


Trout are a type of freshwater fish that are usually found in lakes or streams. They are a source of food for many animals; a few include the brown bear and some birds.

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How do you know if a trout is male or female?

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1. One of best ways to distinguish the sex of a trout is to examine the mouth. Female trout all have a short rounded nose or upper jaw, while male trout have a more elongated snout. If your trout has a lower jaw with a kype, it's a male for sure. Although the mouth of a female trout will grow larger as it ages and increases in size, the mouth will never grow a kype (hooked lower jaw). Upon becoming sexually mature, male trout will begin to grow a pronounced kype. At first, it will just be a tell-tale sign, but as a male trout ages, its kype will become more pronounced. It's important to point out that even for trout that aren't sexually mature, an angler can look at the mouth of a trout and see either a uniform mouth with a short rounded nose (female), or a elongated snout with a slightly longer lower jaw (male).

2. Sexually mature male and female trout for both rainbows and browns have different looking anal fins. A male will have a slight convex anal fish "(", while a female trout's anal fin will be slightly concave ")". I'm not sure if cutthroat trout are in the same boat. I'll have to depend on the community who regularly catch them, to provide us their insight and confirm this.

What do farm raised trout eat?

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Trout will sometimes eat plankton, but they are predators. Plants are not on their menu. There are a lot of different varieties, and their diets vary as their habitat does. Use the link below for more information. It will take you to Wikipedia's article on the trout. You can link to different types of trout from there and check their diets.

Life span of a rainbow trout?

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Most likely four to six years.

Does shark eat a trout?

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Yes, they do. That is why Tuna ranchers must keep sharks out of their holding pens. Tuna "ranchers" keep juvenile tuna in enormous, very deep nets (pens) which supported by buoys and kept just a few miles off land. The young tuna are trapped in "seine" type nets, moved to the deep nets, fed ( like "feedlots"), and held until reach the desired weight after several months. The tuna are usually fed sardines or other small fish, twice daily, until they are harvested ("killed"). Shark must be kept out of the nets because they will eat the tuna or damage the tuna, which can be worth as much as $173,000 at the fish auctions in Japan. The ranchers are working very hard to "grow" the tuna, like cattle or pigs. Tuna are practically worth their weight in gold.

Is trout fresh water or salt?

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Most trout are freshwater fish.

There is a species that is saltwater, the Sea trout

Can freshwater trout freeze and live?

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if you freeze a fish and thaw it soon enough it might live. some animals can survive if u freeze them. e.g. a lobster will come back to life if u thaw it

Rainbow trout can they live in ponds?

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Noo. Rainbow trout can not live in pond water. That depends on the temp., oxygen level, and some type of fresh water. like a water change, or a small stream. a fountain, waterfall, and the stream will help with oxygen levels.

What Biome does a Trout live in?

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well a brook trout live in a variety of different habitats but the main one would be in a river or a lake someting like that if you don't think this is right then ask a mum or dad or sister or brother grandad or nan it mey sound stupid but try it someone will know !!:):)

Is the trout bigger than the salmon?

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Barracudas live in saltwater, when salmon live in freshwaters, streams and rivers.

A salmon is also a lot smaller than a barracuda. A salmon is an average of 58 in. and a barracuda can be as large as 6ft.


They are both fish

They both have teeth

And they both eat fish. A lot of people think salmon don't eat other fish, but they do. They eat small fish.

I hope this helps! A lot of kids on my website asked this.

Mr.Hohe (Or Mr.HomeworkHelper)

Why do trout need cold water?

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Because trout tend to prefer the way the water feels when they urinate. Also they like to be in warmer water because there are less fishermen there, and they can find there own food! also they like the surrondings around warm water; moella plants in particular.

Where can i find rainbow trout?

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The rainbow trout lives in cool ponds and rivers sometimes lakes they live in forests and the countryside!

What is the plural for trout?

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The plural of trout IS trout.

How long does the cutthroat trout grow?

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There are several species of trout. The largest lake trout recorded weight is over 60 pounds, and rainbow trout weighing as much as 25 pounds have been caught.

How many different species of trout are there?

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Many. Some are: Rainbow, brown, brook, Dolly Varden, lake, bull, golden, cutthroat, Apache.

What does the magical rainbow trout do on mweor Does it only change the base color rainbow?

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feed it to your cat it changes its color to rainbow but is PERMANT!

Is trout seafood?

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yeah it's a fish

What are the behavioral adaptations of rainbow trout?

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Typically a fish of cold water mountain streams, found native to western streams and rivers. Feeds on small aquatic life and insects. Introduced outside of native range, especially in the eastern U.S.

How do you catch trout?

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you go to the best place that you think of for fishing,(which I recommend you fish off a pier or a dock. but if you have a boat then you should definetly fish off it.) You cast the line out,(basicly just flipping the handle, then fling the tip of the rod upward or sideward then let go of the line at the last minute.)When it lands just wait for a bite.( I would ether hold part of the line slightly so when a fish bites youll easily feel it, or when the weight goes underwater pull and reel. when you pull and reel jerk the fishing rod up, and reel. but NEVER make the fishing rod go down low, because that loosens the line and the hook, so that the hook would dettach from the fish, and the fish would get away.
You have to get a fishing rod and go to a nice fishing spot. But before you do that you have to find bait but of course you can purchase this at a bait place. Make sure you put the bait nice and tight. Then you can fish!
To catch a fish you might place bait on a hook that is attached to fishing line and a fishing pole. Place the bait in the water and wait for the fish to bite.

How do you catch trout with bare hands?

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First you find a lizards home. Then you wait till it comes out. If you are catching it with your bare hands I recommend you wait till the morning. They are slow and in the morning. Then you sneak up from behind it. Then you put your hand over it careful not to squish it.

Why does a rainbow trout have a pink stripe?

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We just returned from a Nova Scotia fishing vacation and found this with brook trout caught on the same day. Only difference was some were caught in a semi-salty Bras d'Or Lake tributary and some in a nearby fresh water river.

Explain the difference between rainbow trout and steelhead trout?

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A Salmon is not a trout. They are related, however a Steelhead is actually the same fish as a Rainbow Trout. Genetically identical. Salmon die after they spawn while Steelhead return to the sea/lake and can spawn several times before death.

What are the natural enemies of a rainbow trout?

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There are many natural predators that live in a variety of environments, The hatchet fish will have to watch out for the angler fish and the viper fish.
tuna fish

What is a young trout called?

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The term "fingerling" or "juvenile" can be applied to young fish. Fry is a term that applies to an earlier stage of development when the fish has just absorbed its yolk sack and become free swimming. Fingerling is the general term for a fish in the stage when it is a little bigger than this but still small.