

War Movies

War movies (also referred to as war films) are a film genre about warfare, military operations and related subjects. Popular war movies include “Dive Bombers,” “Saving Private Ryan,” and “Platoon.”

500 Questions

How many Oscar nominations for Saving Private Ryan?

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Five : Best Director , Cinematography , Film Editing , Sound Editing , Sound .

Are the characters in the movie 'Pearl Harbor' based on real people?

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The events were standard (acceptable); the actual life styles were politically correct to reflect today's one smoked cigarettes in the film (one or two token actors smoked). During WW2 even the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt smoked cigarettes; Churchill always smoked a cigar! Pappy Boyington, a WW2 USMC Corsair pilot ace, flicked his cigarette out of the plane's cockpit, then reclosed his indication that he was going in for the attack, during dog-fights. His squadron mates watched Pappy's moves, they knew when the attack would commence, by waiting for him to toss out his cigarette.

How many of private Ryan's brothers were killed?

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Private James Francis Ryan was one of four sons of William and Margaret Ryan. The other brothers were Daniel, Peter and Sean. All four enlisted in the US Army in the same company of the 29th Infantry Division for a period of time. However, the four brothers were reassigned to different units following the loss of the Sullivan Brothers in November of 1942. James, the youngest of the brothers, qualified as a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division and participated in Operation Overlord on June 6, 1944. All three brothers of Pvt James F. Ryan were killed in action within a couple of weeks of one another.

Source: On-line Encylopedia of Saving Private Ryan-

What time period did the movie 300 take place?

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The battle occurred during the time of Xerxes at Themoplyae. Just Wiki Thermoplyae or Xerxes, and there you have it. The Battle of Thermopylae was fought for 3 days in the late summer of 480 BC, September perhaps. There have been several books published by historians and each has a different date for the battle; from August to September. But 480 BC is the established year. History Link on Battle of Thermopylae:

Where to watch band of brothers?

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Obviously the best site to watch instant videos of Band of Brothers would be YouTube. Band of Brothers, a TV miniseries, was based on World War II stories from Stephen Ambrose's book based on the same title. Videos can also be watched on the OVGuide website or by subscribing to services such as Netflix.

How accurate was the movie Gettysburg?

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There really was a Roman emperor named Marcus Aurelius, and he had a son named Commodus, who succeeded him. In contrast to the movie, Marcus named Commodus his successor, rather than Maximus. However, some historians suspect Commodus did have a hand in his father's death. Commodus did not die in the arena. He was killed by a wrestler. After Commodus' death, Rome did not return to a republic as suggested in the movie. General Maximus Decimus Meridius is a fictitious character. There was a general named Avidius Cassius, who fought in the campaign depicted in the film and, upon hearing of Marcus' death, declared himself emperor of Rome. However, his own soldiers assassinated him. Later in Roman history, there was a general named Maximus, who appears to have had revolutionary ideas. Commodus really did have a sister named Lucilla, and, as depicted in the movie, she hated him. Lucilla was married to the co-emperor, Lucius Verus. Lucilla plotted to have Commodus assassinated, but Commodus had her exiled for the plot and later executed. So, unlike what happened in the movie, Commodus outlived his sister. It was another sister, not Lucilla, that Commodus was rumored to have had sexual relations. The tattoo on Maximus' arm reads, "SPQR." The letters relate to an often-used Latin phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus, which means "the Senate and People of Rome." However, it is highly unlikely a Roman general would have such a tattoo, as tattoos were worn by foreigners and lower-class citizens.

What are the top ten best movies?

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This is your opinion. However, IMDb, the biggest movie site in the world, has a list of 250 of the top-rated films.

1. The Shawshank Redemption - 1994 (Avg. 9.2)

2. The Godfather - 1972 (Avg. 9.2)

3. The Godfather: Part 2 - 1974 (Avg. 9.0)

4. The Good, That Bad, and the Ugly - 1966 (Avg. 8.9)

5. Pulp Fiction - 1994 (Avg. 8.9)

6. 12 Angry Men - 1993 (Avg. 8.9)

7. Schindler's List - 1993 (Avg. 8.9)

8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 1975 (Avg. 8.8)

9. The Dark Knight - 2008 (Avg. 8.8)

10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) (Avg. 8.8)

(The other films with an average rating of 8.8/10 are; Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back - 1980, Inception - 2010, Fight Club - 1999, Seven Samurai - 1954.

Why was the name Inglourious Basterds changed from Inglorious Bastards?

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it was intentionally done. Not entirely sure if they had any comical reasons behind it, however what i know for certain is the main reason for the change is to distinguish it from an old Italian war movie made in 1977 called "Inglorious Bastards".

Relative factual/comical note:

In Australia an old burger restaurant was named Burger King, hence the famous American burger restaurant's name has been replaced in the country to "Hungry Jacks".

The movie Black Hawk Down?

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The Movie is based on a book by the same name and is an accurate account of the ambush of American soldiers who were sent to Mogadishu, Somalia to help the country control the drug lords and terrorists. The main battle in the movie takes place on October 3, 1993.

Is the movie 300 based on a true story?

