


School Subjects

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500 Questions

How did culture start?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pop-culture did not start in the conventional sense, it describes the self-realization of popular trends in society and is not a tangible item. There is no true start to pop-culture as humans have always possessed self-awareness since the dawn of man.

What led to the diaspora?

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Asked by Wiki User

The last decisive event that led to the Jewish diaspora, had to do with the Roman inflicted genocide of Jews in 70 AD. This event still is one of the major reasons of conflict between Israel, Palestine and Arabic nations today.

Acording to the historian Josephus: "Josephus claims that 1,100,000 people were killed during the siege, of which a majority were Jewish, and that 97,000 were captured and enslaved, including Simon bar Giora and John of Giscala."[4]

Those who survived where taken captive and sent to Rome to serve as slaves.

Many fled to other Mediterranean countries; such as Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Syria Jordan, Morocco, etc.

After the genocide, the Romans introduced people from different surrounding nations, (mostly Arabic) and called it Palestine.

If you want further information about this go to Wikipedia under:

"Seige of Jerusalem (70)".

What is the prefix of the word acknowledge?

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Asked by Wiki User

The prefix of the word "acknowledge" is "ack-"

What is an English word with the suffix ary?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of an English word with the suffix "ary" is "legendary," which means something remarkable or noteworthy.

Words with prefix chron?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words with the prefix "chron" include chronological, chronicle, chronology, and chronometer.

What prefix means speak against?

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Asked by Wiki User

The prefix "anti-" means to oppose or speak against something.

What words have the prefix arm?

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Asked by Kevin278

Some words with the prefix "arm" are armchair, armory, and armadillo.

What is a word that has the prefix ana in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Two popularized worda are anabolic (as in steroids) and anaphylactic (shock).

The prefix ana- means "back" or "up". Anabolic refers to building tissue structures, while anaphylaxis is the buildup of immune antibodies, as in hypersensitivity.

What are the 3 types of history in the bible?

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Asked by Wiki User

oral history , written history , history reccounted

What are the Types of history?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main types of history include political history (focuses on governments and rulers), social history (examines society and culture), economic history (studies economic systems and development), and cultural history (explores art, literature, and ideas). Other types include military history, environmental history, and gender history.

What does the prefix hemo- mean in science?

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Asked by Wiki User

The prefix hemo- in science refers to blood. It is commonly used in terms related to blood or blood components, such as hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen) or hematology (the study of blood and blood-related disorders).

Is the word seismo a Greek prefix meaning earthquake?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "seismo" is not a Greek prefix. The Greek prefix for earthquake is "seismo-." In Greek, "seismos" means earthquake, so "seismo-" is used as a prefix in words related to earthquakes or seismic activity.

What is the root word of dejected?

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Asked by Wiki User

Latin "deicere," from "de" + "jacere," meaning "thrown down." Today it's used only in adjective form, as in "The players were dejected after their loss."

What is example of intended curriculum?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of intended curriculum is the set of learning objectives, standards, and expectations designed by educational institutions for a specific course or program. It outlines what students are expected to learn and achieve.

Is class room one or two words?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Classroom" is typically written as one word.

Why do you study English and is it important to you?

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Asked by Wiki User

I study English to improve my communication skills, expand my vocabulary, and enhance my understanding of the language. It is important to me because proficiency in English can open up opportunities for career advancement, academic success, and cultural engagement.

How does homework cause stress and pressure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homework can cause stress and pressure by creating time constraints, increasing workload, and requiring students to balance multiple responsibilities. The fear of not completing homework or doing it poorly can also intensify stress and pressure, leading to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

What subsidize the cost of private school for parents who want to take their children out of poor quality public school?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to subsidize the cost of private school for parents is through school voucher programs, where the government provides funding to parents to help cover the cost of private school tuition. Another option is tax credit scholarships, where individuals or corporations receive tax credits for donating to scholarship organizations that assist families with private school expenses. Additionally, Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) allow parents to use state funds to pay for private school tuition, among other educational expenses.

Do public schools have more opportunities than private school?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the specific schools and their resources. Public schools may offer a wider range of programs and services due to government funding, while private schools may have smaller class sizes and specialized resources. Ultimately, opportunities can vary based on individual school offerings and priorities.

What instrument measures the length of a classroom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Meter stick
I'm thinking you would use a tape measure

What are some good exuces for not turning in homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's best to be honest and take ownership when communicating about missed homework. You could mention a family emergency, technical difficulties, or illness that prevented you from completing the assignment. It's important to communicate any issues as soon as possible to your teacher and ask for an extension if needed.

Should you go to class if you forgot your homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it's important to attend class regardless of whether you forgot your homework. You can explain the situation to your teacher and work on submitting the homework later. It's better to stay engaged in the learning process by attending class.

What country did the word homework come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "homework" originated in the United States in the 19th century. It is a compound word formed from "home" and "work," reflecting the idea of schoolwork or tasks assigned to be completed at home.

What are the best books to prepare for SAT?

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Asked by Gigousha

Some popular SAT prep books include "The Official SAT Study Guide" by The College Board, "Barron's SAT" by Sharon Weiner Green and Ira K. Wolf, and "Kaplan SAT Prep Plus." It's important to choose a book that aligns with your learning style and provides thorough coverage of the exam content.

How do you delete homework on sims 3?

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Asked by Yolilcutey

To delete homework in Sims 3, click on the student Sim's inventory, find the homework item, and drag it to the trash can icon on the bottom right of the screen. This will permanently delete the homework item from the game.