads at all, well as long as they came from what they call Pure Blood. But also if you are curious the Nazis not only welcomed Red heads they adored them because the red head gene came from Viking and Scandinavian Descent. Hope I helped.

How did the Nazis torture?

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Indications are that Hitler was very squeamish for a dictator, and he left the torture to his underlings who less sensitive. There was at least one exception. Some Germans who were convicted in the 1944 assassination attempt at Wolf's Lair were hanged with piano wire from meat hooks so they would strangle slowly, and films were made of it for Hitler to watch.

What were the torture devices during the holocaust?

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Mainly existing devices were pressed into service- or stretched out on a rack! As France already had capital punishment by this means- Guillotines were used in Vichy France- in one case an abortionist was executed by this means. There were various forms of inhuman (tests) of gas, chemical warfare equipment, survival gear- by dunking POWs in cold water without survival gear for ( control) or test purposes- unlike Army and Navy Volunteers who would have- say heat- packls in their life vests when ( Dunked) Altitude and decompression chambers were tragically misused by different branches of the services.

Why were people torture in Dark Ages?

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AnswerIn some countries people are tortured today. Think also of the dictatorships of the 1900s. The reasons include terrorizing the population and extracting confessions. MoreThe reasons for torture were the same in the middle ages as they are today, and were as the answer above indicates. There are some misconceptions about the middle ages, however, and they should be understood.

First of all, torture was not as common as people might imagine. There were papal injunctions against it and after the 13th century clergy were prohibited from being involved in any proceedings that included torture.

Ecclesiastical courts were not permitted to torture people during much of the middle ages, but they could be appealed to by people who were qualified for them. These included any clergy, and since clergy were hard to identify, legally they were defined as anyone who could read. In England, passing a standard test qualified any person accused for ecclesiastical court, and the test was to read the 51st Psalm.

Also, in most of Europe, for most of the middle ages, criminals and fugitives could find sanctuary in monasteries and churches, which meant that anyone who was worried about it, or about any sort of abuse, could get refuge.

Clearly torture was used, and there were kings and even dynasties well known for its use. But it was not always used, and it was frowned upon in those days by many people just as it is today.

The crimes for which torture was used were those the authorities most wanted to discourage. Possibly the most important was treason, though this was broadly defined in those days.