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Yes 300 is the retelling of the brave Spartan warriors who fought against Persia, now in modern days called Iran.

300 is VERY fact filled, right down to individual words spoken. These were really said:

"They look thirsty!" - Spartan

"Then Let's give them something to drink!" - Leonidas

"Immortals? We'll put their name to the test!" - Leonidas

"Only Spartan Women produce real men" - Gorgo

"We will fight in the shade" - Dieneces

"Tonight we dine in Hell" - Leonidas

Persian - "Spartans! Hand over your arms!"

Leonidas - "Come and get Them"

Ephialtes however was not deformed, nor ex-Spartan. He lived in Malis, a town in the hills south of Thermopylae. The number of Persians is actually underrated in the film!! Herodotus records there being 5,283,220 Persians (but that is probably a lie!) to 300's 2,000,000!!

In the film they actually put a piece of unhistorical clothing on the Spartans! They wore no sandals, from childhood they walked over sharp rocks and ashes to harden their soles. Other than that and a missing cuirass, their armor is fairly accurate.

Also, the Immortals were not souless beasts, just 10,000 crack troops recruited by Xerxes to be his bodyguard. They were not ninjaesque; they looked very much like the emissaries at the beginning of the movie.

Of Course 300 is a retelling of Thermopylae by the Spartans (Delios prior to the battle of Platea). So all that is shown in 300 is what the Spartans of course could have recounted it as! Deformed old creatures, huge half naked almost indestructable warriors. It's all relative!

However, a large number of warriors were left out of the movie. Alongside the 300 Spartans were most notably 700 Thespians and the 'Noble Band' of 300 Theban homosexuals who both stayed to the bitter end even though Leonidas had ordered the 6000 odd other Greeks to leave alongwith the Thespians the night before their annihilation.

The honours that people give always

Pass to those use-besotted gentleman

Whose numbskull courage is a kind of fear,

A fear of thought and of the oafish mothers

('Or with your shield or on it') in their rear.

Spartans cannot retreat. Why then, their praise

For going forward should be less than others.

But we, actors and critics of one play,

Of sober witted judgement, who could see

So many roads, and chose the Spartan way,

What has the popular report to say

Of us, the Thespians at Thermopylae?

-Norman Cameron

What movie had someone use a paper cutter as a weapon?

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Looking for tv movie made in 1975 World War 2 setting German tank goes after a damaged p-40 fighter plane on the desert floor of noth Africa?

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Waht was ???? I have the same question. WHO KNOW ???? Answer please..... Yes, I saw the movie in the 1970's. I could not remember the title, but I remembered that it had Lloyd Bridges and Eric Braeden, so I used their names to look up the title on the IMDb. The movie was called Death Race. I would like to see it again too.

Is Ryan a German name?

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No it is Gaelic -- Irish --means little king.

What actors played Ulysses S. Grant in the movies?

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Donald Crisp played General Grant in the 1915 silent epic movie "The Birth of a Nation".

In the 1930 movie "Only the Brave", General Grant was played by Guy Oliver.

Joseph Crehen played President Grant in "They Died with their Boots On" (1941) but he was not credited for it.

In John Wayne's 1959 "The Horse Soldiers", Stan Jonesplayed General Grant.

Harry Morgan played Grant in the 1962 version of "How the West Was Won".

Rod Steiger played him in the 1992 TV movie "Lincoln".

Senator Fred Thompson played General Grant in a 2007 TV movie "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee". And Harry Bulkeleyplayed him in a 2007 TV movie "Sherman's March".

What is the conflict in Dear John?

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When John and Savannah meet and fall in love in the time span of a couple of weeks. Their first argument is when Savannah suggests that John's father may be autistic. Then John leaves for his Army Special Forces job.

Give the similarity between love and friendship?

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They both involve caring for another person.

Is The General's Daughter a true story?

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It's based on the "Tailhook Scandal" - a scandal involving the United States Navy and USMC in which dozens of women were assaulted and raped by aviators, and the subsequent attempted cover up by senior military officers. See related link.

How many war movies has Clint Eastwood appeared in?

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"Away All Boats" (1956). Uncredited role.

"The Enemy Below" (1957). Uncredited role.

"Lafayette Escadrille" (1958).

"Where Eagles Dare" (1968).

"Kelly's Heroes" (1970).

"FireFox" (1982). Cold War.

"Heartbreak Ridge" (1986).

What movie was the song Indestructible by Disturbed used in?

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10,000 bc was one of them another ciil war movie that is all I know I am trying to find out who the woman marine was

How much money did braveheart make in the box office?

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The movie Brave made over $550 million at the box office ($554,606,532)

Who are the villains in All Quiet on the Western Front?

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No , not really . In both book and film the tragedy of war and the loss of life on both sides means that there could never be any heroes unless it would be 'Peace' personified . The reader/audience will identify with the lead character of Paul Baumer and will be sympathetic with the sufferings of the common soldier's experiences in war .

Does private ryan die in saving private ryan?

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Although his fate is not directly seen. Private Jackson is in the bell tower when it is hit by a shell from the tank below. He had no time to get out of the tower and was most likely killed in the explosion.
Yes, he probablly died because the tank shot the tower and it was destroyed.