

Unemployment Benefits

Payments made by a government, state, or other authorized body to people drawing unemployment.

500 Questions

If your drawing unemployment in one state and start work in another state can you keep drawing unemployment from the first?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may still be able to work when you are collecting unemployment benefits without losing your benefits. Rules vary from state to state, but typically if you work for less than a certain threshold of your former salary (e.g. 80%), unemployment will pay the difference between what you make and that threshold.

It seems you are asking whether you can work in State A and not notify State B where you collect unemployment, which is benefits fraud and is against the law, carrying severe penalties.

Can you collect unemployment and day trade stocks.If you make money day trading will it be taking from your unemployment?

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Asked by Wiki User

The stocks that you have currently being traded are assets and are not liquid, just like a house would be an asset that appreciates but is not considered cash-in-hand. If the asset remains in a non-liquid form but increases in value, even if it's traded, this should not affect unemployment insurance benefits. Capital gains occur when the stock is sold for a higher price than what it was originally purchased for and does become liquid, i.e. becomes cash-in-hand. Capital gains do have to be reported to the IRS and are taxed. If the capital gain is liquidated (sold), such may be considered as income that may affect unemployment insurance benefits dollar-to-dollar, but to make absolutely sure that the investment liquidation is privy to a reduction in benefits, I would call your local ESC office. I could not find anything in WA's ESC laws that state, specifically, the relationship between capital gains and unemployment compensation...then again, more than likely, not many people have this issue. At any rate, again, I would call the local ESC and I would think about calling your CPA to discuss the difference between how each are reported at the end of the year.

How does 401k disbursement affect unemployment in Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

In some states your unemployment benefits would be offset by the disbursement, especially that part of it which was contributed to by your employer. This is generally done in the week received against the week you got benefits.


This depends on what state you work in. Some are very liberal and others deduct pensions, retirements, Social Security, etc. so you need to contact your own state's employment office to find out what yours would do.


Some states offset your unemployment by a portion (usually the employer's contribution) and others aren't effected.

How long do you have to work for a company to receive unemployment?

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It's not really a matter of how long that you have been with one company. Your entire work history is evaluated, for the last year or so, the reason you left your last employer is an important consideration, as well as when you last received EI benefits. Generally, though 12 weeks of continuous employment will give you some benefits.

Can pastors receive unemployment benefits?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm so sorry for your loss. Been there.

Generally, you can't receive benefits since churches are not required by law to pay into unemployment insurance for their employees. Some churches do, so it's worth asking. Your only other recourse is to prove your church was a hostile workplace. This process could turn ugly, however, if you have been fired from a church position, the situation is already most likely pretty ugly. See your local unemployment office or website for information on starting this process.

In lieu of benefits, some churches will offer severance packages. Pastors would be wise to seek out help from local denominational leaders to negotiate for them and increase their chances of receiving benefits. Given the state of the economy, it is completely fair to ask for six months benefits, but most churches settle for three or less.

Don't allow a crushed self-esteem to keep you from applying for other ministry jobs right away. Ask other ministers' advice on how to explain your departure to future employers. Also, seek at least a part-time job while you wait. You will most likely be grossly over-qualified for the job, but at least you'll have the peace of mind of having an income, and you can quit as soon as God leads you to your new ministry opportunity.

If you get arrested can you still receive unemployment benefits?

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Most Unemployment requires that you have worked for a period of time and that you have been involuntarily released. There are organizations who have received grants to help him return to the work force, so contacting them right away would be a good start.

How long will a pending adjudication take for unemployment in NC?

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How long will a pending adjudication take for unemployment benefits in North Carolina

Can you receive unemployment compensation after receiving Disability payments in New York State?

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What can you do if you have no job and unemployment benefits have run out?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you have exhausted your unemployment extensions (they vary with each state), try contacting the social services or human resources department of your state for suggestions. There are many services available for people in your situation during these turbulent times. There is help out there.

How long do you need to be employed to collect NJ state unemployment benefits?

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Asked by Wiki User

It took me almost three weeks. They just have to take their time verifying your paperwork and whatnot. Besides your first week is unpaid so you have to keep that in mind and if you are granted benefits, you won't get them until your third week of claiming them. It never hurts to call them.

Well, that all depends on what was the outcome why you were separated from your job, if it was a no fault of your own. Here in New Jersey and many States they set a penalty of up to 6 weeks if you were fired, Keep in mind if you were fired for misconduct you will be mailed a letter that you do not qualify for benefits for 6 weeks from the date you file without retroactive pay, if you were lay-ed off, or your hours were cut then you will have no problems of receiving within a week. I was fired Sept 22, 2009 I filed that day and receiving a letter for a phone interview on Oct 8th during the interview via Phone I explained why I was terminated ;fortunately my story was the same in which the company stated but the failed to mention a few things which was in my favor. On the 14th my unemployment was in my direct Deposit account I receive from the State of New Jersey the maximum of 601.00 weekly and I will be moving to San Antonio Texas. There are times when people do have to wait a bit longer, keep in mind if you were fired don't let anyone tell you that you will not receive unemployment that is false, you have to do commit a "Gross Misconduct" to be denied benefits, Good luck.

Can you draw unemployment for more then 99 weeks?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there is currently no further extensions available. Congress only extended the existing benefits and did not add any further extensions. The best thing to do is write to congress and express your concerns.

Can you collect unemployment for gross misconduct?

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All states have their own definition for eligibility, but most exclude gross misconduct from eligibility to receive unemployment'

How long are unemployment benefits in Nevada?

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Asked by Wiki User

As in most states, Nevada's base period is the first 4 quarters of the last 5 completed calendar quarters. Now, you have to earn at least $400 in one of those quarters, and the total base period earnings has to be at least 1 1/2 times the highest quarter's earnings, OR you had to have earnings in at least 3 of 4 of those quarters. This could include several jobs, the last probably being the one charged, in most cases.

Do employers have to offer unemployment insurance?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on laws in your state,some states Like Massichusets require employers to pay unemployment insurance for one or more full time employees.and in some states employers only have to have unemployment insurance if they have over a certain number of full time employees..

How do you get unemployment benefits in New York State?

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Asked by Wiki User

To apply for NYS unemployment insurance, one needs to go to the New York State's unemployment insurance office. The applications can also be found online on New York State's website.

Is there unemployment benefits even though you have exhausted all benefits?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you live in a state with higher unemployment rates than the norm, there are extensions to the unemployment benefits one normally gets, and on the same basis. Otherwise, check with your state's Human Resources equivalent for things like Medicaid (for health), food stamps, etc. within each state, workers comp (if you were injured on the job), training (under some approved programs), etc. There was also the Stimulus Bill, and job extension bill signed into law 11/6/09.

How do you report unemployment insurance fraud?

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Asked by Twogreycats

This is for California, but you can find in the Related Link below.

Another answer:Each state's employment office has a department devoted to fraud. Contact your state's for specific advise.

What is the criteria that has to be met for qualifying for unemployment?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to qualify for unemployment benefits, an individual must have worked long enough to meet the monetary requirement of the state and be totally or partially separated from employment. If determined eligible for benefits, an individual must then meet the availability requirements of the state. Unemployment law varies from state to state.

Where do you go to see if you are approved for unemployment benefits?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because the answer here would be too complex, it's best to check with your own state's employment security office or their website for eligibility regarding how you left employment, as well as the monetary and non-monetary requirements for benefits.

Is there a penalty for collecting Social Security benefits and unemployment benefits?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. They are separate, independent programs that are not affect by the other. You can be eligible for both at the same time as long as you qualify for each of them.

Can one collect unemployment benefits is he is retireable?

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If you voluntarily leave your job, and are not laid off, then you are not eligible for unemployment. Also, while on unemployment, you must keep records of your job search that show you are looking. One of the things you verify when you call in weekly is that you are looking for work and are available to work. If not, you run the chance of having to repay the funds.

Can you collect unemployment for seasonal work in Illinois?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the laws of the state you work in. Most do not consider it eligible. Most also require wages earned in at least 2 of the 4 of the first 5 completed calendar quarters to be eligible

Are federal unemployment benefits taxable in Georgia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes your unemployment benefits will be taxable income in Georgia on your federal 1040 income tax return the first 2400 of your unemployment compensation that you received in the year 2009 will not subject to the federal income tax return.

How much supplemental income can you make while collecting unemployment?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the state of Maryland, you are allowed to make up to $100 per week.